

Geneveive Tessa Robert


According to an online page I read, the Hotel New Grand is the best place to book a room whenever you come over to Paris for a family vacation. Mom had suggested we celebrate the holidays in another country, and according to the votes, France was the pick. So, on a bright Friday morning, everyone hopped into Dad’s friend's private plane, and the next day we arrived in Paris.

I couldn’t sleep through the flight because of the kids, but my mom assured me it was fine. They were almost two anyway! I was still worried, so I read through the historical novel I brought along and buried myself in it until I slept off.

Mom’s voice woke me up. We were about to land. I scanned everyone in the suite: mom, dad, Vera, James, a cousin, Mary, and her kids. She was from Dad’s side of the family. I didn’t know her too well because her mom, Dad’s sister, never visited us while we were in Arizona. She was married to royalty, so it was pretty hard for her to visit family members in other countries. Her husband was late, and he had willed everything he had to her and her children. 

We walked slowly out of the plane, and mom talked to the security guards at the airport as we passed through the security checks and protocols. Dad had made arrangements for jeeps to take us home, so I simply let James and Dad set up Nicholas, Hope, and Mary’s kids: Vivian and Neil, ten and eight years old.

Mom, Vera, and I stayed with the kids while James and Dad took the other Jeep. I drifted into another bout of sleep. I was extremely exhausted.

We arrived at Hotel New Grand and got our keys. Mom and Mary were in one room, and Dad and James were in another room, while Vera and I took the family suite due to the twins. 

I entered the guest room, and I couldn’t believe my eyes. The room was furnished with hand-made furniture and wall papers similar to something my company made once for a client. There was a large marble bathroom, a smaller one for kids, a family-size bed and a smaller one for kids, air conditioning, a work area with free internet access, and a walk-in closet. There was also a terrace with a sea view.

There was a kitchenette, too. I was awed. I didn’t expect this for a family suite.

‘Wow, this is amazing. I thought Hotel New Grand was bluffing when I saw their advertisements, but this is top-notch. They really did fine.’ Vera said, checking the walk-in closet. ‘I am going to enjoy this holiday.’

I smiled. ‘It’s amazing. I love everything about this. Let’s get the kids into the bathtub and make them rest before mom comes for them. She wants to take them out on their first Paris visit in the afternoon. Would you go with her?’

Vera shrugged. ‘No, your mom is still upset. James and I are still fighting. Although I tried to tell her we had settled, she wouldn’t believe me. Imagine what she will preach about when I follow the kids. Why can’t you go with her?’

I laughed. Mom won’t believe them because they kept on acting like strangers even though they were settled. I had given up on interfering. They were two adults, and whatever they chose to do, it was their choice, not mine.

‘I am not going to say anything about you and James. I am done. I am behind my art project, dear. I am due in three days, and all my teammates are waiting for me to put the final touches.’

‘That art class has been going on for a long time. When are you graduating?’

I smiled. ‘Next year, dear. You know, I put a pause on my programme last year due to the twins, and I had to recover too. Mom agreed to take care of them for me, so I can’t go with her. Please go with her. The kids will behave better if they see their godmother is with them.

She sighed, picking up one of Hope’s toys, but the toddler yelled immediately. She returned it, rubbing Hope’s dark hair. ‘I will go with your mom, but you owe me one.’

‘I don’t. You are on this trip because of the many ones I owe you, so add this one to your list of paid ones.’

She chuckled, walking into the bathtub. ‘I am going to warm the bath water for the twins. Get them ready.’

I picked up a giggling Hope from her toys. She had been pretty happy since we arrived at the hotel. I thought the flight would make her sleep like Nicholas, who was already long gone in dreamland.

I dropped Hope with Vera while I argued within myself about whether to wake Nicholas or let him sleep. I choose the former. He hadn’t eaten except for the mashed potatoes we brought along from the hotel kitchen. 

An hour later, I woke them up for another meal before letting them play. James came around, and we had small talks about the hotel services and food. He also informed me about our schedule for the week, which was a lot. There were a lot of tours, places to visit, and families to see. Mom also bought tickets for blockbusters and an opera special. I was already tired before we got started.

He left to check on Dad. They had a golf game with a family they met a few minutes ago. Dad was good at making friends easily, while Mom made friends if necessary. She liked to keep to herself, but her kindness and niceness always got the better of her. I picked up my phone and idly checked my mail. 

There were a lot of updates from my personal assistant on the jobs we had completed before the holidays. Most were reviews, while a few were job requests, and she wanted to know if we could book them for next year. I scrolled through other mail and dropped my phone.


I won’t be caught working on my holiday.

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