

Kyle King


The wedding ceremony finally came and went. We travelled to Paris on Ava’s insistence, and I couldn’t say no. She had become less troublesome ever since our little fight. I was surprised she didn’t report me to the cops or her dad after all the threats. Well, she won’t. I had been letting her have her way, and finally, I showed her who the real Kyle King was.

She rolled on the bed, smiling peacefully. We were still in one of the resorts in France and had planned to rest all day after spending the week on tour and in bed. I was restless, though. I have been thinking about the wedding and what Uncle David said to me before I travelled for this honeymoon.

‘So, you are going to marry Ava? I thought you were slowing things down until you knew she was the right woman after Tessa?’

I smiled, feeling indifferent to his statement. ‘ I am certain about Ava now, sir. The longer I wait, the longer I delay my chances of a second chance at marriage and having a child. I don’t want to die without an heir, Uncle, so this was the best decision.’

He laughed, ‘Are you sure this is about an heir or a way to forget about Tessa? You know you can still admit you love her, right?’

I stood up immediately and said, ‘Enjoy your trip to New Jersey, Uncle, and thank you for the present.’

‘You can’t run from the truth, son. I will give you a call once I arrive there. I have a nice married life.’ he replied, taking a bottle of champagne with him.

I wasn’t running from the truth, and honestly, in Ava’s arms, it was home. I couldn’t regret having her as my wife. 

I stepped out of bed, walked into the shower, and in a few minutes, I was done. I picked a white t-shirt and black trousers. I needed to clear my head. I wrote a note and placed it beside Ava. I didn’t want her to wake up worried about my whereabouts. 

The street was filled with people and vehicles. I strolled, stopping to speak with a few people who I had made friends with during my last visit. I was looking for a cafe that sold a nice lunch and had a calm environment. They described the best one on the street, and thankfully, it was trekable. 

‘Hello, sir. Would you like to place your order? ‘ The waiter asked, picking up a menu and handing it over to me.

I scanned through it and said, ‘Right. I think honey chocolate pancakes and a glass of apple juice.’ 

The waiter nodded. ‘It will be ready in fifteen minutes. Would you like to watch something on television?’

I scanned the room and noticed I was the only customer in the room. ‘Yes, it will be a great distraction.’

‘Where is everyone, though? I was told this is one of the busiest cafes in town and everyone’s favourite place to get pizza. Was I told wrong?’

The waiter chuckled, ‘No, you didn’t. You are just a bit late. Our rush hour crowd just left an hour ago, and soon, the high school kids and moms will be taking the empty places.’


I nodded. ‘That’s good. I will be expecting the pancakes; thank you.’

The waiter smiled, walking into a room that I suspected was the kitchen. The place wasn’t big, but the setting was beautiful, just like normal cafes in the States. They also had a karaoke stand and books on a shelf for those customers who loved to read while they ate. It was a brilliant set-up.

While I idly watched the television, an elderly woman walked in with a stroller. A baby was in there. She looked vaguely familiar with her poise and the way she spoke, but I waved it off. She must be one of those tourists we met last week. The rich ones who kept to themselves and only commented when the tourist asked some historical questions. 

I picked up my phone, scrolling through the last messages that just popped up. It was from Xavier. He wanted to know when I would be coming back and reminded me of the meeting with a certain client I had no idea about. 

I replied, informing him that I would be back by next week and that the client’s meeting should be rescheduled. I couldn’t rush my honeymoon because of some clients who mightn’t sign a deal with us later.

I resumed watching the elderly woman, who wore a hat and sunglasses. I couldn’t see her face. She took a swift look at the room and rested her eyes for a minute before collecting her order from the waiter. She looked at me again and left with the stroller. The baby was giggling as she walked out. I couldn’t shake the old woman’s stare.

‘Alright, sir. Here is your lunch,’ the waiter said, dropping the plate.

I smiled, looking at the plate. ‘Thank you. Can you put some in a paper bag for me? I have a hungry wife waiting for me at the resort.’

‘Alright, sir. I will tell the kitchen staff and will be back in a minute with it.’

The pancakes were the best I had tasted in a while, and the apple juice was cold. I enjoyed every bit of my stay at the restaurant. The waiter also proved to be a great connection, and I dropped my business card just in case she had anyone who wanted our services in the States or in Paris.

I returned home after a long day of strolling, watching a football match, and stopping at a store to get a necklace for Ava and a box of chocolates. 

‘Kyle! You are home! What took you so long?’

‘I wanted to feel the Paris spirit before we returned home next week. You know we still have a lot to cover before the end of our honeymoon.’

She smiled. ‘You are right, babe. Did you get the necklace?

I handed her the box. ‘There’s a box of chocolate in there, and I also bought pancakes for you.’

She grabbed the box and rushed into the bedroom, calling her friends to inform them about the collection of her jewelry. I dropped the paper bag on the table and strolled outside.

I was still haunted by the words of my uncle.

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