

Kyle King

Three hours have passed since Uncle David scheduled our meeting. I dialled his number again, but it was switched off. Xavier had long given up on Uncle David's showing up. He was talking to one of the bartenders in Lourdes, probably trying to get a girl’s number or maybe secure a spot in their exclusive karaoke night.

Last week was drama-filled. The wedding had to be shifted to next month because Ava was pissed at the entire world for trying to ruin her image after the seminar. She fought more with me and spent almost all the money in our joint account until I was forced to remove her as a signatory. Did she learn her lesson? No. She came to the company, embarrassed me, and made sure everyone knew how I was trying to get her pregnant because my dumb ex-wife couldn’t do it. She also called me names I can’t even whisper in my heart. Mom sided with her this time around, and I ensured I reminded her about the playboy incident. If she repeated that act, I was going to personally advertise it on the company’s page. She almost cursed me.

For Uncle David, he explained why he locked the company’s account. I couldn’t handle my wife. He had placed a lot of stake in the company to watch it flow into Ava’s account or my mom's. I had apologized, but after I warned him not to make decisions without consulting me first, I was also reminded of his place in the company. He could leave if he wanted to; we didn’t owe him anymore. He had been pissed about my comment and promised to think about it. He later apologized for everything. 

The tech company unveiling was tomorrow. We planned a big party, and Uncle David suggested we invite all the big CEOs in town. According to him, it will give us more recognition. I agreed. We were supposed to meet up to discuss our new plans for the company. 

I dialled his number again. Still switched off. I guess he wasn’t coming again. I signalled to Xavier that I was going. I was extremely tired after a long day of work activities and strenuous tasks. If only Ava would take more interest in the company’s activities. At least, the workload would be reduced for me.

I sighed, jumping out of the car. Xavier wasn’t out. I probably had more plans with the bartender, and I wasn’t interested in knowing. 

I checked my phone again to see if Uncle David had decided to call back. Nothing. I sent him a text message and hoped he was alright. I could have checked him up in his house, but the man hated unexpected visits. He was a busy man, so probably something came up. 

The car stopped in crazy traffic. I sighed, listening to the sound of my stomach. I hadn’t eaten anything today except for some doughnuts and coffee. I checked through the cafes on the street as the chauffeur drove slowly through the traffic; none seemed to be selling the kind of food I needed at the moment. A plate of hot pottage and some chicken soup. Weird combination, but that was what my body needed.

I must have fallen asleep because, when I woke up, the chauffeur was smiling widely at me. 

‘I didn’t want to disturb you, sir, but Miss. Ava will be upset if I tell her you were sleeping in the car.’ he said, taking my briefcase and suit. ‘I will help you with this. You look extremely tired.’

I yawned, showing I was. ‘Thank you, Pete. I owe you one.’

He chuckled, opening the door and stepping aside. ‘You owe me nothing, sir. I am just doing my job and ensuring you arrive at your home safe and sound.’

‘Thank you, still.’ I replied, taking my briefcase. ‘Not all chauffeurs treat their bosses well, but you do. Thank you.’

He smiled and said,'I never thought; I will see the day you will be sincerely grateful, Mr. Kyle. You were always shouting orders at everyone, while Mrs. Tessa was the kind one. Now, it looks like the roles have changed. Have a good night, sir.’ 

He walked out, closing the door behind him. 

Mrs. Tessa was the kind one.

I couldn’t argue about that. Tessa had always been kind to the staff while I barked at them or bullied them. I was brought up that way. Being kind makes you weak. So, being ruthless was the only thing I knew until I met Tessa. I reduced a bit, but I didn’t forget my training. No one respected a kind fellow. Maybe that explains why mom and Tessa never got along.

I caught myself suddenly. I shouldn’t be thinking about her, but about Ava. 

‘You are home early. Your uncle didn’t show up?’ Ava asked, taking my suitcase. 

I shook my head negatively. ‘No, he didn’t. I think something urgent came up, and he didn’t have the time to send a text message to him about his change of plans. I left a text message for him, just in case he arrived at Lourdes and didn’t see him.’

She nodded. ‘That’s fair. Anyway, I need some money for my car maintenance. It’s been a while since I took it over to the auto repair shop.’

I knew there was a reason why she was suddenly concerned about my day.

‘I don’t have cash for that, Ava. The tech company has taken a lot of my funds, as have the wedding plans. You will have to take care of the bill by yourself,’ I said, removing her hands from my body.

She got up immediately and said, ‘You can’t do that, Kyle! Don’t forget, I helped you pay that debt of the Roberts. So, you owe me, and I am not going to take no as an answer.’

I laughed. ‘You shouldn’t raise your voice at me. Also, that money you allegedly helped me with has already been paid off. Have you forgotten about the money you took from the joint account or Uncle David’s joint account with the company? Look, Ava, I don’t want to fight you tonight, so please stop it.’

‘You fool! You know I can easily walk out of this marriage, right? All those arrangements you have made will be a waste, dear, and at the end of the day, there will be no bride to weep with you!’ she said, glaring at me.

I grabbed her right hand, squeezing it, and said, ‘You aren’t going anywhere, Ava. Your family gave you to my mom as a gift, and the King’s family never rejects a gift. You’re mine, and you know, without me, you will be nothing but a supermodel running after her father and begging for a monthly income. Also, I know how obsessed you are about being a king, and remember the years you made me wait for you while you had fun with other men? Oh dear, there’s no escape, so respect yourself now.’

She tried to drag her hand; tears were dropping. ‘Kyle, you are inhumane! Little wonder Tessa left you. I hate ever falling for you!’

I let go of her hand. ‘Indeed, sweetheart.’

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