

Geneveive Tessa Robert

I agreed to attend the monthly meeting of the company because it’s been a while since I've been actively involved in any programme. Also, due to my kids and the interior design building construction, I wasn't  available to assume my full responsibilities as director of my assigned department, which was administration. Dad wasn’t bothered because I was his daughter, after all, but James? He reminded me that I was still a remote employee of the family.

After the long talks and a long speech I had prepared as a comeback and the public relations officer sharing new updates on our branch in Nashville and a client’s successful contract with the company, Dad brought the meeting to an end. 

Everyone clocked around me, asking about Hope and Nicholas. They weren’t familiar faces because our branch in the United Kingdom was run by a relative, so I never had the chance to pop up here until we relocated.

I just smiled and shook hands with most until a familiar voice greeted me. James.

‘Silly! I didn’t see you in the meeting, so, when did you come here?’ I asked, laughing. 

He smiled, placing his hand around me. ‘Few minutes ago. How was the meeting? I hope Mom didn’t bore you with the marketing strategies that worked and didn’t for the month. That’s her forte.’

‘She didn’t bore me though, but I noticed some employees were nodding idly even when they didn’t understand half of what she said.’ I laughed. ‘Dad’s report was the usual motivation speech and routine checkup on every head of department. There’s also a party tonight. Will you be coming?’

James shook his head. ‘I won’t. These British ladies enjoy their fellow men more than the reserved American gentlemen like me. So, I will rather watch over the twins, read a book, and sleep.’

I laughed, ‘I am not going to allow you to stay home with the twins. Mum will be taking care of them while you, Vera, and I will be having great fun. You should invite your friends too. I am sure you have made a couple since you moved here.’

‘Vera? I don’t want to come. Your friend is in big trouble, and I want none of her issues tonight.’ He said, following me outside the room.

I noticed everyone had left, including our parents, while we talked. I had been so engrossed with our conversation that I didn’t notice. I looked at James; he had changed the colour of his hair to dark brown, and honestly, it fitted him, although I still preferred the natural colour, which was brown.

I focused on the issue on the ground. Vera had told me what happened between them. She wanted to be friends with him and nothing more, but my little brother wanted more. She had been clear right from when he approached her, and he agreed until one night he professed his feelings. She had been angry and said a lot of unkind words to her. James had been a gentleman and walked away. She couldn’t bring herself to apologize and had been avoiding him until she discovered her relocation to the United Kingdom had been approved. 

I advised her to apologize to him and stop making James feel guilty. He was human enough to have fallen for her again, but that didn’t justify him breaking their ‘no commitment rule', and she shouldn’t blame him still. Love was no respecter of persons.

I arranged my words as I settled in his office, taking the cup of creamy coffee from him. 

‘Vera told me what happened between you guys. I don’t want to intervene because I warned you, but you’re my little brother, and I am not pleased about the fight going on at the moment. James, if Vera is truly yours, someday she will be, but for now, I think you should let GP. It’s like fighting a lost battle. I know she insulted you for loving her. That’s wrong, and you did great by not responding. So, please, tonight, when she apologizes, accept it and move on. ‘

He raised his head and said, ‘I will, sister. I hope I will find someone who can love me just like you did with that fool, Kyle. By the way, he’s getting married to that supermodel, Avaline.’ 

Avaline? He was getting married to her. He couldn’t even wait two or three years before moving on! I couldn’t believe it, and suddenly, I brought out my phone and went straight to Ava’s social media page. The photos of her wedding dress were the first thing that greeted me, followed by pictures of several outings with Kyle and another with Dahila and Katherine.

Nice. One happy family. I logged out before their memories affected my mood. If he wanted to get married, then so be it. It wasn’t my business, and that’s what I told James.

‘I wish him the best, James. We are divorced, and from the looks of things, I don’t think we will be coming back together anymore. I am fine taking care of the kids by myself, and I have you, mom, dad, and Vera here with me. I think that’s enough for me.’ I said, taking a long sip of the coffee.

He stared affectionately at me. ‘Are you sure you will be fine?’

I nodded. ‘Yeah, I will be fine. I need to check up on Dad. He wants me to do some designs for him before I return to the kids. Vera must be exhausted by now.’ 

He chuckled. ‘Your friend can handle them, so don’t worry. By the way, Dad has a lot of ideas, so you might want to order a lot of food because you won’t be given a break until you are done.’

‘What?’ I asked, standing up. ‘I didn’t know that’s how Dad worked these days. I will just try to complete the designs and leave immediately before he dumps another job for me. I am still on a break.’ 

‘Big sis, I officially welcome you to Robert’s headquarters,’ he laughed, hugging me.

I fell into his arms, comparing my life suddenly with Ava’s own. She had finally gotten the man.

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