

Genevieve Tessa Robert

I cleared my throat, breaking his stupid gaze from my body. The man was a skunk! 

‘Here are the videos, sir. Please check them carefully like you did with my body and tell me the ones you like, alright?’ I said, giving him the iPad. I hope he got my sarcasm.

He chuckled. ‘You shouldn’t blame a man, dear. You are gold, Genevieve.’

I said nothing. He was a stubborn man, and if I replied, it would give him room to start his rubbish again.

When he noticed I was quiet, he sighed and focused on the iPad. The videos were a lot, but he scrolled through them, watching, skipping some after a second of watching, and he finally agreed on a waterfall wallpaper design. I discussed the process and promised to send a demo by tomorrow morning so that he could get a feel for what it looks like. He agreed. 

We spent another day trying to find the best wallpaper for his home, and he finally chose two that gave off the feeling of winter and landscape. 

‘These are nice choices, Mr. McPhee. I will send your preferences to the team, and they will work on the demo videos so that you can get a feel for what the end results will be. If you have any suggestions or corrections, you can send them to my secretary.’

He smiled, sipping his cup of coffee. ‘You’re a professional, so I trust your process. I will be expecting the videos. Thank you so much. I don’t know if you would like to hang out sometime. It's not a business date, though. Just a friendly lunch where we can get to know each other better.’

He finally asked me out. The jerk! Did he think I was interested in going out with him? I wanted to give him a befitting response, but I remembered that I just signed a major contract with him.

‘I am a busy woman, Mr. McPhee, and I don't go out on dates with my clients. I love to respect myself and my principles. I hope you don’t feel offended, though. Thank you for the offer.’

He sighed, ‘Come on, Tessa. I have seen the way you behave around me. I know there is a connection, and I am sure if you let me in, we will be perfect together. You just have to give me a chance to prove myself to you. I have money and fame to take care of you and your kids.’

I laughed, folding my hands. ‘Firstly, it is generous to you and not Tessa, please. Secondly, I can see you have been doing a lot of research on my personal lifestyle. That’s really cool. Anyway, I won’t change my stance. It’s a no, and thank you once again for the invitation.’

He stood up, adjusting his suit, and said, ‘Never say never, Genevieve. I will keep in touch. Have a nice afternoon.’

‘Wait,'I called. ‘You know my parents are the Roberts clan, right? So, next time you come in here, remember that I don’t need a man to take care of my finances. Enjoy the rest of your day too.’

‘Of course, Miss Genevieve I won’t forget that fact.’

I fell into my chair immediately; he was gone. The man was a piece of work. Imagine him shooting his shots in a business meeting. He even had the audacity to rub his wealth on my face! I called Halsey. My mom would be here in thirty minutes, and I know she won’t allow me to work until she is done with whatever she has to do in the office. 

Halsey knocked, then walked in. Her lips were tightened, and I sensed something was wrong. Mr. McPhee.

‘What did he do this time?’ I asked, watching her.

She breathed deeply, then replied, ‘He called me an old timer who is supposed to be staying in the A****n. I told him that was offensive, and the next thing he will say is that I should visit A****n first and see my kind. How can he say such things?’

I held back my laughter. Well, Halsey sometimes behaved like one who just came from the ice age. She hated technology and would refuse to learn, even if it was going to save her life. 

‘I am sorry about Mr. McPhee. That was rude and unkind of him. I will give him a call and warn him, okay?’ 

She grunted, ‘He owes me an apology too. He can’t just talk to me that way and walk away, ma’am. Even though he’s the company’s top client, that doesn’t mean he can talk to someone anyhow.’ 

‘I will tell him to call you personally and apologize. Would that be okay?’

‘Yes, thank you, ma.’ she smiled. ‘Your mom’s appointment is in twenty minutes. Should I get her favourite lunch from Liverpool Chicken Pot?’


I nodded. ‘Please do. She wanted dinner, but I would be with Mr. Luke by that time. Get a package for yourself too, okay?’

She grinned, ‘Thank you, ma. Is there anything else you need me to do?

I picked up my IPAD, selected the videos Mr. McPhee had chosen, and sent them via mail to her. ‘I just sent Mr. McPhee's preferred designs to you. Please send them to the team and ask them to create demo videos, which I can send by tomorrow morning. It should be well detailed and organized.’

‘Alright, ma. Let me get the chicken pot.’ she replied.



I picked up another chicken chop and threw it in my mouth while watching the twins throw their toys around the room. Mom had brought them from the house, and even though I was pleased to see them, I was somehow pissed that she didn’t allow them to rest. I always ensured they had their siesta from three o’clock to five o'clock. It was necessary for their growth and well-being.

‘Mummy! Nicholas is cheating!’ Hope called, dragging the Superman toy from Nicholas.

‘No, you played first,’ Nicholas cried, dragging it. 

I sighed as Estella separated them. Thank God she was here. I couldn’t handle them on my own when I was in the office. There were a lot of distractions.

‘By the way, a huge business deal just came in for the family. The mayor of California wants us to remodel his mansion and hotel. I accepted the deal, and that means you will be traveling to the United States next week.’

What did she just say? Next Week? To a country that held her past life? No. She couldn’t return there. What if they run into Kyle? No. 

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