

Kyle King

The waiter dropped a bottle of Bailey’s on the table and helped me pour a glass. I thanked him, picked up the glass, and my mind settled on the new information I just got. Tessa. I wondered what would happen if we met. It will definitely be awkward and uncomfortable, but something in me knew I would enjoy seeing her again. I couldn’t lie to myself. I had missed her a lot since I got married to Ava, and most of the time, I found myself comparing activities that Ava did with how Tessa would have done them.


I scanned the page again. I could see James talking with Mrs. Belle. They seem to get along better. Good for them. I couldn’t see myself having a conversation ever again with her. Not after tonight’s experience. My eyes moved past them, and soon I found Tessa. She was with a man, laughing and holding hands with him. Was that her husband? My heartbeat suddenly increased its pace. If she was married, that means I would have to tread carefully.


But what was I thinking? That she would stay single forever? Even though she couldn’t have children, that didn’t mean a man wouldn’t want to marry her. Tessa was beautiful. She looked more beautiful in her red hair and black gown, which held tightly to her body, showing all her curves. I couldn’t stop myself from thinking about the times when her body used to do things to me. I rose up, taking a last sip from the glass, and strode towards them. It won’t hurt to say hello to my ex-wife.

She saw me before I uttered the words I had been practicing since I set my eyes on her a few minutes ago. I couldn’t read her facial expression, but one thing her eyes told me was that she wasn’t pleased to see me.

‘Hello, Kyle King. James told me you were here. I thought you had the sense to keep your distance, but no, you came looking for me. What do you want?’ she asked, staring icily at me.

I swallowed. This was going to be harder than I thought. ‘I came to apologize for everything that happened to us. I am very sorry for how I treated you and ended things.’

She chuckled, ‘Interesting, Kyle. Did you just realize you owe me an apology? It’s been four years, and I am sure you had a lot of time to do this, but knowing you, you were just waiting for the right time to draw attention to yourself.’

‘No, Tessa. I wanted to apologize after we saw each other in the courthouse, but a lot of things happened, and you relocated. I couldn’t get any address or contact information to reach you.’

‘Lies, Kyle. Big fat lies! I don’t know what you expected from me when you decided to come over here, but I am sorry. You are in the past, and so are your apologies. Please, excuse me.’

I grabbed her hands and said, ‘Please, Tessa. I just want us to talk and put the past behind us.’

She yelled, attracting the crowd around us, ‘Don’t you ever touch me again in your life! I told you it’s too late for conversations or apologies. Stay in your lane, Kyle.’

‘But…’ I said, but she was already out of the hall. I rushed after her and bumped into the mayor’s wife, carrying a two-step cake. I watched the cake fall, and Mrs. Belle yelled an angry curse. 

‘I warned you to stay away from me tonight, but you didn’t listen! See what you have caused now, fool!’ She glared at me as the waitresses tried to save the part of the cake that hadn’t hit the floor fully.

I mumbled a sorry, but she ignored me and ordered the guards to escort me out. I couldn’t believe I had hurt two people in one night.


I walked into the car after spending more than thirty minutes looking for Tessa. She had either returned home or was hiding from me. I texted Xavier to meet me in the parking lot when he was done having fun. The party was over for me. I scrolled through the text messages Ava just sent. They were saying the same thing: Why are you with that barren ex-wife?. I sighed. Novelty travelled faster in the news world. Someone must have sent her a video while I was with Tessa. I sent her a message telling her we had bumped into each other and parted ways after I apologized. Nothing happened between us. 

I hoped that would keep her nerves down. As for me, I couldn’t delete the image of Tessa from my mind, nor could I ignore how my heart flutters when I touch her. Her soft skin. Her facial expression when she was angry. I had missed everything. I caught myself immediately. I am a married man. I shouldn’t be thinking about her, but seeing her brought back old memories that I couldn’t quench just like that.

We mightn’t get back together because I already had Ava, but we could still be friends. I had to find where she was staying and try to set up a meeting with her. It would do his heart good if she finally forgave him. He was tired of feeling guilty anytime he remembered her, and maybe this feeling that was arising would dissolve too. 

Xavier opened the car door, smiling like a big bear. ‘You are always attracting attention to yourself. Could you not let Tessa be and focus on enjoying the party? ’

I sighed. ‘I was drawn to her immediately when James told me she was here. I couldn’t control myself, Xavier.’

He looked strangely at me and said, ‘I thought your feelings died for her, or rather, you never loved her. What is happening now?’

‘I don’t know. I can’t explain it. It’s been four years. I just want to beg her forgiveness and move on finally.’

‘I don’t understand you, Kyle. Once, you wouldn’t even agree that you owed her an apology, and now you are begging her publicly for forgiveness? Is it because of the issues between you and Ava, or are you having sleepless nights?’

I sighed again. ‘Just help me find where she’s staying or doing in California, Xavier. Please, man!’

He chuckled. ‘Alright, since you are desperate, I will ask one of my connections tomorrow. Can we go home now?’

I nodded, not saying anything. I couldn’t understand what was going on with me, but I knew once I saw Tessa again, I would be free from whatever I felt.

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