

Kyle King

Anytime I came to California, there was always a list of invites awaiting me. This evening was no exception. The mayor had invited me to represent my mom at his company birthday and anniversary party. I wanted to politely decline because the week had been stressful due to the activities of the workshop. 

 While Xavier seemed to be having the best time of his life, I was struggling to understand the concepts and ideologies of the workshop. I was also up in the midnights reading through reports or job updates sent from Nashville. Instead of falling into bed right now, I was wearing a white tuxedo, black trousers and shoes, and a weak smile. I was exhausted, but I had to be at Mayor Kim’s party.  

Mum had known him through my dad, and they had kept the friendship after the painful exit of my father. I had met Mayor Kim a few times, and he was a reliable and humorous man. I knew less about his wife because she was like the younger version of Ava. Partying, travelling, and always on shopping sprees. I had heard rumours about how condensed she could be, but those were all rumours. Today was the first time I was meeting her, and I hoped we had issues. I would hate to put a mayor’s wife in her place.

‘Are you ready, Kyle? The mayor’s chauffeur is waiting for us!’ Xavier yelled, pushing the door open. ‘Are you sure you don't have any ulterior motives for this party? I haven’t seen you look this good since your wedding day.’

I laughed, glancing at the mirror. ‘Which of my wedding days are you talking about?’

He replied, ‘Your last one, man. You know, I have still not forgiven you for spending a lot of money on that wedding.’ 

‘Come on, Xavier. It’s been three years, and I have already made double that amount. Can we go?’ 

He scoffed, ‘Of course, billionaire. Let’s go and have some fun!’

The dinner party was held in the town’s city hall. There were a lot of waiters and waitresses around, and it seemed the mayor invited everyone in California! I smiled at a few faces I recognised and pushed through the bodies to find Mayor Kim and his wife. 

I saw them talking to a familiar male figure. Someone I had almost forgotten. James Robert. What was he doing in California? Were his parents here? Worry filled me immediately as I scanned the crowd; I didn’t see anyone that resembled them. I was still worried and afraid of seeing them after what happened a few years ago. I could never face them and receive that trust again.

‘Kyle King! How are you doing?’ Mayor Kim is dragging me to his side. 

I smiled tightly, ignoring James' amused stare. ‘I am good, Mayor Kim. Thank you for the invitation, and congratulations to you and your wife?’

‘Did you bring gifts?’ His wife asked, checking his hand.

Gifts? No one told him about bringing gifts for an anniversary.

‘I apologize, ma, but I didn’t know I was supposed to bring a present for you and your husband.’ 

She hissed, staring disgustedly at him, ‘I warned Kim not to invite you and your mom because of this selfish and greedy attitude that runs in your family, but he still went away and disobeyed me. The kings are always disappointing people. Not new anyway.’

‘Belle, that’s enough! He’s my guest and not yours, so please be mindful of your tongue.’ Mayor Kim said, looking displeased at her.

‘Alright, I am sorry, Kyle, but please stay away from me tonight and don’t try to draw attention to yourself. This is my party, not yours, okay?’ she warned.

James laughed, ‘Mrs. Belle, he wouldn’t dare. I will make sure of that. Kyle, won’t you greet your ex-in-law?’

I smiled tightly. I wanted to lash at Mrs. Belle, but James came in and stopped me. The fact that he just threatened me and expects me to regard him now!

‘I didn’t come to the party to make friends or exchange pleasantries, James.’ I replied, readying myself to leave. Mayor Kim and his wife had left us to greet a couple who had just arrived. 

‘Don’t be pissed, man! It’s been four years, and I am certain Tessa has forgiven you just as we have.’

Tessa? Why was he bringing Tessa into this conversation?

‘It’s none of my business, James. Enjoy the party, alright?’

I turned, but his voice stopped me. ‘So, in other words, you won’t be bothered seeing Tessa tonight?’

Tessa was here. What? That didn’t make sense. She was supposed to be in the United Kingdom. 

I glanced at him and said, ‘I thought she relocated to the United Kingdom. What’s she doing here?’

He smiled, giving me a pat on the shoulder. ‘It’s none of your business, friend.’

He walked away before I could give him a befitting response. I glanced at the crowd to see if I could see her before she saw me, but none of the women looked like Tessa. I pushed through the crowd and returned to the couch, where I had left Xavier. Xavier wasn't there, which meant that he was with some lady, trying his luck.

He had ended things with Yashna when he found out she was a divorcee. I told him there wasn’t anything wrong with marrying a divorcee, and he agreed. However, he was hurt that she lied to him for one year. He could forgive but not forget what she did.

I settled down, brought out my phone, and sent a text to Ava. We had settled a bit before I left for California. The doctor had started the treatment, but Ava was not consistent with her appointment days. She blamed her inconsistencies on the aftereffects the treatment had on her body, but I knew she was making up. The aftereffects were just dizziness, which lasted for thirty minutes. Could she endure for thirty minutes? I could never understand her.

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