

Geneveive Tessa Robert


‘I forgot about Vera. I am going to call her right now, and you’re going to tell me what happened between you and her after I left Arizona. You guys have been keeping me in the dark for a long time.’ II said, raising an eyebrow.

He shrugged.. ‘There’s nothing to tell, sis. Vera made it clear that she wanted nothing to do with me. I guess she’s still holding something against me.’

I smiled, feeling for him a bit. Vera could hold a grudge for years; that was why friends called her the queen of malice and cold hearts. If you get on her bad side, it will be hard for you to get on her good side. Even if you did, she will never forget what you did to her.

‘I am sorry about that, bro. You know how Vera can be, and don’t say I didn’t warn you. I told you to move on, but you wouldn’t listen. Anyway, I am not taking this short story. What really happened?’

‘Didn’t you say you wanted to call her?’ He stood up, walking off like he had boils on his legs. 

I chuckled, dialing Vera’s number. He couldn’t escape the questions, just like Vera won’t escape hers when she comes over tomorrow. I couldn’t understand why they refused to tell me about what happened between them after I left. Dad hinted that they went on a few dates and Vera came over more often, but something happened and they went their separate ways.

I asked Vera what happened a few weeks after she relocated to the United Kingdom, but she refused to say anything. She said James wasn’t her type and had clearly told him to stay off.

‘Hello, bestie,’ she answered, putting a pause on my thoughts.

I replied, ‘Hi, dear. How was your day at the office?’

Her boss had finally promoted her as the manager in charge of her department, and the pay was worth more than what other people in her field were earning, so she accepted. She also pushed for an apartment, but her boss declined. Her salary could take care of her house in the United Kingdom.

‘It was long and filled with a lot of tasks. I had to go into the toilet several times to scream and wash my face. This headquarters is busier than the Arizona office. I am beginning to miss my short and long breaks, but I have you and the kids to keep me relaxed.’

‘I am sorry, dear. Would you like to come over tomorrow? It’s your day off, right?’ 

She hummed for a second. ‘Yes, I would like to come over, dear. I hope that your annoying brother won't be available.

I chuckled, ‘Come on, you have been avoiding him for seven months now, and I don’t know why. I hope we can talk when you come over. Also, the client requests, 'Will you be able to help?’

She sighed, ‘Fine, we will talk about it tomorrow. What time do you need me there for the reviews?’

‘By nine o'clock am. James won’t be around till noon, and even if he is around, he will stay out of our way.’

‘Alright, I will be there. How are my godchildren?’ She asked, changing the topic.

‘They are sleeping. I am about to wake them up because of their pre-dinner and dinner.’ I laughed, standing up to check if the housekeeper had set the table. She had already. She had also prepared the twins meals just like I taught her.

‘Alright, that means you have to go now. Alright, send my kisses to Hope and Nicholas. Also, take care of yourself.’ She replied, cutting off the call.

Alright, I had gotten her to help out with the clients. Next stop: feeding the twins without food fights.




The client's requests weren’t as tough as I thought. The five clients on the list wanted a new look for their houses, while three were looking forward to our services in remodeling their office layouts. Two people wanted an artificial grass layout for their homes. I had never seen that kind before, except for offices, but when I saw a YouTube video, Vera showed. I knew it was possible.  

I created the quotes and did a video description of my processes. Vera went through everything, corrected, and edited before sending all of them emails. It was a tedious day, coupled with the twins.

Vera had suggested I get a nanny, but mom had disagreed a long time ago, so I declined. Besides, I would prefer to take care of my twins myself than leave them with a nanny. It wasn’t as if I had anything against nannies; after all, James and I were raised by a nanny. A good one for that matter, but due to the change of environment and also getting used to the accent, I hadn’t made any other friends besides the art college colleagues who dropped in once in a while to check up on me. I had switched to their hybrid training due to the kids and our projects, which were becoming too much.

As I sat down to watch Vera play with the kids, I wondered what would happen when Kyle saw us someday. How would I react? What will I say to him? I suddenly felt like a liar. I could have just told him the truth that day and still went ahead with the divorce papers.

Stop blaming yourself for your broken marriage. 

Mom’s voice rang in my head. It had been a year and nine months since I left him. I should say a final good-bye to his memories. I walked into my room, drew out a box, and brought out our wedding pictures. Without a second thought, I took the stairs down, walked to the back of the house, and threw the pictures into the trash can. Goodbye, Kyle. I lit the matches and threw a stick into the trash can. 

I felt relief suddenly. I needed something like this.

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