

Geneveive Tessa Robert


‘Mama, Mama!’ Hope cried, wobbling on her two legs before falling on the carpet. 

I chuckled, picking her up. It was her first word since clocking one year and six months ago. I smiled, rocking her as she cried loudly. She was an attention seeker, and as mom had predicted, she took my stubborn side. She won’t eat when she’s expected to unless you bribe her with toys and distract her with lullabies. Nicholas was adorable and an eater. Thankfully, James was always around to take care of him and play games with him.

It was funny always to see James playing with his toys and pretending to be a horse that gives exciting rides. Vera was also playing an incredible role. She was the perfect godmother. The birthday they threw said it all for the twins. I placed Hope in the cradle, watching her as she sank into a deep sleep.

One good thing about Hope was that she was a deep sleeper, except if there were loud noises. She wouldn’t stir until she was hungry or her diaper was filled up. Nicholas was in the playroom with James. He had just returned from work and decided to spend the afternoon with a hyperactive Nicholas.

I closed the door gently, then checked in on them. Nicholas and James were asleep. I bit my bottom lip, remembering what my mother said after the birthday party.

‘Don’t let your kids get used to James as their father, though. You know why, right?’ 

I nodded, ‘Yes, to avoid confusion and heartbreak. I can’t help it, though. Nicholas and Hope are getting used to him, and he seems happy with them.’

 Mum smiled. ‘I know, dear. Did Kyle call you since you left?’

I stared at Mom suddenly. Why was she asking?

‘No, he hasn’t called me since we saw at the courthouse. I am not even expecting him to call. We parted ways the day we signed the divorce papers, so there’s no reason for him to call.’

Mum smiled again. ‘That’s alright then. I just wanted to know if he had finally realized he owed you an apology and wanted to make peace. Then, you can finally stop blaming yourself for the fall of your marriage.’

‘No, I don’t blame myself anymore, mom. I did everything a good wife was supposed to do, but Kyle and his mom were never satisfied. His mom treated me so badly that sometimes I wondered if it was a crime to be married to a king. Mom, I don't want to return to that setting anymore. I have you, Dad, and James as family. I also have Hope and Nicholas here with me. I think that’s enough for me.’

‘Alright, dear. I will rest my case, and I wish you the best. Also, as your sweet mother, I hope you enjoy this happiness that we have and are still giving you.’

I closed my eyes and felt wetness on my chin. I was crying. I quickly cleaned my face and walked away before James saw me. I didn’t want him to start asking questions I had no answers to. I walked into the kitchen to prepare dinner with the housekeeper. Mom hadn’t gotten a chef like Santiago yet. I really missed him and his specialized Italian dishes. Also, the small talk while he taught me how to bake cookies or cupcakes. 

James walked in, looking exhausted. He must have woken up when he felt the weight of Nicholas on his body. I could have taken Nicholas from him, but that would mean waking Nicholas and trying to make him sleep till it was time to feed him and Hope.

‘Hello, sis. What’s for dinner?’ He asked, taking a bottle of water.

‘Nothing special, foodie. Just the usual pottage and chicken. I am also baking some cookies as dessert and yogurt to help.’ I smiled, signaling to the housekeeper to mix the content properly.

He peered into the pot, sniffing loudly. ‘It looks nice and smells good. I like it. Where’s Dad and Mom?’

‘They went out for a group date. It’s been a long time since they had that, so I wished them luck.’

He agreed. ‘That’s cool. Mom has been complaining about Dad not having her time since the move from Arizona. She forgot her husband is a very, very busy man.’

I chuckled, ‘You are right, but we shouldn’t blame Dad. The Roberts empire needs to continue standing firm, and now that the interior design company is about to start, there's more work to be done.’

‘Yeah, we are almost done with your little brainchild. I am excited for you, sis. The press has been talking about it, and there’s a lot of expectation from the public. Everyone is looking forward to the unveiling next month, and I can’t wait to see how you will turn it into a prosperous business. It’s the first in town to use home-made designs drawn by humans and showcased in a 4D animation format. You were really serious when you proposed this idea to Dad.’

I smiled, feeling fulfilled. I had not thought deeply about the company until hearing these words from James. I knew I had done something no one else had thought of, but that was the selling point of the business. It had to be different from what everyone knew. Thanks to Dad’s advertising campaign and the fliers I created for the unveiling, the public has been waiting for D-day.

We already have ten slots booked, and by tomorrow, I will be going through the client requests. 

‘Thank you, James. I couldn’t achieve this feat without you. Maybe you can help with client requests tomorrow. I don’t know how I will accomplish that feat with the kids all around.’ I said, leaving the housekeeper to complete the cooking.

He followed me to the parlor, settling on the couch. ‘I have a meeting with some clients by morning, so I don’t think I will be available. What about Vera? She is a creative director, so she will know more about this than me.’

I flashed a smile instantly. Why didn’t I think of my best friend before?

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