

Kyle King

It’s been three months since Uncle David and I came to a settlement and agreed on the fifty-fifty share. He worked on the building plans, though, and ensured everything went according to his vision. The tech company was going to be only involved in creating tablets and installing them in restaurants, hotels, and resorts on their tables for reviews, orders, and payment. I had brought up the idea, and Uncle David had expanded it. 

I was certain this was going to be my next ticket to becoming rich and topping the billionaire’s list like the Kings used to back in the day. I picked up the magazine lying carelessly on my table. I couldn’t believe my eyes at what I saw. Ava was on the front cover of a Playboy magazine! What?

I wasn’t a fan of these soft sell magazines, but once in a while, I loved to keep up with their tips and ad trends for men. Today’s copy had been left by a friend who came to visit. I checked the magazine cover to be sure it wasn’t my mind playing tricks on me and it wasn’t Ava that was there posing with balloons around covering little.

She was a supermodel and the daughter of one of the biggest fashion icons in the world. It wasn’t strange for her father to allow her to do things like this, but for me? It was bad for the company’s and family’s image. We were finally doing our wedding next month, and she decided to sell her body on a stupid magazine cover. Who called her the hottest cowgirl? That was bad!

He took a picture of it and sent it to Xavier immediately. His phone buzzed a few seconds later. Xavier had seen it.

‘Man, that’s bad, but I don’t want to interfere in this matter because you know who she is. Some supermodels can do these things if their managers see that it’s a good market. You can confront her, but I doubt if she will be sorry for what she did. It’s all business, bro.’

I sighed, ‘But she knows what is at stake! The companies, my image, my mom, and family members. What about those clients and customers? Do you know what they will say if they come across this?’

He laughed, ‘I am sorry for laughing, but not everyone reads playboy magazines. I checked their website, and thankfully, they didn’t post it there. Talk to her, man, and fix this before it’s too late.’

I thanked him and checked the Playboy magazine again. There was also another full cover of her in a skimpy dress, but she was really attractive and alluring. No. This was only meant for my eyes. I had to speak to her before it’s too late—before the marriage. I couldn’t live with a wife who was everybody’s favourite meal.

My phone buzzed. It was my mom. I picked it with dread, hoping she hadn’t seen the magazine or someone hadn’t shown it to her. 

‘Kyle, why am I looking at Ava in a magazine that tasty men read?’ She said it coldly.

‘I just saw it now, mom. I thought you guys were cool, so why are you so upset?’

‘We are cool, but you are her fiance! Did you not tell her that there are some things I don’t tolerate? My friends are saying a lot of things right now that aren’t pleasing to the ear, Kyle! Have you called her?’

I sighed. I wasn’t in the mood for her yelling. ‘Why not call her, mom? She’s your friend and most beloved. You don’t yell when she spends my hard-earned money or steals from the company’s account, and now she does something your friends see physically, and you want to turn it on me?’

She hissed. ‘Fix this, Kyle! I am not the one about to get married to something my friends have termed taboo among women.’

I felt hurt by her words. ‘But you chose her for me, right? You knew she was this type of person, but you brought her to Nashville! Don’t do this, mom!’

She laughed. ‘You are an ungrateful fool! I brought her here because I knew you had always loved her, not that empty barrel you called a wife! If not because of my friends, I won’t be so bothered.’

‘Don’t call Tessa into this, mom. She's been gone for a year now and has moved on with her life. Anyway, she won’t have done this, mom. Tessa was a better woman who did everything to please you, but you didn’t appreciate her.’ I said, ignoring the warnings in my head. I didn’t want to fight with my mom, but she needed to stop being a hypocrite.

‘Now, you are defending her. I am not surprised; she really messed with you. Anyway, I will speak to Ava myself since you have proved incapable of dealing with her.’ She hung up.

I heaved a sigh. It wasn’t all this drama. I was going to get married to Ava, and the hollowness I felt whenever Tessa’s name was mentioned around me would dissipate. 



The tech company’s construction was going according to Uncle David’s plans. The workers and my team had been able to complete one-third of the three-story building. The rooms, elevators, and electricity remained. 

The furniture and interiors were Mom’s forte. She had brought her team to do the job for us. She had charged a lot, but Uncle David had paid without raising his voice. I wasn’t surprised.

I greeted the workers and strolled to the room where Ava was having a conversation with my mom. I had great news, and I knew they would be excited like I was.

‘Hello, babe and mom.’ I smiled, bringing out a white envelope. ‘We’ve been invited to Ingrid Tech Seminar 1.0, and I am one of the guest speakers! Isn’t that great?’

Mom stood up, hugging me excitedly, and said, ‘Wow, this is great, dear. Finally, they have decided to recognise Kim’s company.’

I smiled, ‘Yes, mom. They also want you on their planning committee. I must say, the tech company we are building is bringing us the needed attention.’ 

Ava nodded, giving me a tight squeeze.Congratulations, babe. I hope they invited your uncle. This is all possible because of him.’

I grunted because of her last words. I didn’t want to give honour to my uncle, but she was right, though. He had made this happen for the family.

‘He is invited as one of the key speakers. You know he owns an airline and other giant companies doing innovative things, so I am sure they will want to hear from him.’

‘Alright, we should celebrate,’ Ava said, grabbing her bag. ‘Mrs. Dahila, how about we visit that place your friends hosted us the last time?’

Mom nodded excitedly. ‘Yes, that’s right. Bills on my lovely son, right?’

I agreed. How can a man say no to two beautiful ladies, one of whom is your wife-to-be?

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