

Kyle King

The well-trimmed beard around his hollow face and blond hair rolled back from shaped eyebrows. His smile didn’t hide his hollow face or do justice to his appearance. He walked towards me with a tablet. ‘Mr. Xavier is on the other side of the room. Please, come this way.’

I don’t understand why Xavier decided to leave our favorite bars and restaurants and book a spot in this expensive classic restaurant. I didn’t get it at all. I followed the waiter, who seemed to be popular among the customers. Every second, he stopped to say a quick hello or inform one of them to leave a review. I hated things like this, but I followed them still. Nobody really paid attention to me, though, and I got why Xavier had chosen this place. They were the kind of people his mother hung out with. The high-profile people in society paid no attention to him, and after a while, he got used to the stops and pauses of the waiter’s greetings.

The waiter finally stopped at a private room, knocked once, and opened the door. Xavier was seated in a group of people.  I settled in with them. Xavier had spoken about a new client and had dropped updates before I arrived.

I sat through their conversations, dropping bits of what I felt would push the deal, but at the end of the day, we weren’t the best place for their business. Xavierw promised to send in a fresh view of plans and maybe arrange a meeting for them to review and discuss. I knew nothing would happen.

‘You had a sour expression all through the meeting. I guess that must be one of the reasons they decided to do business elsewhere. What’s the matter?’ he asked.

I sighed. Uncle David had changed his terms of the partnership. He wanted to be a visible partner and also had increased his stake, making him more of the owner and me, the employee. I had tried to speak to him, but he was adamant. I didn’t know to tell Xavier everything now, but it was bothering me.

‘Nothing is up. I am just a bit tired, and also, the wedding plans have been taking a toll on me.’ I replied, half saying the truth. Maybe it was best he didn’t know.

‘Oh,' he said, glancing at me. ‘Are you sure, bro? You were out of here many times during the meeting. If not that the prospective clients seemed in haste, they would have commented on it. I don’t think the wedding plans are the problem. I mean, the wedding is like a few months away.’

I breathed deeply as a response, then arranged my words slowly: ‘I don’t want you to worry, bro; that’s why I'm reluctant to tell you.’

He sat up, his eyes filled with loads of questions: ‘What’s the issue? Did Ava threaten you again?’

I laughed. ‘No, she won’t dare do that. I have a situation with Uncle David. He’s trying to rule over the partnership before the construction has begun.’

‘I don’t understand. I thought he agreed to do everything according to your terms, so why is he changing his mind now? Have you told your mom?’

‘No, I can’t tell her. She will remind me of how she predicted Uncle David’s optimistic side. This is what he wants as his new terms.’ I said, bringing out my phone.

I read everything out while Xavier made short comments on the terms. 

‘I am not against him being a visible partner since his anonymity with the King’s company is still in progress, but I have issues with him raising his investment. He will suddenly become the CEO, while I will be in the background, working endlessly to make profits for him.’

Xavier rubbed his chin. ‘I think we can agree, but to the fifty-fifty. He’s unsure about your leadership role and your financial skills. You have to convince him that you will keep a transparent record, and you guys can always go through it weekly. Don’t forget that your uncle is investing a lot of money in this idea. He will lose more if he’s cheated or scammed.’

I did not want to agree with Xavier, but everything he said was true. After the incident with Ava, Uncle David ensured I had no access to the profits of the company until it was time to split. I could see the financial records, but withdrawing the money was impossible. Ava wasn’t pleased with the change of events, but I didn’t argue with her. She had been the cause anyway. 

Anyway, if I could prove to him that this won’t happen again, then I wouldn’t have to agree to his terms. It wasn’t going to help him, but it would help me more.

‘Alright, I like your suggestion, Xavier. I think Uncle David would agree. He is a hard man, but sensible. I can also add some perks, in my opinion. Thank you, man.’

Xavier nodded. ‘I am glad I could help. What do you think about another round of drinks?’

‘I would like some. I hope Yashna won’t be upset if you come home drunk?’ 

‘No, she’s not home, though. She went out on a girls hangout with her colleagues and will be back tomorrow.’ 

I laughed, ‘Little wonder, you are sharing drinks with me. Ava is home, taking a long rest after all her shopping and meetings with her dad’s clients. She didn’t even raise an eyebrow when I told her I would be returning home late.’ I replied, providing the last piece of information to show him that my relationship with Ava was cool.

‘Indeed. By the way, I heard from a friend that Tessa has moved out of Arizona. Did you know anything about it?’

I feigned ignorance, saying, ‘Wow, that’s good for her. I didn’t know, bro, but I wish her the best.’

He smiled but said nothing. I could read the questions in his eyes, but I decided not to push it.

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