

Geneveive Tessa Robert

The United Kingdom was everything I dreamt of. The estate where we resided was quiet and peaceful, with friendly neighbors. I remember when Hope and Nicjolas came to the world, and mom announced it to the neighbors. The love, gifts, and lovely messages that flowed in were so much that I broke down crying. It was massive, and I was grateful for everything. 

Also, my return from the hospital was greeted with a surprise party, and loads of gifts flowed in. I had to send most to the foster homes around and donate to orphanage homes too. I didn’t want to lavish the kids with too many gifts that they wouldn’t be able to play with at the end of the day. 

I smiled, looking at my mom as she carried Hope. She was a replica of Kyle, while Nicholas looked more like me and James. Strange, but beautiful. James called Nicholas his twin and bought him his first car. I was crazy about him then, but now it doesn’t matter since Nicholas wasn’t going to use the car until he was five years old.

‘She looks so much like Kyle. She has his eyes, Tessa.’ Mom commented for the umpteenth time. She had been the first to comment about the resemblance when Hope was introduced to the family. I hated to admit it even until now, but she was right. I could change locations, but I couldn’t change the fact that Kyle was their father. Even if I erase his memories from my mind, Hope’s face will remind me. 

I agreed reluctantly. ‘Yes, mom, she does. Is she sleeping already?’

Mom gently placed her in bed. ‘Yes, she is. You know, in two months, they will be one year old. We will need to start thinking of a birthday party.’

A birthday party? I wanted something within the family, and no pictures will be taken because I don't want them to land on Kyle’s social media pages. Then he will notice the resemblance, and the questions will start. 

‘I was thinking of throwing a costume party for my grandchildren. Hope can be Cinderella, while Nicholas could be a charming prince. What do you think?’ mom asked, pushing outside the kids room.

‘That’s too much for one-year-olds, mom. I just want something small but memorable with close friends and family members. I don’t want phones or cameras. No recordings either. Just private photos for us. What do you think?’

She sighed, ‘I don’t know, Tessa, but I want something big for my grandchildren. Glamorous and elegant. You don’t have to worry about the cameras and phones. Your dad and I have that covered. Besides, they are our first grandchildren, and we need to celebrate them in a grand way. Vera is in charge of food, gifts, and the decor.’

I was stunned. Vera was in on this too. I couldn’t believe it. I was going to cut that girl into different shapes when she came visiting.

‘How come you guys made all these arrangements without asking about my opinion? They are my kids first, and my opinion matters before anyone’s own.’

‘Alright, we will do it your way. We are sorry for not involving you, but we didn’t want to stress you. The months have been hectic. Resting after the delivery, checking out the interior building construction, and reviewing your art workshop class. Even though I told you to take a break and let James supervise the construction, you will resume your workshop in the summer. Your opinion matters, okay? Don’t ever think it doesn’t, alright?’

I hugged her tightly. I didn’t want her to feel underappreciated. She had been up and doing, especially with the twins. She helped with their bath, preparing their favourite meals, and helping with the breast-feeding process. Then, she had also helped prepare nutritious meals to help me recover strength too. James had been great too.

The best uncle, to be honest. He took turns watching the babies sleep or cradling them when they cried in the night. No matter how tired he was, he would always be there for his nephew and niece. They have really tried for me, and I couldn’t scrap their birthday party idea just like that.

‘Okay,’ I was released from my long embrace. ‘ We can do the grand style, but mom, it should be modest and moderate. We will be inviting kids from the orphanage home and your friends too. The close ones that know about the situation between Kyle and me I don’t want gossip on the invite list or any of Kyle’s close associates. No phones, cameras, or any device to record the events except us. A costume themed birthday, and everyone must bring gifts.’

She nodded, smiling fully. ‘Definitely, dear. I will ensure all these rules are followed. You don’t need to worry about anything but your appearance and outfit for the birthday party.’

‘When the birthday month comes, I will think about my appearance, but for now, please don’t forget the rules. I don’t want media coverage either.’

‘Okay, baby. Would you like to eat or join your dad in the library?’

I thought for a minute, ‘I am hungry. I think I will eat anything right now. I miss Santiago; he always knows the best meal to prepare to satisfy my hunger.’

Mum chuckled, ‘I miss him too. You know, he could have joined us in the United Kingdom if he hadn’t gotten that culinary scholarship. We will find someone else to help with the exquisite dishes, but for now, we gotta deal with me and the housekeepers.’

‘Alright, mum. Can I help you?’ I asked, even though I knew she would decline. She hadn’t allowed me in the kitchen since I gave birth to the twins. She wanted me to properly rest before I started the strenuous process of preparing meals for myself or the family.

‘You can’t help until they celebrate their one-year-old birthday. I want you to heal properly.’ she replied, leaving me alone.

I shrugged. I'm enjoying the baby girl treatment anyway.

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