By:  Randy  Ongoing
Language: English
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In the depths of her despair, her tear-stained eyes desperately tried to focus on the heartless figure before her. "I am not a mere plaything to be possessed," she whispered through trembling lips. "I am a person, with hopes and dreams that extend far beyond the confines of this marriage. I am... am a person with emotions." But he remained unmoved, his gaze cold and unsympathetic. "You are just a contract wife, bound to serve and fulfill my desires," he retorted, devoid of warmth or understanding. "Your aspirations are irrelevant. Your emotions, as long as they don't disrupt this façade of a marriage, are inconsequential..." His callousness only deepened her despair, and he reveled in it, wiping away her tears with cruel satisfaction. "Don't cry, my dear," he sneered. "You have years ahead to drown in regret and endure your punishments. You write about fairytales, don't you? Welcome to your Hell in Paradise, Wife." … ‘How and where had it all started?’ You might ask, dear distinguished reader. Well, it all began with money, as it so often does in Los Angeles, where a sinister game of romance and deceit unfolded when Sirena, a struggling romance author agreed to walk down the aisle with the egoistic heir of the prestigious Crown Dynasty. Three years. That was all or so she thought until an unexpected twist left her torn between the vague feelings she had for the cruel husband and the intense fairytale pang she felt with the mysterious ‘masked man’. Caught in a whirlwind of emotions, amidst lavish parties and extravagant soirées, Sirena finds herself entangled in a treacherous web of love and loyalty, where hidden agendas, forbidden desires, and deceptions threaten to take away her newfound love. Newfound love with whom? Even this Author is itching to find out.

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2024-04-22 18:12:24
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please update more frequently. I love this book.
2024-04-18 04:56:19
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While a good book is a universe to escape to, I'm here to make your passage to (it) magical. So join me on this extraordinary adventure where reality blurs and secrets abound. Your ratings and comments would be muchly appreciated...️...️
2024-04-15 12:32:16
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This here is undeniably a new fresh breath of storyline and I'm here for it...️
2024-04-15 12:16:53
9 Chapters
As the rain pitter-pattered against the windowpane, the room was bathed in a soft, diffused glow. The sun, hidden behind the thick layer of rain clouds, streamed in, glistening her waist-length dark curls. Her face was pale, yet her bearing exuded a sense of grace and poise. The severely cut black velvet gown seemed to have been carefully curated to highlight her slender figure.There was an undeniable gravity about her that imparted an aura of maturity beyond her mere twenty-four years. And yet there was something of the coquette too, a subtle playfulness that danced in her eyes.Her delicate hands, adorned with long, graceful fingers, found their place on the windowsill, casually yet purposefully displayed against the backdrop of the drenched cityscape."I know things ain't looking too good. Your old man's hospital bills are piling up sky-high, your house is on the verge of being mortgaged, and your novels aren't bringing in the ‘dough’ like they used to. You have to face the facts
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The minute that palatial foyer greeted me with its white soaring ceilings, gleaming Carrara marble floors, and a magnificent gold chandelier that cast a warm, radiant glow, the realization of my stupidity in signing that wretched contract hit me like a ton of bricks.I had anticipated that the most daunting aspect would be adjusting to a life that was completely unfamiliar, vastly distinct, and seemingly incompatible with someone of my background.Oh, how ironic it was that the universe saw fit to play this cruel joke on me.If only I had known about Damian’s psychotic nature in detail - not that it would have made much difference.Or would it? Even the slightest knowledge might have changed something, altered the course of events.My mind raced with questions, desperately seeking answers to the chaos that engulfed life. How did I end up in this nightmare? How could I have agreed to this heartless monster? What did I do to deserve such cruelty? How could he utter such words after I j
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I found myself seated on the floor, overwhelmed by a profound sadness that seemed to permeate the air around me. The room was enveloped in an eerie silence, broken only by the faint scratching of my pen against the blank page before me. It felt as though the pen itself struggled to give voice to the swirling emotions within me.I had desperately wanted to write down exactly what I felt, but somehow the paper stayed empty, and I couldn't have described it any better.The events of the previous day still consumed my thoughts, its memory hauntingly vivid. Despite my efforts to eject the image, his impassive face persistently plagued my consciousness. His eyes, a piercing shade of cyan-blue, delved into the very depths of my soul the moment I had entered the room.The room itself was an absolute marvel to behold, an exquisite display of opulence and grandeur. Time and time again, the room's sheer magnificence continued to captivate me. At the far end, an enormous bed exuded luxury, its
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My body tensed as I stood in the sterile Crown’s hospital corridor, my heart pounding with a mixture of fear and desperation. Anxiety gnawed at me, threatening to consume my every thought. With each passing moment, the weight of suspense grew heavier, and I struggled to find comfort in the bustling chaos around me.The constant flurry of hospital staff, clad in their urgent scrubs, rushed in and out of Damian's room, their movements a blur of urgency. The sound of their hurried footsteps echoed through the corridor, creating an atmosphere of controlled disorder. My eyes darted anxiously from one medical professional to another, searching for any hint of information about Damian's condition. I longed for a glimpse into his room, hoping to catch a peek at his well-being. To me, every fleeting glance, each whispered conversation, held the potential to be a lifeline of hope or a dagger of despair.Summoning every ounce of courage, I called out to a passing nurse, my voice betraying the
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•SIRENA•“What do you mean… poisoned?”Jonathan's voice quivered, barely escaping his lips in a whisper, each word infused with a potent blend of urgency and disbelief.The corridor plunged into an eerie silence as the twin brothers locked eyes, their identical faces reflecting a mixture of unbeknownst emotions.A subtle head tilt was all that emanated from Joshua, his piercing gaze narrowing ever so slightly. As if receiving an unspoken cue, Jonathan’s attention swiftly shifted, his gaze fixating on me.In that bone-chilling moment, my heart seized, and its rhythm shattered into oblivion. Time itself seemed to halt, leaving me suspended in a suffocating void of tension.A tidal wave of panic crashed over me, squeezing my chest with an iron grip. The sheer weight of the accusation bore down on me!Me!The realization struck with a force that sent tremors of fear rushing through my veins.How could they even fathom the notion that I, of all people, bore the responsibility for poisonin
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Maria's anger surged as she clamored, her eyes ablaze with fury. "This… this is utterly preposterous!" she seethed. "Do you honestly think, even for a moment, that this ludicrous plan of yours will unfold according to your whims? Let's face it, it's sheer madness, and we all know it!""Ma'am," Michael began cautiously, but before he could finish his sentence, Maria sharply interrupted."Putain de merde, tais-toi!" The profanity-laden phrase escaped her lips, hitting the air like a thunderclap.That instant, those French classes from ninth grade rushed back as Mr. Henri's favorite cuss word echoed in my memory."You only speak when you're spoken to," Maria continued and I couldn't have agreed more with her at that moment.Yes, the memory of her unnerving phone call from yesterday was still vividly green in my mind. Hell, it even cast a lingering shadow of unease that robbed me of a peaceful night's sleep as fear of an impending threat loomed over me, haunting my every thought.However,
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•TRISTIAN•For once, Augustine, my secretary, was true to his words. The sight of her was like a frozen moment in time, capturing a beauty that defied comparison.Clad in a knee-length amber brocade gown that adorned her like a radiant halo, her decanter-shaped waist was accentuated like a perfectly curated Instagra*m filter.Her waist-long black curls cascaded down her back, adding a touch of allure to her overall appearance. The gown, cut square, elegantly showcased her ‘décolletage’ with effortless classiness, while the Grecian-inspired sleeves draped gracefully, leaving her arms bare and showcasing their flawless contours.Her white face, somewhat fragile and intelligent in expression, was endowed with a pixie-like nose and perfectly shaped rosy lips.But it was her hazel eyes that stole attention— a mesmerizing blend of colours that seemed to conceal unknown depths within.In her entirety, she exuded pure perfection like a snapshot out of time.No sculptor could have crafted a li
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•DAMIAN•Slowly, the world around me flickered into existence as I blinked my eyes open. Shapes and colors merged and dissolved in the room, lacking definition and stability. It was as if disparate fragments of light and hues were engaged in a chaotic dance, leaving me bewildered in their wake.A weight, almost tangible, seemed to press upon my eyelids, urging them to close. They fluttered weakly, resisting the pull of exhaustion as I fought to keep them open. The battle between wakefulness and slumber was a fierce one, my senses reawakening with a sluggish effort."He's awake," a voice quavered, reaching my ears amidst the disarray."Give him a moment. He's trying to focus," another voice responded, its tone laced with a mixture of concern and relief.As I tried to gather my bearings, a throbbing ache tore through my head, intensifying into a painful headache. It felt as if a vise tightened around my skull, squeezing relentlessly. Each pulse amplified the torment, making it difficul
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•TRISTIAN•"You're about to host your first ball as Mrs. Crown. That's gotta be thrilling," I commented, my eyes resting on her face.The expression she shot me was a mix of anticipation and desperate a treaty.I could practically feel her silently pleading for some assistance."Yeah, well, it's hard to feel the excitement when Maria keeps hammering into me that the very grid of my destiny could be plotted in a table setting and that my salvation laid on the detailed selection of its suited colors. Honestly, I'm more petrified than thrilled right now."Her voice soaked over me like a delicate melody, capable of getting lost amidst the noise of a Monday morning rush hour, yet it lured me in, making me yearn to hear her speak all day long."Well, my mother has always been a stickler for perfection, but that doesn't mean you won't do a tremendous job. I have complete faith in your taste and intuitions," I breathed, attempting to lighten the weight of the situation.We were now at the entr
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