
Butterflies Already?

The following day, Micha was curled up next to me in my room as I read a romance novel. Adagio and I have not seen each other since this morning.

I was content and at ease even though I had to do something I did not want to. I never had depression or obsessive worry about things. I let it go and accept it, whether I like it or not. What else can we do? Waste our happy lives? That's a no-no.

A knock on the door startled me. Micha was also startled by the sudden noise and let out a bark.

"Come in," I said, closing my book.

One of the maids entered the room, holding a box.

My curiosity piqued, and I asked her, "What's that, Mary?" Mary let out a soft laugh.

I approached her and she handed me the box, saying, "Master asked me to give it to you."

Unknowingly, a smile appeared on my face.

"Thank you, Mary," I said with a smile.

"Master said he'll be home at 1 p.m. to pick you up," she said, as my head snapped back into place. I had completely forgotten about it.

 My gaze was drawn to the clock, which read 11:45. I exclaimed. I haven't taken a bath yet because I was too lazy to move from my bed, which offered me a lot of comfort.

"Thank you so much for reminding me," I said to her, mentally planning what to do first.

"You're welcome, Madam," she said.

"It's Aster to you!" I yelled as I ran to my closet and heard her fragile laugh before the door shut. 

I quickly showered. I didn't open the box yet because I wanted it to be a surprise or perhaps a reward for my quick shower. I started with my makeup. I wanted to keep it simple. Soft and nude colors have always looked good on me.

I wore my hair in a neat bun and adorned it with pearl accessories. I squealed as the time came for me to open the box. I took it out and saw an elegant black dress. I squeaked with happiness and dashed to try it. 

It was a perfect fit for me. It had an off-shoulder design with a slit until my mid-thighs and pearls were scattered around the dress. It was flawless. I squealed with delight, I was looking good.

It was already 12:50 when I finished. I grabbed my clutch and made my way down the stairs. Mary approached me with a surprised expression, making me feel a little shy.

"You look lovely, my pet," she said, smiling at me.

"Thank you, Mary," I murmured softly with a timid smile. 

I sat and waited for Adagio. I was excited to see him when I heard his car pull up at 1 p.m. Sharp. We haven't spent much time together, and my heart desires that we spend time getting to know each other well. But I know it won't happen. So I rather not have hopes for anything regarding him and me.

Adagio entered the house and seemed to be prepared for the event. He was a dominant, powerful, cruel, and cold man who was feared and respected, and all he had to do was say it to make it happen.

Except for his family and close friends, he was too intimidating for anyone on this planet. He wore a black suit with pearls scattered on one side of his coat, just like mine. 

Are we matching? I exclaimed internally and blushed. He was dressed in a white shirt, no tie, and his first two buttons were undone. He wore a silver chain that emphasized his masculinity. He also wore a black chain watch with diamonds inside, matching his suit. His hair was combed yet messy.

I stared at him in awe, wondering how he could agree to marry a girl like me when he was a man like no other. Nobody can compete with him in terms of looks or power.

He abruptly turned his head towards me. My eyes widen in embarrassment. I lowered my gaze and was fiddling with my clutch when I noticed his gaze on me, which made me nervous.

 I looked up to see his darkened eyes staring at me. He exhaled while biting his lips.

"Come," he said, turning his heels.

I shuffled behind him, mouthing a 'bye' to Mary. These heels are not very comfortable; they already hurt, and I'm not sure how long I can keep them on.

We got in the car, and he started driving. It was not awkward, and I had grown used to his silence, which was strangely comforting to me. I smiled at the thought of him and me wearing matching outfits.

I stared out the window until I heard his deep and calm voice say, "Stay close and behave."

I turned to face him, who had a cold expression on his face.

 "What makes you think I won't?" As my brow furrowed, I asked him.

He gave me the do-you-remember-last-time look, and I laughed at his expression. "Don't worry," I said as he turned to face the road.

Several minutes later. We arrived at a massive building with heavy lighting and decorations. I walked out, and Adagio was waiting for me with one of his hands open for me to grab. I walked awkwardly to him because his gaze was making my breathing difficult.

I took his hand and we walked in together. When I realized what was happening, it hurt. He's just being gentlemanly to hide the distance between us. He doesn't mean it, and I doubt he ever will. 

'Why doesn't it have to be real?' I wondered. 'Will it ever be?'. I realized I was drawn to him in a way that made me want to be something to him. I wished for something between us.

But the bitter truth caused me to feel twisted pain and discomfort that I had never felt before. I got my head out of my thoughts. I don't want my hopes to be raised only to be dashed by disappointment. It is better to accept the situation as it is and move on.

When I looked at him, my eyes began to tear up for no apparent reason. I blinked away my tears, smiled, and hoped it looked genuine.

We greeted some important businessmen. And as time passed, I became increasingly bored. Adagio's conversation seemed to go on forever, making me restless, and my heels didn't help.

I gently tugged on his dress, indicating that I wanted to leave. And let me tell you, just doing that took a lot of guts. I was hesitant at first, but I'd die if I didn't do something about my dire situation.

I expected him to be more considerate, given how nice he was when we arrived, but instead received a deadly irritated glare that kept me silent for the next 15 minutes.

He has shoes on, so it's simple for him!

 I had given up on him. He simply does not care. My gaze scanned the room for a suitable seat. When I found chairs arranged beside a table full of desserts, I internally exclaimed in delight.

We had already eaten lunch, which was delicious. So I am too full to have anything else.

I doubt he'll care if he doesn't find him next to me, and I doubt he even remembers that I stood beside him. He was too engrossed in the conversation to even look at me.

I moved slowly to the chairs to rest my legs. I breathed a sigh of relief and closed my eyes. That's wonderful.

 It had only been 5 minutes when I was startled by a voice that echoed in my ear.

"Who's this pretty girl?" My eyes widened to see a man in a suit, probably in his mid-20s.

I kept quiet and processed.

"My name is Dawson," he said as he extended his hand.

I smiled as I took his hand. He kissed my hand gently and looked at me.

"Aster Amato," I replied, my cheeks flushed.

"Amato?" he exclaimed, his eyes widening slightly. "As in Adagio Amato?"

Obviously, no one is unfamiliar with that man.

"Bingo," I chuckled as I pulled back my hand. 

"You're his wife?" he asked, slipping his hands into his pockets.

"Bingo...Again," I said awkwardly, unsure how to respond.

"I'm not sure who is the lucky now here," he smiled.

What does that supposed to mean?

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Amato."

He appeared friendly, and I could really use a little company.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Dawson," I said, smiling.

He was quite good-looking but not as much as Adagio. He had blue eyes which highlighted his face and a bright smile.

He and I talked for a long time, and I must say that I thoroughly enjoyed his company. He was a man full of wit and awkwardness. I cringed when neither of us knew how to react at times. 

"Where has your husband gone?" He'd been invisible for a while now," Dawson said, looking over my shoulders for him.

"He's here, so you don't need to worry about it now"  I heard a familiar voice erupt from behind Dawson.

I don't know how I failed to notice his figure. 

Dawson turned surprised and said, "Pleased to meet you, Mr. Amato."

Adagio didn't appear to be pleased to see him. He always looks that way, never mind smiling at a stranger. But this time, I noticed anger and distress in his eyes.

He turned to me and glared at me, and it tore a hole in my soul. I gulped in terror. 

"Thank you for keeping my wife company while I was gone," Adagio said, his voice deeper than usual.

I frowned as I looked at him. Isn't he a confusing character?

I smiled when I realized I had misjudged his mood. 

I looked at Adagio, he clenched his jaw and glared at Dawson.

"Oh, nothing," Dawson laughed.

"If you want to live, don't do it again," he gritted, eliciting a gasp from me.

I wasn't expecting his abrupt change in mood, or perhaps I misread his sarcasm earlier.

"Adagio, you're being rude!" I whispered yelling at him as I noticed Dawson's smile fade into a frown.

How can I not defend the person who accompanied me while one of my known fellows ignored my presence? 

"We're leaving," Adagio said as he grabbed my hand.

It pushed an unknown fright and tingle through my body. He dragged me along with him, and I waved goodbye to my new friend.

Adagio pulled me harder drawing me closer to him. He increased his speed, making it difficult to keep up with him. And I didn't have the option of stopping. I winced in pain as I felt a stinging pain in my feet.

I tried to pull away from him, but his grip on my arm only tightened.

"Adagio, let go" I tried to push his hands off of me, but it was useless. 

We walked all the way to the parking lot, and I struggled to break free from his tight grip.

"Let go of my arm," I said, my voice cracking as the pain in my feet became unbearable.

When we got to the car, he yanked my arm.

"Get in," he hissed, and I obeyed not because I wanted to, but because the pain in my feet was getting worse.

I got in. I was worried and afraid of uttering a word. I cast a glance at Adagio, who was still clenching his jaw and tying his brows.

There was complete silence in the air.

"Next time you do as I say," he gritted through his teeth.

"No," I simply stated, despite the fact that I was swimming in a pool of fear. 

"Why don't you listen to me?" He asked calmly, but his rage was visible. what does he think of himself? He is a cruel person. He dared to state that after I had stayed with him until I couldn't anymore.

"I did as you said, but you failed to acknowledge the one thing I requested," I told him, not more enraged than he was.

"You can't blame me for resting my legs for a while after I realized you don't care about me even as a person," I said, more to explain my side if he thinks it's my fault.

I don't blame anyone, and I'm not sure why he's so enraged. 

"Whatever you did it for ruined my reputation," he said with a sigh.

"How so?" I inquired, and I felt my body heat up in anger with each word he uttered.

"People gossiping about my wife chatting with another man" that's what he said.

In disbelief, I scoffed at him.

"You can f*ck any women you want but I can't have a normal conversation with a man?" I stated.

I didn't want to show him that he had control over my emotions, even though I was losing my temper.

"I didn't do it in public" He said this and gave me a winning look, and despite complimenting him this afternoon, I despised his face right now.

"So does that mean I can fuck men in private" I cocked my brows at him.  

He accelerated the speed and fixed his gaze on me for a split second.

"If my reputation goes low because of you, I-"

"Kill me already," I yelled.

He was starting to grind on my nerves. Everyone knows what kind of man he is, and if that doesn't damage his reputation, I doubt my actions will. I find it amusing how one person can bring out the worst even in the nicest people.

Even when I was pushed into this marriage, I never lost my cool. I did nothing but agree, burying my sorrow, which eventually faded, but now I regret not fighting for what I desired. Though I am more drawn to him than I should be, it makes me regret my decision when I see the unjust side of him. 

"I've had enough," he said, warning me to zip up, yet I didn't.

"Are you scared?" I asked. I mocked him.

"Shut up," he grumbled, running his fingers through his hair.

"You first," I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

He abruptly pulled up, causing my body to throw itself forward. I was saved by the seatbelt; otherwise, I would have flown out the window.

He abruptly turned to me and grabbed my arms. I gasped at his sudden action. I gulped in terror. He tightened his grip on my arms, causing me to whimper in pain.

"Dawson isn't who you think he is." And you don't know that, do you?" he asked as he got closer to my face. His stare pierced my heart.

My breath hitched at our closeness. Words appeared to be stuck in my throat.

I shook my head, fear visible in my eyes, and now I understand how others felt about him. I'm only being saved by the grace of the contract or mostly by God. Others meant nothing to him, it was either business or death for them. 

"Then you listen to me when I say keep shut," he growled, and I nodded as I felt his grip tighten once more. "Good," he said as he resumed driving. 

We arrived at the mansion, and Adagio rushed into the house. The event began with butterflies and ended in pain and hurt. I took off my heels and limped to the house.

My eyes are teary, my legs hurt, my heart is broken, and my arms do not feel any better. I gave up and sat down on the stairs in front of the main door. It was already 8:30 p.m. by the time we got home.

Though he angered me, it hurt when he yelled at me and threw tantrums at me. And not having anyone to spend time with is also weighing on me. I don't usually seek comfort.

In fact, I am the best comforter for myself, but I simply lack the energy to do anything right now. It's as if I'd given up on life, but I still have a spark that encourages me to fight for what I want, at least for the time being.

I sighed deeply and smiled as I gazed at the moon. Maybe everyone's life is like this, and it'll be fine once we get used to it. But... how long will it take for me to blend in? Should I just accept that no one will care for me and go on with my life living dead?

My mind has accepted that Adagio is nothing more than a cruel person, but my heart disagrees.

Everyone will undoubtedly have some good in them. Nobody is bad; there must be something behind their stubborn hearts.

I yawned as I stretched, and felt pain all over my body. I decided to ignore my thoughts because I couldn't let my own thoughts ruin my happiness.

I was sitting there humming my favorite song. The cool breeze caressed my skin, and I closed my eyes to relax and I swayed slowly as I sang.

"When she was just a girl~ she expected the world~ but it flew away from her reach~"

I've always loved to sing. I can't say I was particularly good at it, but it was enough to make me happy.

"So she ran away in her sleep-"

I flinched when I heard the door open. I turned around to see Adagio when his same old cold gaze. I looked at him, and even after we fought I wanted to smile at him. But he looked annoyed. I sighed and turned away knowing it was no use.

I continued to hum and sway. I could hear his footsteps approaching and coming to a halt beside me. I didn't bother looking at him because I had finally found peace after today's incident.

"What are you doing?" He inquired abruptly. Before I looked up at him, I let out a sigh.

"Just chilling," I shrugged, smiling.

His gaze was drawn to mine. It was cold and empty, but it made me feel warm. The longer I stared at him, the more difficult it became to breathe.

I cleared my throat and turned away from him.

"Father planned a honeymoon for us," he said, causing me to gasp.

"When?" In disbelief, I inquired.

What's the point of going on a honeymoon when this is a forced union? Are they trying to make us fall in love?

"In two days," I looked at him worried "Why?"

"Just to give an appearance that we're really a couple to the people," he explained as he sat down beside me.

When our arms brushed against each other, my breath caught in my throat. His cologne filled the atmosphere. He wore a black T-shirt and black jeans. He's wearing jeans at night, so he's probably going somewhere.

He sighed and turned to face me, which startled me and caused my head to snap back into place. The feeling of his unblinking gaze on me made me clutch my dress.

I exclaimed when I suddenly felt his cold hands on my foot.


"You're bleeding," he said quietly, and for the first time in my life, I saw concern in his eyes.

I blinked several times to make sure I was seeing things correctly.

He examined my foot and then looked at me. My mouth slightly parted as he leaned in. While closing the distance between us, he locked his gaze on mine. My eyes widened with each inch he got closer.

My hands instinctively rose to stop him from getting any closer.

"Don't get any ideas"He whispered and scooped me up in his arms in a fraction of a second.

I yelped, terrified of falling. His grip on my back tightened, keeping me in place. His face was only inches away, and I couldn't help but stare in awe.

I clutched his t-shirt as he carried me to my room. This man is confusing; one minute he is a jerk, and the next he is a gentleman. He is not allowing me to hate him. He's doing something to me, drawing me into his orbit and making me want to revolve around him.

I know I shouldn't raise my hopes, and I didn't, I can't help but feel something for him. I would not have complained earlier if I had known he would treat me this way. I'd happily hurt myself just to be in his arms, even if it only lasted for a few minutes.

I felt cold as soon as he gently placed me on the bed. I felt sad when his warmth left me.

"Good night," he said softly and walked away before I could respond.

My face softened into a shy smile. I squealed as I buried my face inside my pillow.

Maybe I should always get hurt.

Today felt like a dream, and for the first time, I didn't want to sleep.

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