

As soon as we got to his mansion, I immediately went to bed. It is rather large. The mansion, with its ornate chandeliers and antique pieces. The flooring made of marble exuded opulence. It included a television and large couches.

And he had a dog!

Micha was his name, and he is a sweetheart. He's actually lying next to me at the moment. I could sleep for three more hours, but it was eight in the morning.

Adagio hasn't spoken anything since we arrived. Although we were meant to share a room, I was too afraid that something might go wrong. What if he made me lie down with him?

I'm craving food. I'd best head over to eat. I just pulled my hair back into a bun, gave myself a facial wash, and brushed my teeth before going downstairs. Micha came up on my heels.

A few maids greeted me, and I politely answered. It appears that breakfast has been prepared. They made pancakes.

I ate silently until I heard a blonde girl come down the stairs. I was slightly perplexed until I realized it was one of his mistresses. After our marriage, not even a day has gone by since he already started cheating. We are merely strangers, so it's not like we made a lifelong commitment to one another. Rather, we lied about our relationship at the altar.

As soon as she saw me, she rolled her eyes. Excuse me. That's a little rude.

"Are you his wife?" She inquired, It's clear that she already knows the answer.

"I believe it's none of your concern" was what I said.

I smirked in satisfaction when I heard her offended scoff. 

"Liz, what are you doing here?" I heard him.

I looked up to see him dressed neatly in his suit.

"I ran into your snotty wife here," she said, folding her arms and gazing at me. I was taken aback.

What exactly did I do?

"Liz, leave" He dismissed her as if he hadn't fucked her the night before.

She pouted in an effort to be cute, but it didn't work.


"Leave" He cut her off.

He was more assertive this time. She sealed her mouth shut and walked out of the mansion.

"Good morning," I said, smiling.

He gave me a stern look and hummed in response. True, it was awkward, but I've been in far worse situations. He possesses an odd and suspicious aura. It's quite frightening.

Jessica and Candis invited me to join them for lunch. I figured it was a good idea because I'd be at home all day anyway. However, I need to talk to Adagio. My gut told me that if I didn't, I could end up in trouble, so I should ask. Ask? No way... It's more like informing him.

I believe Liz girl pushed his buttons; what if I become a victim of his anger? I had second thoughts and began to doubt myself. Is it worthwhile? I was hesitating. I looked at him, debating whether or not to tell him.

"What is it?" He asked me unexpectedly.

He must have sensed my desire to talk to him.

"uh... I'm going out for lunch with Jessica and Candis," I said, pressing my lips together in a thin line as I waited for his response.

"You're not going" He really popped my hope bubble.

By the way, he looked at me, I thought he was fine with it.

"What? Why?" In shock at his sudden revelation, I asked.

"I don't have to explain myself," he glared at me, clearly annoyed.

"You can't do that. I'm all alone here," I said quietly. I was obviously unhappy.

"You have Micha,"

He looked at the puppy before turning to face me.

"Adagio...I have him, but-''

"Then stop complaining" He cut me off, which irritated me.

He is not understanding, and there is no harm in letting me go out for lunch.

"He'll be a better company for you because you're no different than him," I said, raising my voice slightly.

I just called him a dog. I've already lost the ability to decide on my partner; now I have to give up the ability to go out with my friends.

I'm surprised by my sudden outburst. Maybe it was because I suppressed my emotions so much that it all came rushing out.

Regret consumed me the moment I said it.

"Watch your attitude with me," he hissed at me. 

I paused briefly before speaking again, this time more softly,

"Then tell me why I am not allowed," I said as I looked at him.

He gave me an irritated look. He sighed as he looked at his watch.

"It's dangerous out there. Considering that you're my responsibility, I have to keep you safe, or else I don't mind if you die," he stated rudely.

"Fine," I said.

I suppose I can't argue with him, but rather show him. I'm leaving without his permission.

"Have a good day," I forced a smile, hoping that whatever was bothering us would go away and we could be civil until he found out I had snuck out. 

He went to his office.

It was around 11 a.m., and I thought it would be a good time to draw. I brought my art supplies, which mainly consisted of a pencil and an eraser.

I've always enjoyed drawing because it allowed me to escape this world for a while until I felt ready to face it again. I am also very interested in painting and writing.

I enjoy writing more than anything else because no one understands me in this world, and it's better to bleed on a piece of paper and not get judged. 

I drew Little Micha after taking a picture of him. 

Because I am very particular about details, it took me a little over three hours to complete only half of his face.

I looked at the clock and realized it was almost one thirty, and I totally forgot about the lunch with Candis and Jessica. I exclaimed and dashed to my bedroom to change. Micha was surprised by my sudden action, and he trailed behind me, barking.

"It's nothing, baby," I said as I ran.

I wore a sundress that ended just above my knees and white shoes because I don't wear heels very often. I grabbed my purse and went down the stairs. It was nearly two o'clock in the afternoon. I walked outside the mansion and was greeted--or rather, stopped--by the guards.

"Mrs. Amato, master ordered us to not let you anywhere" He went on to say.

Overly loyal people can be extremely inconvenient.

And Adagio anticipated my escape. He's a smart man.

"See, you really have to understand me here. I spent half of my day alone. I could really use a lunch with my friends," I reasoned, and to be honest, I didn't have much hope.

You may wonder why, because he is not going to spare his life for me.

"I understand, Madam, but you must understand me. Master has an extremely hot temper and dislikes mistakes," he explained.

And I felt sorry for him because he had to put up with all of his nonsense.

In any case, he signed up for this job.

"I'll stay only if you promise to play with me." I need to make him understand how lonely I am.

"I am afraid he wouldn't like that," he said.

"Then let me go," I snapped back.

"I promise you, I'll be back before he gets home," I said, pausing to hear his response.

"There are CCTV cameras here, Madam," he said, and I swear to God, I have never looked dumber. I felt like an idiot.

I believe I have no choice but to run away. I'll tell you what, it's going to be difficult because this mansion is heavily guarded, and the main issue is that the main gate is literally so far away from the mansion that the chances of me running through it without getting caught are extremely low.

I believe I am capable because I was an athlete in high school. Sprinter, long jumper, and triple jumper. I'm quite proud of myself, but I'm sure these men are stronger and faster than me. Of course, this is obvious.

"All right... Is that Adagio?" I asked, pretending to see Adagio pull up in the drive-through.

He immediately turned around to look behind him. I took advantage of the opportunity to get out of his sight. I ran and was glad I wore my shoes.

My heart is racing not because I'm out of breath, but because I'm scared and panicked.

"Madam!" I could hear him yell.

"You can't leave," he said, and as I ran, I noticed three guards on my back.

I concentrated and accelerated my pace. Aster, you can do it! My anxiety increased as their footsteps became more audible to my ears.

"Charles, lock the gates," the guard yelled.

Oh, no.

 Now that the gates have been locked, it's time to put my parkour skills to use. I'm afraid I'm not very good at it, and the inconvenience of this dress isn't helping matters.

As I approached the gate, I noticed the wall, which was small enough for me to hover over. I threw my purse over the wall to the opposite side of the mansion.

I jumped and my hands landed on the slab; I tightened my grip as I pushed myself up. I lifted my leg to throw to the other side. I jumped once my entire body was on top of the wall.

I knew you could do it, girl.

I made it out of the mansion safely. I had no idea it could be so simple. I dusted myself and searched for my purse. I guess my throws aren't that bad.

"Looking for this," I flinched at the abrupt voice, and I knew who it belonged to right away.

My back faced him, and I felt myself shake in fear. I couldn't bring myself to face him.

"Turn around," he demanded, his voice filled with rage.

I pursed my lips and kept my eyes wide open. That was the end of everything for me. His timing was terrible.

"I don't like to repeat myself," he stated emphatically.

I smiled sheepishly as I slowly turned to face him.

"Oh, you found my purse," I exclaimed, trying to change the subject, but I knew I was only making matters worse.

None of this would have happened if he had let me out. See, I am in trouble because of him, and I blame his guard.


"What are you doing?" His face was stiff and cold as he spoke.

"uh..Looking for my purse?" I expressed my uncertainty.

I feel humiliated. In fear, I could feel my legs trembling.

He sighed and paced towards me, frowning.

"I'm not playing. When I say something, you do it," he gritted his teeth.

"I..I. Nothing is wrong with me going out!" I exploded.

He sighed angrily once more.

"Go back in," he said, and I stood there in disbelief. I did it all just to get back inside.

"Adagio..." I murmured.

"Go. Back in," he grumbled.

My eyes started to well up. I pouted and bit my lower lip to keep myself from crying. When I looked at him, his eyes softened for a brief moment.

"Oka-y" My voice shook.

I walked over to the gate I hadn't used on my way out. I walked through, glaring at the guard who, I believe, had snitched on me to Adagio.

'I hate you,' I said, and he smiled slightly. I am completely heartbroken. Just wait and see because I'm going to make him play 'tea party' with me. 

I'm such a kid. That's how I used to be, and how I still am. Except for the week before my wedding, I don't get depressed. I get sad, but I recover much faster than most people.

I am overjoyed and can't help but smile in the midst of chaos. I may be upset right now, but I'm sure in an hour I'll be back to my bubbly weird self.

I agree that I am childish, but that is a good thing because it is preferable than to be mature and depressed. I prefer the words childish and happy. I entered the mansion. I grabbed my phone and texted my friends that I couldn't make it. 

I tossed my purse on the couch and sat at the table. I'm starving. This is the most physically active I've been in two months. Adagio approached me with a stern expression on his face. He had taken off his coat. He had on a white shirt that was rolled up to his elbow.

He has a great physique. When he raised his brow in perplexity, I averted my gaze from him. Embarrassing. "there's an event to attend tomorrow afternoon," he stated as he sat down at the dining table.

"I guess I'm not going," I murmured.

 If I am not permitted to go out with my friends, I will not go anywhere at all. Isn't that what he really wants? Now that I am his 'responsibility,' he has accountability for keeping me 'safe.'

I'd rather stay at home and avoid being killed if that's what he believes to happen. I looked at him, and he didn't seem pleased with my response. But he's always grumpy, so who knows?

The maids soon brought us our lunch, and the sight of the pasta bolognese, my mouth water. I dug in as soon as I got my hands on it. When I heard his sigh, I looked up to see him massaging his temples.

 "What's wrong?" With my mouth full, I asked him.

"You're coming with me to that event," he said calmly.

"Isn't it a little dangerous out there for me?" I bat my eyes, and his irritation grew.

"You're coming with me, so you're fine," he said, taking a bite of his meal.

I retained my eyes on him. He raised his brows, indicating that it tasted good. Unknowingly, a smile played across my face. I continued to eat with a smile on my face.

"I'll go" I gave in. I wanted to stretch it a little further, but he appeared tired.

That poor man. I suppose it's too much work. I'm relieved that I at least enjoy silent company for lunch. Something is better than nothing. 

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