

I dashed down the stairs, tying my hair into a bun. I rushed over to greet my in-laws. I was not made aware of their visits. I walked into the living room to hear laughter.

I wore a red top and a knee-length skirt. It's decent enough to make me seem like I've showered.

"Hello everyone," I smiled as I waved to everyone. Adagio's brothers, as well as Adagio and his parents, were all present.

"Oh, Aster, come here," Mrs. Amato said, patting the empty seat beside her.

I awkwardly approached her. I have known them since I could remember but they all suddenly appear to be strangers. They all seem to be different. Everything appeared to be new to me. I looked around at everyone and considered why I was feeling this way.

Is it because they have something to do with my family that they had to force me into this marriage and not feel bad about it? What is the true reason for our marriage? It's because of the contract, but what exactly is in it?

One thought led to another, filling my mind with why this and why that questions. I became desperate for answers. I looked around as if I didn't know anyone. Even Arlo didn't seem familiar.

My gaze was drawn to Mr. Adagio. He appeared to be more ruthless than Adagio's. Now I know who he appears like. Both of their stares are devoid of any feelings or emotions. I only see coldness and emptiness. I'm sitting there, clueless, among those I've become distant from.

 "How are you, dear?" Mrs. Amato inquired.

I stepped out of my thoughts and nodded slightly, "I'm fine ma, how are you?" Her hand circled my back, and I felt uneasy. What is the intention of this act?

"I'm fine, dear," she said with a chuckle.

When I turned to face Adagio, he was already staring at me. Despite the fact that he was a member of this family, my eyes begged him to get me out of here. My gaze was drawn to Arlo, who appeared to be concerned. I am just so lost.

I'm not sure who is being genuine and who is faking. 

I sighed and pushed my thoughts aside. Being unsure of a subject can cause a lot of stress, trust issues, and needless assumptions, and I don't want to be the person who misjudges people. So I'd rather go along until the truth comes to me. And I'm confident it will.

I am not a depressed person; I smile in the face of hardship, and that is what defines me. I need to stop overthinking. It complicates things and causes me to worry for no reason. Why overthink something that did not happen?

I smiled and sighed at them. They are my family, and it is my duty to respect and love them for who they were, are, and will be.

"I'll bring you some snacks," I said as I stood up. I looked at Adagio before heading to the kitchen.

I arranged random snacks I found in the pantry. And I was filling the glasses with juice.

"Need help?" The sudden voice made me flinch, causing me to spill the juice on the floor.

"Oh no, I'm sorry," I heard the panic voice.

I averted my gaze from the juice on the floor to the person next to me.  I let out a silent gasp when I saw him so close after a long time.

"Arlo," I hushed. I hadn't spoken to him in so long that I couldn't recognize his voice.

He and I were always together when we were younger, up until two months before my marriage. Because of the time and days I've spent with them, he's always been the one I've relied on the most. But then he vanished into thin air just as I needed him the most.

Seeing him after nearly three months makes me nervous. Everything feels new and strange. I gasped as I felt his hand pull me towards him. I felt uneasy and sick.

"Be careful, Aster," he warned, his gaze fixed on the shattered glass on the floor, but my attention was drawn entirely to his hands on my hands.

"Uh.... thanks," I muttered before releasing myself from his grasp.

Awkwardness began to suffocate me.

"Aster...." he trailed off as he gazed into my eyes. My eyes widened and my eyes wandered around the room, unsure what to do.

"How have you been?" his soft voice echoed in my ears.

My eyes eventually gained the courage to look at him. I'm certain it was full of questions pleading with him to spill everything. Why did he leave? Has something happened? And I wasn't there to help him?

He called me"Aster" when I snapped back to reality with a jerk.

"Huh?" I looked at him and felt tears well up in my eyes. I missed him.

"How are you?" he asked as he stepped forward.

"Uh... I'm fine." "How have you been?" I asked smiling, before returning my gaze to the glass on the floor. I began cleaning up, and I could feel his gaze.

"I'm good," he said, but he didn't seem to be. I just want to clear the clogged air that has encircled us. I believe it is best to ignore whatever is happening and continue to be myself.

I washed my hands and said, "Good to hear, Alro. "How is work?"

He chuckled, "I'm still studying," and gave me the you-silly-look. Great. Three months apart, I had forgotten everything about him.

"juice?" I asked him, holding the glass in my hand. He smiled as he took it from me.

"Everyone's waiting," I said, taking the snack tray to my in-laws. I set it on the table and took a seat. And before I knew it, I was lost in my own thoughts.

If he's still studying, where has he gone? Is he lying? I'm pretty sure he is; sometimes I'd drop him off at college and he wasn't even home with his family. He did not tell me about it. No calls, no texts, nothing. I called him several times, but his phone was always turned off.

I eventually stopped trying. I could have asked his relatives about him, but...I was just very unsure about it. I could say I was nervous about asking. And my family would have no idea about it.

"Aster darling?" I felt a tap on my shoulders and jumped back into reality.

"Yes?" I looked at them with surprise and mentally slapped myself for zoning out.

"I am hoping to see my grandchild soon" She laughed playfully as she said this, and I was confused about how to respond.

We have only been married for a week, for goodness sake.

And, more importantly, this is not a marriage that is promised to last, is it?

"no Ma and I don't-"

His deep voice cut me off. "We're working on it, mother," he stated.

His eyes bore into my soul, threatening that if I didn't stop talking, he would tear me to pieces. I looked at him in disbelief, and I swear to God that I'm not understanding what's going on here.

What do these people want? My gaze shifted to Alro, who appeared stressed and annoyed. My brows furrowed as I looked at him, perplexed.

"Ah, I'm so happy! I can't wait to hear the news" She squealed and quickly kissed me on the forehead.

"It's not—" Adagio interrupted me, reached over to grab my waist, and said, 

"You will mother."

"We better leave," Alro said quickly as he paced to the door.

"See you, my dear," Mrs. Amato said, kissing Adagio on the cheek as she and the others walked out.

Soon after they left, it was just him and me. I pushed his hand away from my waist and looked to him for an explanation. I can't say I'm not mad; I was, but before I lose my temper, which I won't, I'd like to know what's going on. It's difficult to meet someone's expectations when you don't understand the situation.

"Am I missing out on something?" I asked him quietly.

I am not the type to burst out right away; I want to know first. He sighed before clearing his throat.

"What do you want to know?" he exhaled as he finished.

"What grandchild? What are we working on?" I stared at him without moving my gaze.

I could feel my heart pounding against my chest. I can't believe I'm scared to know the answers to the questions that have been swirling in my head.

He remained quiet and stared at me. I am waiting for the words he is about to say. But he walked over the couches without saying a word. I scoffed in disbelief; the level of disrespect I received from this man was hilarious. I stomped over to him, who was now sitting peacefully on the couch.

"Adagio" I sighed as I spoke.

I knew asking for answers wouldn't work, especially for this man.

"Yes?" he responded.

His eyes were fixed on his phone, and his fingers were aggressively typing something.

"I want to see the contract," I said, and his head snapped back into place.

He seemed taken aback by my statement. He appeared to hesitate but nodded anyway. He stood and began walking towards his office, and I shifted behind him.

"Stay," He said when we arrived at his office, which was off-limits to me.

He returned after a few minutes, holding a brown envelope. My face showed signs of nervousness, and my hand began to sweat.

"Here," he handed me the envelope.

My shaky hands accepted it from him.

I opened it and began reading with a nervous heart, which sent tingling sensations throughout my body. I flipped through the pages in fear and curiosity to find the answers, and Adagio's unwavering gaze on me wasn't helping.


Party A and Party B should give an heir to officially reinforce the partnership for the rest of their lives. An heir is required to transform the partnership into a family. The contract will be terminated only when their heir arrives. It could be an heiress or heir. 

If any of the parties violates the contract, the penalty is half of their respective earnings plus six years in prison for false mutual trust and understanding. 

My hands began to tremble after I finished reading the contract. I can feel my eyes welling up with tears and my heart rate rising in anger. I can't believe no one told me about this.

They forced me into this marriage blindfolded. They promised me it would only be for a year or two, but the contract will not be terminated until I give myself to this man and bear an heir.

How much more money do they need? What will they do with it? Am I a sacrifice for this wealthy family? I have a life, dreams, and many days ahead of me, but I am losing it all right in front of my eyes.

The fact that I can do nothing about it shows how powerless I am. Am I supposed to live my entire life under someone else's control? I'm so helpless. How could my parents have done this to me? How could anybody do this to me?

The feeling of betrayal was too much for me to handle. My legs grew weak, and my eyes began to flow. My soft cries turned to sobs of agony and hurt. My legs eventually gave out, and my body came into contact with the floor.

My heart is truly in pain, and my tears reflect it. I couldn't stop crying, and it didn't matter if Adagio had to see me so pathetic and out of control. I sobbed and cried, and it didn't seem to end.

I heard him sigh before he crouched to my level. At the moment, I am in no mood to acknowledge him. I kept crying until I felt his hands on my face, gently tucking my hair behind my ear.

Even though he had nothing to do with his contract, I am still upset with him. He could have said something to break up the arrangement. He could've said something. He could've...

I turned my head away from his hands.

"Don't touch me" My voice cracked as I spoke. I glared at him with my red, swollen eyes.

"Why?" I asked in a shaky voice, "Why me?" I started crying more as I finished my words.

"Is this why we are going on a honeymoon?" I stared at him because the explanation he gave was different. "Why are you lying to me?" I inquired.

The disappointment hurts me.

"This isn't fair at all," I said, rambling on about whatever came to mind.

I don't care if anyone listens to me; all I want is to let it all out, hoping that the air will carry all of my sadness away. I wiped my tears and looked at him when they had stopped. I stood up and glared at him, filled with unknown emotions. I am extremely overwhelmed right now.

"Life isn't fair, sweet" his thick voice rang in my ear. "It's not always rainbows and ponies."

But the denial of my heart; they are my parents, and they would never lie to me.

"My mother told me-"

 "People lie, Aster." I looked down in denial, thinking it couldn't be.

"Disgusting," I spat.

It makes me sick, horrible! You're playing with my life, heartless people! My mind goes on and on about the people I loved and thought loved me, but my heart remains in denial.

They are my family, my blood; they cared for me, and I know they loved me. I know they do.

"We lie to get what we want," he stated.

I began walking towards the living room. I need to sit down. He followed behind me.

I sighed before speaking. "There's a better way to get what we want".

Right now, I am just full of thoughts, and words cannot express how I feel.

"Oh?" he cocked his brow.

"Yes. I would just tell the truth." I tossed the envelope on the table "Just simple and easy"

He took a seat beside me, "fine," his lips curled up, and his eyes darkened slightly.

"I want you, Aster," he hushed in his husky voice, moving closer to me.

My eyes widened in shock, and the hair on my body stood up.

"What-" I stumbled over my words. He kept getting closer to me, and I raised my hands to stop him.

"I. Want. You" he repeated word by word. 

His gaze was boring into my soul, and his breath began fanning my face, showing how close we were.

"You do not-"

My bottom lip quivered in fear, and my cheeks flushed with embarrassment. I bet I look like a tomato, and he's probably thinking how stupid I look.

"Simple?" He tucked my hair, which was the only thing I had to cover my redness.

"Easy?" he asked, and I gulped and stared at him like a child who has been caught cheating on a test.

I averted my gaze from him. "You're lying" I pushed him off of me and got up.

"You do not want me. You're probably saying it to make your work easier. You don't mean it," I pointed out.

 That needed a lot of courage. I exhaled, relieved that I was no longer close to him. My rapid heartbeat began to slow.

"I'm lying?" he said, almost like a question, and I nodded in response.

"Why do you say that?" He questioned and bit his lip.

"Your eyes speak," I said while I was focused on him.

"It's empty and emotionless. No sincerity, no love, nothing," I replied. He lifted his brow, indicating that he was impressed.

"Smart" he commented. "True, I don't, but you do," he smirked as I scoffed.

This man has almost everything I've ever lacked.

"No, I do not. Stop making a fool of yourself." I rolled my eyes and turned to leave.

 "Your eyes, Aster. They speak out loud".

He thinks he is very smart and knows everything about me and how I feel, but he is a fool. He knows nothing more than my name.

"You don't know anything so it's better you shut up and be gone" I spat angrily and turned to leave, but then stopped and said, "Oh, and if you want to know, my eyes are filled with disgust and hatred." I stormed out of there.

And I'd like to add hurt... disgust, hatred, and hurt. 

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