
Take Me
Take Me
Author: blissy writer



The sunlight glistened on my face. I heaved a sigh as today was my wedding. Who would have thought I would be getting married at the age of 20? Definitely not me. I wanted to proceed with my higher studies but it all came crashing down on the day I was informed of my marriage.

They basically signed me off to a wealthy man, Adagio Amato. I have known him since I was eleven years old. I would only see him occasionally. I hardly speak to him because he is too intimidating for someone like me. 

His brothers on the other hand are just pure gold. 

Adagio has a very quiet character, his cold intimidating gaze could make anyone piss their pants. He gives the driest replies to whatever question it may be. People would give up trying to speak to him. 

Adagio and his family are engaged in a huge business which makes them filthy rich. Whatever they owned screamed money and power. The amount of respect and power that family alone holds is ridiculous. 

It made me wonder why they would marry me to him. With his charm, he could make girls beg for his pleasures. I know for a fact that there are richer families than mine. They could benefit the Amatos more than us. 

There is no relation between him and me. The least we've interacted with each other is no more than a wave or eye contact. I wonder how he agreed to this marriage. 

My brothers opposed this marriage more than I ever did. Carlos, Zaden, and Jason were furious when they found out about this arrangement. My papa stood his ground. I never disobeyed my parents and that turned into a habit of mostly accepting my fate. 

If I don't go their way, they'll make me. So I stopped fighting even if it cost me my life. I accepted that this marriage was nothing and it wouldn't be a problem to be with him for a year or two. I almost gave up but I am still fighting for what I need. 

I certainly don't need this marriage but it's going to happen sooner or later and I don't have anyone in mind to spend the rest of my life with nor do I wish to find one. 

I came to know about this last week and today was my wedding, the 14th of May. 

I wore this elegant wedding dress that was covered with heavy stones and glitter. It was designed with a beautiful sleeve until my forearm. My hair was put up in a bun decorated with flowers and pearls. 

"My baby, you are looking beautiful" My mother looked at me through the mirror.

Her eyes clogged with tears and her lips curved up into a smile. I smiled at her. 

"I'm sorry, dear" My mother's smile disappeared into a light frown "If anything happens, you can always come back to us" She gently placed a kiss on my head. 

This was enough for me to know they still cared and loved me. I certainly know there is something that forced them to push me into this. 

I heard the door squeak. My head turned to see my father walk in. As soon as he saw me, he gaped and mouthed 'My princess'. My vision got blurry as random thoughts clouded my mind giving my eyes the urge to rain. 

 I will miss my brothers very much. Any sibling would find it difficult to be apart from them. All those arguments and the tantrums once seemed annoying to me but now it's quite the opposite. I never expected a day I'd miss all of it so much.  

"It's time" My Father quietly spoke.

He wiped away his tears before he stretched out his hand for me. I smiled and I tried my best to force all the tears back in because of this expensive makeup on my face. 

He smiled and helped me stand up.

"Know that I will always love you" My father's voice creaked and it melted my heart.

I felt a pang when I sensed guilt in his eyes. It conveyed everything his mouth couldn't. The apologetic look tore me.

The words I wanted to say were pushed back inside by my suppressed tears. If I talk now my eyes will rain. 

"I know that, papa. I will always love you too, no matter what" I told him as I held his hand in mine.

My heart urged me to say that. After I saw the guilt in his eyes, I knew he thought I hated him for what he had done to me and I wanted to assure him that I didn't. 

"I am just so proud of you" he uttered as he sadly smiled.

Again he fought himself from spilling the truth and at the state he is in, I am in no mood to force it out of him. He concealed and he knows that I figured it out. 

He and I walked down the aisle. Thousands of eyes gazed upon us making me anxious. I lifted my head to see the church filled with flowers and expensive decorations. The church looked beautiful and couldn't look more luxurious. I saw Adagio and he was already looking at me. 

Suddenly I forgot how to breathe. Awkward. I looked away quickly and roamed my eyes everywhere but at him. He indeed looks breathtaking. It is not surprising because he looks like that 24/7 throughout. 

My papa handed my hand to him which he gladly accepted. His warm hands circled mine sending a vibration through my body. I looked at him again to see him observing my face. 

I don't know what he is feeling. It seems impossible to figure out what's going through this man's head. 

"I Adagio Amato, take you, Aster Di Fazio, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until death do us part." He repeated after the priest without breaking eye contact and I had no other choice than to look right in his eyes. 

For a minute, It all seemed real. But why? 

Why does it feel real when reality itself is a lie? My emotions are playing with me. This is not right. Everyone here except for our family believes that this marriage is real and in love. It may look like we are in love but really this is no more than a mere contract and right now I am beyond uncomfortable. 

I can see my brothers with a sad smile. At least they smiled on my wedding day. I can see the sympathy in their eyes. It somehow begged me to scream and run away. But Mr. Amato's gaze said otherwise. 

Now it's my turn to lie. Lie inside the church, in front of the altar. Way to go Aster! 

Genuinely speaking, I have always feared god and this trial is putting me to the test. 

I should either run away and get my family killed or get punished by god. I think I choose the second option. 

I heaved a heavy sigh before I spoke. I gathered my courage and faced him. I gave a little smile because contract or not, still my husband. He just looked at me and didn't return my smile. Felt stupid but I smiled because I wanted to and he would do it if he was willing to. 

But funny how we are getting married even though neither of us wanted to. 

"I Aster Di Fazio, take you, Adagio Amato, to be my husband to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until death do us part" I repeated and I could feel my eyes get wet. 

My papa was tearing up just like others. He smiled at me once our eyes connected. I smiled and a tear slipped out of my eye. It's hard to see my family like this. 

With fake smiles and unhappiness on my big day which was supposed to be filled with joy and bliss.

I looked at Adagio, he kept his gaze lifted and listened to what the priest had to say. I could see his jawline and his manly neck. I quickly turned away when he suddenly turned to me with the ring in his hands. 

He slid it onto my finger and gave a light squeeze making my heart rate go a bit higher than usual. I internally gasped. I lifted my gaze to him. I could say he saw the shock on my face by the smirk that grew on his face. 

We exchanged our rings. Our hand was clasped together. My breathing became unstable when I realized what the next part was.  

 "By the power vested in me by God and man, I pronounce you wife and husband. What God has joined together, let no man put asunder. You may now kiss the bride." The priest announced. 

My palms started to sweat and I knew he could also feel it. My eyes roamed around the room prying for help. My first kiss. Is this how I am going to lose my first kiss? 

This is bad. My heart started beating fast and I could feel it against my chest. His hands left mine and snaked my waist. He leaned in and pulled me closer to him. He guided my other hand to his shoulder and placed my hand there. 

He didn't take his eyes off me. His eyes didn't have any feeling. Just emptiness and void. I involuntarily moved back only to be stopped going further by his strong grip on my back. I am fighting, struggling not to give in.   

He probably thought I was being stupid and wondered why I was struggling. Fear was visible in my eyes. I tried to push back with my hand but it didn't work. But rather was drawn closer to him. He took the opportunity and pressed his lips to mine. 

My eyes widened in shock, disbelief, and disgust. The second I felt his lips on mine the first thought that came into my mind was 'Crap'. 

He moved his lips so passionately, almost making me wonder if he liked me at some point. But we all know that isn't possible. He is a man with experience. As he kissed me, my tummy knotted and my heart rate rose rapidly reflecting on my breathing. 

He broke the kiss and looked at me. He just deleted my brain. I am blank, just void in my head. I gazed at him cluelessly. I am trying to process it. My head turned to the crowd when the church filled with applause and cheers.  

I felt his hand grab onto mine and caress it. If he thinks this act of his is making me feel calm and relaxed, he is so wrong. It's only making this even worse. We together walked back to the door. 

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