

We took pictures with our family and left for our reception. I had to change into another dress. It was one hell of a reception. The place was packed with people. People congratulated us.

I pretty much stood in the same place that night. Adagio was busy with the guests and so was my family. 

My college friends came in and gave me company until they had to leave. I did tell them about the contract though I shouldn't. I trust them. They consoled me and told me it would be fine. Of course, it will be... When we get a divorce. 

I can't get my head around the fact that this has something to do with more than just money. Or maybe just money but it seems to have a bigger story behind it. How do I know it? My guts tell me so.

Just the look in my parents' eyes tells me there is something deeper than just this contract marriage. 

"Hello, Aster!" A voice chirped joyfully breaking me out of my thoughts. It was an unfamiliar face that awfully looked just like mine. A silent gasp left my mouth in shock. "How are you?" She hugged me and I was quite confused.  

She seemed to know me and she happened to be a stranger to me. "Hello," I said unsure whether or not I should be talking to them. But I didn't want to be rude after all it was my wedding they were here for.

"I'm good...And how are you...?" I paused indirectly asking for her name as I hugged her back. "Alora" She broke the hug and smiled at me. "I am good, dear," she said and held my hand. She smiled and looked at me as though she longed to see me for ages. Slowly her eyes started tearing up.

I am speechless and out of ideas on how to act right now. I looked at her dumbfounded until two other people walked up to us. "Hey there" A male waved his hands at me and I nodded "Hello". He was tall and fair with dirty blond hair with blue eyes. He smiled at me and I could see his eyes sadden and start to fill with water. 

Good heavens. What on earth is going on here? "Aster you look beautiful," said another fella, who was neatly groomed. He had blue eyes as well, dark hair, and a beautiful smile. "Thank you uh.." 

"Ace" he uttered " Thank you Ace" I replied with a polite smile and I thanked god that he didn't tear up as well. 

"And I am Matteo," The latter said. "Well, nice to meet you all" I tried to sound as genuine as possible, but I don't think it got them. "I knew you since you were a kid" Alora, I suppose said and chuckled. 

And I had to give her one of my fake ones and ignore the awkward air that started choking me. "I am sorry, I don't remember" I stated and cringed. 

"No biggie. You were only a baby" She said "Mind if we could be friends?" She smiled. I saw hope in her eyes and I didn't want to disappoint her. "Of course!" I exclaimed. I was pretty excited too. Apart from Jessica and Candis, I had no other friends.  

"Count me in" Ace said. "Me too!" Matteo seemed excited too. His reaction got a genuine chuckle out of me. "You all are my friends now" I smiled and my eyes beamed with happiness.    

We spoke for a while. I got to know a lot about them in our first hour of friendship and I am looking forward to more. They are siblings, but I mistook one of them to be Alora's husband. They lived in Italy and they came here to Paris, especially for my wedding. I felt very special when I heard it because unknown people came from Italy to Paris just to see my wedding. 

But it's probably because of Adagio.

I wonder if they know anything about the contract. 

Their parents sadly passed away. I told them I used to live in Italy but I had to move to Paris because of my father's business. 

Alora seems to a very joyful girl with a smile on her face always. And Matteo looks like the type to get along with everyone and to joke around too much.

Ace on the other hand, he looks scary and intimidating but he is pretty chill once you talk to him. But he has a quiet nature just like Adagio and is strict when it comes to work.

He yelled at more than 4 of his employees that night. Expects discipline, I guess.

We have a house in Italy. It is pretty big with a vineyard and horses. My brothers and I would always play in the fields. Happy memories remain alive always. 

That night was fun, apart from the wedding. I made new friends and my boredom was washed away. At least I have something to remember about this awful day.

Later that night, after everything was over. I bid goodbye to my family and spilled some bitter tears. I got inside the car with Adagio. I have not spoken to him since the day I knew about the contract even though he was around. 

Funny how we kissed in our first conversation, referring to the vow we said at our wedding. First talked with him and we kissed. It was awkward to be alone with him but I was too exhausted to care about it. 

I sighed as I remembered how much I cried a week ago about this marriage and I am here after the marriage and I am going home... Not home... going to his place. 

I was indeed exhausted but I was feeling talkative. I am an extreme extrovert. Though people fear to talk to him without purpose I wasn't. Maybe I was. But What could possibly go wrong?

"How was today?" I asked, I was getting quite bored. I thought sleep would consume me but it betrayed me. There's too much on my mind to sleep peacefully. I felt his glance on me which made me turn to him. "Good" He uttered and focused on driving.

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