The Alpha Kings Mistake

The Alpha Kings Mistake

By:  Beth Venning   Completed
Language: English
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Evermore had been abused and shunned by her family ever since she was born, she was her mothers mistake that needed to pay for everything her birth father put her mother through. This leading her to not utter a single word in years. When you’re living the type of life that Evermore was, you are done praying for a miracle or waiting for some knight in shining armour to come to your rescue. That was until a mysterious man visited her little town, on a stroke of luck Evermore was allowed to leave her attic for one day, where she and this mysterious man lock eyes. He whisks her away from her sad life and into his very glamorous but odd world, one that Evermore was forced to learn the truth of. Fear, love and enemies from the past consume her new life, leaving Evermore wondering what life she preferred. Will she ever let down her walls and allow her new mate to protect her? Or will she always be trapped in her silent dark world. Read on to find out.

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The Alpha Kings Mistake by Beth Venning is a romantic werewolf novel. Evermore is a lonely child known as a mistake. She grew up with her family but never felt loved. They all treat her as a servant. She is malnourished and abused. Happiness is impossible for Evermore. However, a man arrives and comes to her rescue. Axel treats her with kindness and care. He helps her recover and appreciate life. However, ghosts from her past threaten the stability of the present. Can Axel protect her from all these dangers? Or the worst case, can she save herself?

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Interesting and creative story. Worth the read!
2023-06-27 01:30:50
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Jenn Suess
that was a great book. it took me a day to read it. thamk you.
2023-06-21 00:09:55
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Bella Jersey
Have to say I totally devoured this book in like 2 day it was that good
2023-06-12 21:08:29
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Bella Jersey
Did what to tell the readers there’s no sex scenes just kissing. I know how some don’t like it in their faces.
2023-06-12 21:07:06
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Bella Jersey
Well my friend this book took on on hell of journey. Let’s me tell you that you will go from highest of highs to lowest of lows. Is it worth it ABSOLUTELY
2023-06-12 21:03:49
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Bella Jersey
Just so sad how people can cause so much misery in the name of greed
2023-06-12 20:36:08
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Bella Jersey
No that is just evil you made me ugly cry
2023-06-12 20:14:11
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Bella Jersey
Who wants to give Colby a great big hug? I know I do
2023-06-11 18:34:46
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Bella Jersey
I know Hannah loves to shop. If I was Evermore I had to go to the with her. Hannah can shop till she drops. Me and Evermore we are going to the food court. Let’s start with milkshakes and smoothies
2023-06-10 06:04:39
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Lisa Reed
I enjoyed reading this story thank you author
2023-05-14 08:00:00
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Cheryl Williams
This was an awesome book. Although Evermore showed strength, compassion love, and loyalty despite a difficult upbringing at the hands of her mother and stepfather. Axel showed kindness and patience to Evermore. I hope there's a sequel to this story and its characters
2023-04-30 03:11:02
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Delinda Schumacher
51 chapters 4-29-23
2023-04-30 02:14:05
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Love this book!
2023-03-21 03:38:19
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Michelle Barrett
Story was pretty good from start to finish. A few consistency and grammatical errors, but definitely not the worst on this app. However, I expected some sex scenes. Very disappointed that was just glossed over.
2023-05-13 06:47:09
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꧁Elle Frost꧂ ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
An amazing unique story full of mystery and plot twists. Excellent writing!
2023-07-24 05:16:43
52 Chapters
Chapter One
“Evermore! You worthless piece of shit, you’re burning the dinner!” My step father Patrick, shouts up the stairs to me, I knew by the tone in his voice that I needed to move. I had to run up to change my top as I spilt hot sauce on it, I must have forgotten to turn the hob off while I was away. The sauce was burning my skin so I didn’t think, I’ll do better next time. As I arrive in the kitchen, Patrick stood there with his arms crossed looking at me with a stern look. I move passed him and to the dinner, only to find that the dinner wasn’t burned at all but looked around about done. “You’re lucky it’s not burnt, you and I would be having one of our talks if it did.” He tells me from behind, I gulp fear making its way through me as I nod my head.I knew what he meant by talk, I wasn’t in the mood to have to deal with one of those today. Not that I’m ever in the mood to have one, I wanted to just make this dinner and head to bed without any trouble today. He looks me up and down wit
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Chapter Two
The loud smashing from downstairs was a result of Zoe dropping her plate on the floor, which of course, she couldn’t clean up herself. I was forced to clean the glass up while also cooking her another dinner. After I was done, I escape to the attic once again and immerse myself in one of my hidden books. I had just read through a chapter of the book, when I hear the front door knocking. I always stop what I’m doing when the door knocks, I think a part of me hopes that somehow someone has found out what my family have been doing and will come and save me. As you can see, that hasn’t happened yet but I’m holding out to hope that it will. “Oh Francis, what can I do for you?” Patrick asks which told me who was there, it was one of our nice neighbours who used to always smile at me when I would walk by. “I have been sent to all the neighbours to tell them there us this fair like event happening tomorrow, someone important is visiting and all the residents have to attend, that includes
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Chapter Three
The morning of whatever event this is soon rolls around, where you could just tell by the way in which Patrick was acting, he was growing nervous. I had been kept away for years and in conditions that most would dem inhumane, which is something he definitely, does not want people to find out about. I was finishing getting ready for the day in the attic, they had allowed me to shower which meant I was fixing my hair so I looked presentable. The girls had given me some clothes, where they loved to tell me that I could keep them as they didn’t want to touch anything that had been on my body. But I didn’t mind that much, that meant that I had some fresh clothes that I could wear. I stare at myself in the tiny broken mirror that was on the wall, I don’t look in the mirror much as it only makes me sad to what I have become over the years. My bright green eyes have turned dull in a sense due to the constant abuse and hunger that I endure and feel on a daily basis. My mother constantly tell
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Chapter Four
After the man’s little speech, everyone begins to get back to what they were doing before and talking amongst themselves. My eyes remained on the floor as I tried to rationalise what just happened, how and why did I feel like that when him and me made eye contact? Could it be down to me staying in the attic for too long and don’t know what it means to socialise? Before these questions could swirl around my mind any longer, Patrick who still had my arm begins to pull me out of the crowd of people. For a second, I also forgot that he was a person! “Me and the girls are going to do some shopping around the stalls, do you want to come?” My mum turns to ask Patrick, not that she would ask me if I wanted to join their little bonding time. “No, I’ll stay behind and make sure this disgrace doesn’t try to make a run for it.” He responds looking down at me, my mother sends me a disgusted look before walking away with the two girls. “Now you may see why we keep telling you that you’re too muc
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Chapter Five
I couldn’t stop my hands from shaking as I sat with my body pressed against the door of the car, the king man was sat a short distance away from me but just from the manner he was sat, I could see he wanted to get closer to me. My heart was pounding in my chest as the worried thoughts of what may lay ahead for me consume my mind, how on earth have I landed myself in this situation? I try to avoid looking at the man at all costs, I was worried if I stare at him for too long he would lash out like Patrick does. But the times he would turn to look at me, he would either smile or send me a look of sadness. I could sense that he wanted to speak but also knew, I wouldn’t reply. I turn my full attention to the window watching the whole world pass us by, I’m seeing more of the world than I did before I was locked away for all of those years. We were quite far away from the village, back in his speech he told the town that his kingdom isn’t far from the village. But from this car ride alone,
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Chapter Six
I was sat in what appears to be my new bedroom for a few long moments, my brain attempting to comprehend what has been happening but due to how complex this all felt, it was finding that topic difficult. I still haven’t got a clue why I’m here, when I asked Axel he was more than a little cagey with his response. He kept repeating that I would learn in time why I was here and I only needed to trust him, but when and how am I going to learn what he was talking about?! I have been locked in the attic for more years than I could count on my fingers, yet the first guy that I meet and who technically, saved me from that life, wants me to trust him off the bat! Now I can’t deny that I do get this weird but wonderful feeling when I’m around Axel, somewhere I just know that he will protect me no matter what happens. But the part of my brain that isn’t fully mesmerised by him is telling me that none of this is making sense, I know I have been away from society for so long but even I know that
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Chapter Seven
Axel remained true to his word and didn’t leave my side the entire time, the doctor was also very kind and would explain to me what he was doing and why. The exam took quite a long time, I was knackered by the end but I knew had to push through due to Axel wanting me to have a proper check up. At the end of the exam, the doctor explained that I was severely malnourished and would need to take different kind of supplements to give my body a little push. Axel said he would handle all of that for me, which I did find very helpful as I did worry that I would forget to take what I needed, or take too much at one time. The doctor also took some blood so he could check everything over, whilst taking the blood the bruise that Patrick, left on my arm earlier in the day had very much pronounced itself. I saw anger flash Axel’s expression when his eyes landed on the bruise, he had to look away slightly taking deep breaths in before he turned back to me smiling. It wasn’t really a surprise to m
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Chapter Eight
I was able to get showered and dressed into the fresh clothes just in time, I have to say there is nothing better than a good morning shower. Back at home, I would only be able to shower when everybody was out the house. But I could never fully enjoy it, I would feel the need to rush just in case one of my family decided to come home early and catch me. I walk back into the bedroom, taking a look around with a little smile on my face. This is the first time that I can remember where I’m genuinely happy, I mean I’m confused on why I’m here and why Axel would want to show an interest in somebody that looks like me. Thinking about Axel, the memory of the dream I had last night fills my mind. I still cannot shake the feeling that what I’m calling a dream, wasn’t a dream at all. For starters, I never met Joey to my knowledge, I only knew his name because Hannah mentioned him one time so nonchalantly, that it’s shocking that I even registered what she said. Why would I dream of two people
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Chapter Nine
After the hug Axel and I shared, he began to show me the other beautiful areas in the garden. I would have been amazed by what I saw when we first walked in alone, but the sheer beauty of the rest of the garden simply took my breath away. There was a huge rose garden with every colour of rose that you could think of! Axel explained how roses were his mother’s favourite flower, so he thought it would be a wonderful idea to have this part of the garden created to honour her. There is also a river that runs through the garden, where as you walk along you can hear all the amazing sounds of nature. He told me we had just scratched the surface on every part of the garden, there were still so many more parts for me to see which I couldn’t wait. We were just stood under an old looking apple tree, you could see not many apples grew anymore and the ones that did, didn’t look really edible. This seems to be the only part of the garden which isn’t prim and proper, I would have thought it would
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Chapter Ten
Axel held my hand as Hannah and I were both led back indoors, I mean I was upset that the lovely morning outside was ruined by whoever that unusual guy was! But I knew I would feel so much more terrified if we remained outside. What I had witnessed myself scared me, but to see the way in which everybody around me was acting, didn’t make me feel any better. They must have had some experience with this man I learnt was Johnathan, due to the way in which he and Hannah were interacting back there. The way he was acting also stood out to me, it was as though he was taunting us and knew exactly, what he needed to say to make Hannah start to fear what he could do next. This could mean that him showing up was planned, he didn’t just decide out of the blue that he was going to break into this place and see us. It is like he knew Axel and Joey, would be preoccupied with whatever the emergency was to rush straight over to us. As I don’t speak, I spend most of my time observing others and I’ve
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