
Chapter Six

Daphne’s Point of View

After the altercation with Heather I had cleaned up the dining room. I carefully avoided all contact with not only my pack, but the visiting pack members as well. As soon as I had the dining room cleaned up, I washed up the dishes and retreated to my room. Everyone else was busy worrying about the visiting pack. I just wanted to disappear.

The next morning my throat was still sore and a little scratchy from where Heather had choked me. Checking the mirror, I can see that the bruises were already fading from sight. Since I love to shift every morning and go for a run my healing abilities are pretty good. Being a werewolf means that we heal relatively quickly, but if you do not regularly shift your healing abilities can be hindered.

Heading out the back door I was extra careful to be quiet this morning. Since we are rarely visited by other packs I do not know if th

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goodnovel comment avatar
Marietta Nicolas
looks like I am going to like this ...
goodnovel comment avatar
Lenea Hopkins
Could these chapters be any shorter? They aren't even a two minute read ...
goodnovel comment avatar
Chapters to short won’t keep reading...‍♀️

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