
Chapter 3

The dishes were not only piled horizontally but also vertically. If Alessa had to guess, there were over 200 hundred dishes in here. The mansion’s kitchen, which was not small, was half made up of these piles of dishes. According to Mrs.Rafferty, who begrudgingly led Alessa down to the kitchen, the dishes encompassed all the servants and the dinner party guest Kyle hosted tonight. 

Alessa calculated that this was going to take her at least three hours and it was almost 10:30 PM. Not willing to back down from the challenge, she began scrubbing, applying a generous amount of soap to a pad, and creating copious amounts of little tiny bubbles.

She didn’t stop for anything. She didn’t stop when her wrist started hurting, or when the pain traveled up to her shoulder. Not even when her legs screamed out in pain for standing on them too long. Not even when her skin got so pruney that it started peeling. She only stopped when the last dish, a beautiful white and blue China plate, was washed and placed on the drying rack.

When she looked at the clock on the wall, as exhausted as her, it showed 3 o’clock. She rose out of the kitchen into the living room, her eyes already half-closing. Which is why it took her a few seconds to realize she had bumped into someone in the darkness. This person had a hard chest because Alessa’s already aching body yelled in pain at the collision. Then the only other thing she could make out was striped pajamas. 

“I am sorry!” She exclaimed.

“Do you ever walk without tripping or falling?” Kyle said, and even though it was dark, Alessa knew his teeth were clenched. Why did he hate her so much she thought through her foggy, sleepy thoughts. 

“Huh?” Alessa said. “I—I just finished the dishes.”

“What? You washed all of them…Who helped you?” 

“No one. Mrs.Rafferty told no one to help one on your instructions.” Alessa mumbled.

“You did it all yourself?” Kyle said, and Alessa could detect awe and anger in his voice. She smiled in satisfaction. She had planned to tell him not to mess with her. Poke him a few times in the chest to let him know who the boss was, but she doesn’t remember doing any of that. 

Right now, as she came too, she was on a softer than usual bed. When she opened her eyes she saw she was in a large room with a canopy surrounding her. Across from her, there was a large empty walk-in closet with its door opened, and her cardboard boxes were placed out on the floor of said closet.

She jumped out of bed and ran out to find Madison in the large mansion, calling out her name. Luckily she ran into Mrs.Rafferty.

“They are in the dining room dear,” she kindly said. “John asked me to put out lunch for you.”

“Lunch? What time is it?”

“12:15! You can go to the dining room now, I can get someone to get your plate ready.”

Alessa zig-zagged through the large confusing hallways of this house behind Mrs.Rafferty who then found some stairs that Alessa hoped led her to food, and eventually ended up hearing Madison’s laughter to an open room that was filled up with a large polished dining table. Only three chairs were filled up. Madison’s, John’s, and at the head of the table, guess who? 

“You’re up!” Madison cheered. “I tried waking you up like five times. Come eat!” 

Alessa’s eyes however were fixed on Kyle. Since her confusing morning—well afternoon—she had been wondering how she got up to her new room. Could it be Kyle who bought her there?

“How did I get to my room last night?” She asked, her eyes not moving away from the hazel gaze. 

“Mrs.Rafferty, bring me the evidence.” He demanded, ignoring her question. 

Mrs. Rafferty's red tight bun atop her head slumped slightly as she sighed but ultimately disappeared. A few seconds later, she comes out, holding one small butter knife.

“You said you washed ALL the dishes last night.” He bellowed. “Our maid found this on the side of the sink.”

Alessa was shocked. This man was calling her out for missing one thing. It’s not like she was getting paid to do this work for him. “Are you serious right now?” She asked, her voice shaking.

“All means all Miss—what’s your name?” Kyle pondered, curiosity dripping with his words.

“Alessa McClaire.” 

“We’ll Miss.McClaire, next time, please make sure work is done to full completion.” He amusingly added. “You may go eat your lunch in the kitchen quarters. This area is for the guests and residents of this household.”

“Kyle!” John warned.

“It’s fine John. I much rather eat away from him.” Alessa said, though her eyes began to tear up, but she was determined not to let them spill. She wouldn’t give him the satisfaction. 

“Funny, you don’t seem to mind the cushy room and board you are provided within my house!” Kyle spat.

“I didn’t go there on my own accord last night. It’s a mystery to me how I got up there. Thought you seem to know.”

“Clean the knife, then eat,” Kyle said, ignoring her statement. 

“How can you be so cruel, and only because you heard a conversation that wasn't for you to begin with.” Alessa desperately asked. Kyle didn’t answer. His stone face remained unmoving. “Thank you for taking me to my room yesterday but since you are determined to treat me like a servant. I’ll behave like one.” She looked at Mrs.Rafferty. “Can you get someone to help move me to a room downstairs?” Kyle blinked more rapidly than usual. 

With pity in her eyes, Mrs.Rafferty nodded her head. “James can do it.”

Alessa walked past Kyle but lingered slightly because she thought she saw a hint of hesitation in his eyes. It was almost as if they wanted to follow her as she moved past the room. He, however, persisted and looked straight ahead, so Alessa walked passed him. 

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