
Chapter 7

“This is pimping. You know that? Maybe I'll take a video of all of this and upload it online like the other girl.” Alessa protested as they took a seat on the table the restaurant matradee led them to.

“Not there!” Kyle said. “Sit next to me. If you sit there he will be too close to you.”

“Isn't that what you want?” Alessa scoffed, not moving which prompted Kyle to get up, pulling Alessa’s chair and forcing her up.

“He can look but can't touch!” Kyle said, guiding Alessa to a chair next to him and snapping a finger at the waiter to take away the placemats across from Alessa's new seat. “Good, now he has no choice but to sit across from me.”

“Look but can't touch. You are gross!” Alessa gave Kyle a dirty look and she could've sworn she saw the side of his lips curl into a smile. Though whatever that was, it didn't last long as a stocky man walked towards their table.

“Jason Merlin! Welcome!” Kyle greeted, getting up and shaking this man’s hairy hand.

“What is this?” The man said, ogling Alessa like she was something tasty he could devour. She shifted in her seat, uncomfortably.

“A peace offering. As we sit and discuss our current disagreement I wanted to make sure you were satisfied.” Kyle informed Jason, who gave a hearty laugh. Alessa shot daggers with her eyes at both of these rich, despicable men. “Sit. Sit.” Kyle pointed at the chair in front of him.

“I much rather sit in front of that fiery thing.” Jason nodded towards Alessa.

“Unfortunately, that chair is a bit shaky.” Kyle snapped at the waiter again to take the chair in front of Alessa away. Thankfully, the wait did. Jason grunted but took the seat a bit away from Alessa. Though his eyes didn't move off of her. “Now, shall we discuss why you want to back out of this project?”

“Well, you don't have the best reputation right now.” Jason finally moved his eyes off of Alessa. “I might be the best at keeping my women, but I don't berate them.”

“No, you send them over to me to get that done.” Kyle’s face stretched and it seemed he was trying to fake a smile. Alessa stifled her laughter.

“Ohh, she was a gift. I didn't expect you to make her your assistant. She was sent for another purpose.” Jason growled at Alessa, her stomach churned.

“And what reason was that? From my knowledge, she was sent to fill in for my assistant while she was on maternity leave, but all she did was cause chaos in my office. It wasn't till I found out she was sent by you that I lost my temper.”

“How long did you hold off? Two days?” Alessa snorted out a laugh.

“Ohh she is a feisty one. Is she one of yours?” Jason licked his lips and to Alessa's shock, he lunged out of his seat, hands coming towards her. She closed her eyes, waiting for his nasty touch, but it never came.

Alessa slowly opened her eyes to find Kyle’s hand stopping Jason. She got a whiff of his cologne and suddenly felt less scared.

“No, she isn't. I don't run my business like you. This was a mistake. Let's go.” He spoke to Alessa. “You can take your money and shove it up your ass. I don’t care what the board thinks.” Kyle said before grabbing Alessa’s hand and walking out, making sure Alessa was walking in front of him so he could hide her from Jason’s view.

“What was that?” Alessa asked once they were in Kyle’s car.

“He—he thought you were one of my—”

“You what?” Alessa yelled, having an inkling of what Jason thought. “Whore?”

“I don't like that word—but yes. That was the idea.” Alessa saw that Kyle’s face became flushed.

“And what exactly was the idea from your end in bringing me in front of that disgusting piece of shit.” For the first time, Kyle seemed—regretful.

“I already said it was a bad idea. He—the girl he sent, pretending to be my assistant, she was one of his girls—” Kyle stopped talking and simply added, “Not all rich people get rich the right way.”

“Most don't.” Alessa scoffed.

“I shouldn't have yelled at her. I didn't know she had a camera placed in my office—”

“And if she didn't you would keep yelling at her?”

“No, I meant, I didn't know she was there to seduce me. I—I didn't know she was— I did feel awful after. There is—never mind.” He stuttered.

“I don't want to know. After the position you put me in just now, I would rather stay away from rich people like you.” Alessa strongly stated. Kyle pressed the brake so fast that Alessa's seat belt tightened around her chest. “Ouch.”

“Don't you dare compare me to that piece of shit!” Kyle growled facing Alessa. She was ready for a fight this time. She wasn't dancing to his tune anymore.

“Why not? What's different between what he did, and what you did? He sent you a girl, and you bought him me in return. As he undressed me with his eyes and god knows what else in his mind. Do you have any idea how unsafe I felt?”

“I wasn’t going to let anything happen to you!” Kyle claimed.

“Now he thinks you and I are—” images of Kyle and her naked in a bed invaded her mind. Alessa shook them away. Though she could feel her face flush.

She hated him. Why would she ever want anything like that with him? She snuck a glance at him, his glasses still on his face, his muscles poking through the suit. She guessed it made sense. No! She yelled internally.

“Fine, if that's what you think, you can. I don't care.” Kyle filled in her silence as Alessa assessed Kyle’s body.

“Fine!” Alessa concluded the conversation.

They did not talk at all for the rest of the car ride. Alessa’s mind kept going back and forth with how much she hated Kyle and them in bed together. This made her upset at her brain—or heart–for not falling in line. All of Alessa had to hate Kyle Danny. Period!

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