The Forsaken

The Forsaken

By:  Kelsey Jones  Ongoing
Language: English
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Dreams, visions, going insane. What does it all mean? As Nikkias world flips upside, she tries desperately to gain her footing. With everything pushing her farther way from her true destiny, she has to learn to fight harder for what she really wants. Will she be able to do it? Or will she give up and let everybody else decide what she wants.

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8 Chapters
Everything is a blur as I get shoved down in front of the man sitting on the throne. I feel a hand roughly grab my hair and rip my head back, aligning my eyes with the king. Hands chained behind my back, tired and weakened from the fight I had already given. I stare straight back at the eyes studying me. Black. Nothing but black. "She will do." He says with a gruff voice, more animal than human. He comes and stands in front of me, grabbing a strand of my hair, twirling it through his fingers. "I've never had a red head before." He smiles, a malicious smile, and whispers in my ear, "I bite, so be careful." He turns around and looks at the guards holding me. Looking past them he finds my seller. "What makes her so worth your price?" The seller looks at the king with terror, scared to answer. "She is nothing I've ever seen before. It took us 2 months to finally catch her, and when we did she killed 5 of my men. I don't know what she is, but keep h
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Chapter 2
I get out of my thoughts and walk to the bathroom. I look in the mirror and see the caked blood in my hair and running down my face. I have bruises covering the visible skin. My body was slowly healing, which only made me more tired. I take off my clothes, stumbling when my foot gets caught in a hole that had been torn in my pants, falling flat on my face on the floor. I groan and roll over to my back. My foot had finished the tear in the pants, leaving my leg exposed from my knee down. I sigh, sitting up. Standing to my feet, I free myself from the remainder of the pants, tossing them to the side. I turn on the shower, climbing in and submerging myself under the water. I start washing away all the blood and dirt, watching the water run down the drain red revealing an unscathed canvas. What have I gotten myself into? The man was obviously a king, but king of what and who. I had never smelled these kind of people before. They smelled alike to my kind, but not enough that it made any
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Chapter 3
We sit across from each other in his office, never breaking eye contact. He stands, towering over 6'7, and walks over to a cupboard and pulls out 2 glasses. He takes a bottle from the same cupboard, pouring a brown liquid into both glasses. He brings them back over, setting one in front of me and sitting back down in his chair. "Who are you?" He asks, taking a sip. I stare at him, thinking of how I should answer. "My name is Nikkia. Where I am? Who are you people?" All the questions I want to ask come to my head and I bite my tongue, never having much patience. I take a steadying breath, wiping my clammy hands on the skin tight dress. "I have been brought here against my will. I don't even know why I have been captured. I awoke in a strange place and have been running for my life since. I want my answers first." I look at him with a stone face, void of any emotions, trying to keep a hold of my courage. My father always taught me to never show w
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Chapter 4
Freya stands in front of Talon, looking down at him. I feel her purr deep in her chest. Talon just stares in pure shock. Freya takes another step closer to Talon, moving her snout to his head to sniff it. She slowly starts moving around him, whipping everything over around her and in her path. Barely enough room for her to stand in the room, let alone move around comfortably. "Mate." I hear her growl. "Mine!"I see Talons eyes turn dark with his wolf, then back to his dark blue. "Nikkia shift back so we can talk." Talon says. Freya growls, not willing to give up control. "Please." Freya growls louder and steps in front of him again, pushing him back against a wall. Baring her teeth at him, she bows her head and puts her face in front of his. "Nikkia, take control of your wolf." Talon commands, no emotion on his face. "You need to have control."Freya howls, not liking being told what to do. S
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Chapter 5
I awake to voices whispering angrily in the living room. Light shining through the window, hurting my eyes. I roll over and stare at the ceiling, trying to listen in. "No, you don't understand Kian. She was the biggest wolf I've ever seen, way bigger than my own, and im the biggest of all of us." "You feeling threatened Talon?" Kian chuckles. "No! Again, I'm not feeling threatened. You aren't understanding my worry. All of a sudden I finally find my mate, which is amazing. But I'm worried. What does this all mean? She shows up having been captured by a slave seller," He pauses, "which you took care of right?" Kian laughs. "Oh yah. He won't be capturing and selling people anymore, don't worry about that." "Good. Anyways. She shows up, the seller tells me she killed 5 of his men after them trying to capture her for 2 months. An impressive feat in itself. She's calm, collected, and by the time she gets to my room she star
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Chapter 6
We make our way out of the house, following the stair case back down to the first floor. I take it all in again, not filled with fear this time. It really is a wonderfully crafted house. I feel a squeeze on my hand, pulling me out of my thoughts. I look over to Talon smiling at me, making me smile back. "Do you like what you see? My ancestors built it and we have been adding onto it since. It just keeps getting bigger." Talon laughs, pushing open the front doors to take us outside. "This is the Alpha and Lunas house. We then have room for our gamma, our beta, and some omegas that help cook and clean. We usually host every event that we have here too since it's big enough to fit everybody." I smile at him, "I love it. I've never seen anything like it. We kept everything small." The sun shines in my face as the doors open, making me cover my eyes. Talon leads me down the stairs. I uncover my eyes to such a beautiful village. When I was brought in my eyes had been covered, so I miss
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Chapter 7
We walk through the door into a large room, bookshelves lining all but one wall. A door off to the the left, with a staircase going to the second floor next to it. I glance at all the books, seeing too many to count. I look to the wall with no books. A fireplace burns bright in the middle of it with 2 large paintings hanging above it, one a man and one a wolf. My eyes stay glued to the paintings as I study them. One a man, and one a wolf. The man is painted to be tall, full of muslces. Hair blacker than night, with emerald green eyes staring right back at me. I look to the wolf, his fur the same as the mans hair, the saem emerald eyes starieng at me. "That is the first werewolf...." "Samual Redwood.' I say, cuttin Talon off. "We never had paintings of him, but we learned everything there was to know about him. He was just a human that fell in love with moon, and she fell in love with him. She made a human form to come down to be with him, then blessed him with the wolf.." I stop
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Nikkia Pov Chapter 8
I feel Freya take over all control as I fall into the back of her mind. What the hell is happening? What does she mean we are the descendents of the moon goddess? I feel Freya pushing me all the way out of earshot in her mind, falling into nothingness. I feel sleep taking over as Freya lulls me to sleep. Not fighting it at all, I fall into a quiet sleep. Talon Pov I stand to my feet, watching Freya curiously. She really is the most beautiful wolf I'd ever seen. Her fur so white it glowed. I look down noticing the black patch on her chest again. Not noticing I had walked to her, I reach my hand out and stroke it. Freya looks down at me, purring. My wolf purrs back as I glance into her eyes. Her eyes were the green of the forest, bright and full of life. I don't know how long I stared into her eyes when I heard a cough behind me, followed by a threatining growl from Freya. "I am sorry my Queen, but we have urgent matters that need to still be discussed." "Very well." Freya speaks
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