
chapter three

Katherine's POV

“I, Nathaniel Hawthorne, rej…” Nathaniel started but his speech was cut off by a voice that screamed, “stop!”. We all turned to see the mysterious man, it was elder Walker, who was one of the oldest men in the pack.

“You can not reject an Omega like that,” he said, making our eyes widened. I was an Omega but I knew nothing about that. Well I knew nothing about the omega genes because my family made me feel ashamed of it.

“Why?” Emilia asked, elder Walker sighed at our ignorance, “if you do, the omega would likely die, because most omegas depend on the strength of their mate bond alot,” He answered us.

My eyes widened at the knowledge that if he hadn't walked it, I would be dead because of Alpha Nathaniel's rejection.

"That's bullshit, this wedding needs to happen, so Alpha, please continue with the rejection," my dad said, his words piercing my heart like a dagger. It hurt to know that my own family didn't care if I died.

"Don't insult my knowledge, Danvers," Elder Walker warned my dad, his voice firm. "Alpha, you must try to grow the bond between you and your Omega before the rejection." He announced, bowing and leaving the garden. The silence that followed was deafening, the weight of his words sinking deep into our minds. "How do they grow the bond?" Emilia asked, but no one replied, lost in our own thoughts.

The silence hung in the air like a thick fog, each of us lost in our own thoughts. I couldn't believe my family was willing to sacrifice me for the sake of this wedding. Nathaniel avoided my eyes as he glared at us all as if wanting to kill us.

“So what are we going to do now?” I muttered in a whisper that I thought only I could hear. Mr Tristian sighed in frustration, “to build a bond, you ought to be in the same house with our mate. Katherine you will have to live with Nathaniel in his manor for the time being.” He announced.

“What!” We all screamed in disbelief, “no I refuse to be forced into Mating” Nathaniel growled in anger at his father. “Don't be stupid Nate, your stubbornness will kill your mate,” Mr Tristian tried to make him understand the severity of the issue.

"She's no mate of mine," Nathaniel declared, his eyes filled with disgust as he stared at me. Emilia avoided eye contact, refusing to even look at me. "You're an alpha, it's your responsibility to protect your pack, and Katherine is part of that pack," Mr. Tristian screamed at Nathaniel in rage.

Nathaniel shook his head and took heavy steps towards me, his glare piercing. My eyes widened in fear as I thought he was going to reject me, and I refused to die because of his stubbornness and stupidity. I quickly covered my ears, and although I saw him mutter some words, I couldn't hear them due to my hands covering my ears.

He grabbed my hands harshly, his grip tight. "Fine, we'll form a bond. The minute it's formed, I'll reject you," he spat harshly before storming out of the garden. His family followed closely behind him, leaving me feeling scared and uncertain about my future.

My parents glared at me with disgust, their faces red with anger. "You're so shameless! You ruined your sister's wedding!" my mother screamed, her voice harsh and unforgiving. I shook my head, trying to defend myself, but a thunderous slap from my father shut me up.

"Listen, you'd better accept his rejection after the bond is formed, or I'll skin you alive!" my mother growled, her eyes blazing with fury as she stormed out of the room, my father following close behind.

I turned to Emilia, who shook her head and tried to leave, but I held her back. "Emilia, why are you acting like this?" I demanded, anger rising in my chest. If anyone should understand me, it was her - she knew I hated Nathaniel just as much as she did, and that the mate bond was irreversible.

"How do you want me to act?" Emilia screamed, tears streaming down her face. "Oh, I know - congratulations on finding your mate, who just happens to be my FUCKING FIANCEE!" Her words cut deep, and I felt a pang of guilt and regret.

I felt my eyes well up with tears as I gazed at my sister. I loved her so much - she was the only one who loved me unconditionally, regardless of my omega status. I held her hand affectionately, hugging her tight as her tears fell. "I'm so sorry," I apologized, but she just stared at me with a blank expression.

"Yeah, as if it's that easy for me to recover from this embarrassment," she spat, her anger and hurt evident. "I've always wanted to be Luna since I was a child, but you ruined it all." She roared in rage, hitting my hand away.

"Emilia, please don't hate me too," I begged, desperate to make amends. "I'll reject him immediately when the bond is formed, I promise." I nodded, trying to convince myself that I could accept the rejection.

Emilia stared at me intensely, as if searching for sincerity in my eyes. After a moment, she nodded and offered a small smile. "I'm sorry too, for blaming you," she said gruffly. "But you better reject him when the bond is formed, okay?"

"I will, I promise," I assured her. "I think in a month, the bond will be strong enough. If he fails to reject me, I'll reject him," I vowed, determination in my voice.

She didn't say a word as she left the garden, and as she disappeared from sight, the tears I'd been holding back finally fell. I collapsed to the ground, sobbing uncontrollably. I had always longed for a mate who would love and accept me, not one who wanted to reject me from the start. I knew Alpha Nathaniel hated me, and to be honest, I wasn't fond of him either. But the Moon Goddess had paired us together for a reason, and I couldn't change that.

A gentle hand on my back brought me back to reality. "Sorry to scare you, but it's late. Please come inside. Alpha Nathaniel is requesting your presence," a petite girl said with a kind smile. I nodded, wiping away my tears, and followed her into the Alpha's lodge.

The Alpha's house was stunning and spacious, and I was impressed by the beautiful architecture. The servant led me through the hallway and dining room, finally stopping at a large door. "This is the Alpha's room," she said with a bow before leaving me alone.

I took a deep breath and knocked on the door, my heart racing with anticipation and a hint of fear.

"Come in," he growled in a deep, husky voice, and I felt my knees weaken at the powerful tone. I blamed it on the mate bond, but I couldn't deny the effect he had on me. I opened the door to find his room painted a dark, rich green, with black curtains and furnishings. "Omega, come here," he ordered, his voice filled with authority. I bit my lip to hold back my sarcastic remarks, and he smiled at my submission, though it was fleeting. I wished he would smile more.

"So, Omega, you'll be living in my house until the bond is formed," he explained calmly. "When the bond is strong enough, I'll reject you, and it'll be a win for everyone. Most importantly, you'll get to keep your life." Alpha Nathaniel said with a smirk, seeming pleased with the idea of rejecting me. I glared at him, feeling a pang in my chest. He must really despise me.

"Oh, and Omega, don't fall in love with me while we're forming the bond," he snickered, "for your own safety." I slammed my hand on his table, and he shook in surprise at my sudden outburst.

"I've had enough of your condescending attitude and degrading behavior!" I screamed, my rage boiling over. "I don't want you as my mate, and I hate your arrogant and rude demeanor. You're my worst nightmare!" I growled, my voice fierce. "And my name is Katherine, not Omega!" I spat, my anger unrelenting.

His eyes flashed bright with anger, and before I could react, he pounced, pinning me to the floor. "DON'T YOU EVER DISRESPECT ME LIKE THAT!" his wolf roared, its fury palpable.

I whimpered, fear gripping my heart, as my wolf instinctively wanted to submit to its alpha. But I refused to give in, clinging to my dignity. "Y-yes, Alpha," I stammered, my voice trembling.

As he stood up, his eyes still blazed with anger, but I noticed a flicker of something else - a hint of amusement? I bit my lip, fearful of his wrath, as he growled, "Stop doing that." His body tensed, and I wondered what he would do next.

I was confused, unsure of what was happening. “Stop biting your lips like that,” Alpha Nathaniel growled, his voice low and husky, his eyes fixed on me with a seductive intensity. His masculine scent, a mix of grass and wood, filled my nostrils, making my head spin. I could feel my wolf responding to his gaze, releasing more pheromones as he looked at me like he wanted to devour me whole.

I needed to leave, but I could feel his wolf emerging. I took steps back, but he closed in on me. I retreated until my back hit the wall, and he trapped me with his arms. My breathing quickened as I gazed into his piercing emerald eyes. “Mate”Alpha Nathaniel purred in my ear, his voice low and husky. My knees weakened at his seductive tone, and he smirked as he pulled me into his muscular frame. “Alpha, please stop,” I pleaded, trying to resist the mate bond's pull. But he just kissed my earlobes, and I whimpered, “You're so perfect for me, mate,” his wolf purred, as he trailed kisses down my neck."

My fingers dug into his shoulders, his broad frame a mountain of muscle that refused to yield. I tried to keep a semblance of control, but it was no use. The primal hunger was overtaking us both, and I was powerless against its call.

"Please, alpha, the bond," I gasped, but my plea fell on deaf ears. His lips continued their relentless exploration, nipping and sucking at my neck, his tongue tracing circles of fire over my skin.

His hands roamed my body, coaxing each nerve into a feverish frenzy. I was barely aware of my surroundings, only the feel of him against me, our bodies moving in perfect harmony.

His lips finally met mine, his tongue exploring the depths of my mouth, stoking the flames of desire that burned within. His kisses grew more insistent, demanding, until I could barely breathe.

In the heat of the moment, Nathaniel’s mouth left mine as he whispered hoarsely, his eyes blazing with a primal intensity, “I’m going to mark you, right here, right now. You’ll be mine in every sense of the word, forever…”

Just as his fangs elongated and his hand reached out to my neck, the door to the bedroom burst open. The light from the hallway illuminated a familiar figure standing in the doorway, her eyes wide with shock…

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