

Nathaniel wolf immediately retreated giving back control to Nathaniel, Emilia stared at them in disbelief, Katherine swallowed nervously before pushing the Alpha off her.

“You couldn't even wait a little for pouncing yourself on the alpha” Emilia snarled in anger before slamming the door and leaving angrily. Katherine’s mouth widened in confusion, the alpha was clearly on top of her not the other way round.

Nathaniel's expression twisted in disgust as he regained control. He couldn't fathom why his wolf would deign to mate with a common Omega. "Get out!" he growled, shoving a bewildered Katherine out the door with a harsh push. He slammed the door shut and slumped onto his bed, berating himself for his behavior.

Katherine stood before the locked door, perplexed. No one had told her where to sleep for the night. She descended the stairs to find the petite girl who had informed her of the alpha's summons. "Hey, sorry to bother you, but I don't know where to sleep or anything," Katherine said nervously, scratching her head.

The girl blinked in confusion before offering a warm smile. "Okay, sure, follow me." Lena led Katherine to another part of the house, her abrupt responses and continued walking indicating that she wasn't one for small talk. Katherine nodded and trailed behind, taking the cue to remain silent.

Soon, they stood before a door, and Lena gestured for Katherine to enter. "You can sleep here tonight," she said, her voice softening slightly.

As Lena left, Katherine pushed open the creaky door to reveal a room that was far from welcoming. The space was cluttered, with clothes scattered across the floor and dust coating every surface. The bed, with its stained and torn sheets, looked like a breeding ground for bed bugs. Katherine's skin crawled at the thought of sleeping there.

Instead, she spotted a worn-out couch in the corner, which seemed relatively safe from the creepy-crawlies. She decided to make do with it for the night, hoping that tomorrow would bring better accommodations.

As she lay down on the couch, Katherine couldn't help but think about how drastically her life had changed in just one night. She had only wished for a mate to love her, not a mate who could barely stand her. A mate who kicked her out harshly, without even a second thought. And to make matters worse, that mate was her sister's fiancé, and they were all still part of the same pack.

Slowly, she drifted off to sleep with that thought in her head, her mind racing with questions and doubts. How was she going to survive this? How was she going to navigate this treacherous new dynamic?

As she slept, her dreams were filled with images of Nathaniel's scornful face, her sister's tears, and the pack's judgmental stares.

***The next day***

“Is she still sleeping?” A voice shirked in annoyance as she burst the door open. “Give me that” The woman said to Lena, the servant girl, she collected the bucket of cold water from her and she poured the water on Katherine who jumped in fear.

The cold water poured on Katherine who was still sleeping on the couch, the coldness of the water jumpscared Katherine from her sleep. “Ahhhh” she screamed as she glared at her culprit. The Alpha's mother smirked at Katherine as she passed the bucket to Lena, Lena stared at the ground as Katherine glared at them both.

“What the fuck was that for!” Katherine screamed in rage, her whole body was soaking wet as her make-up smeared allover her face. She unfortunately didn't bathe last night that means sleeping in her makeup and clothes.

The Alpha's mother, Carolina, burst out laughing hysterically. "The sl*t doesn't know her place. I am Carolina Hawthorne, still the Luna of this pack!" She snarled dangerously, slamming the already broken door harshly as she left the room, Lena trailing behind.

Katherine swallowed hard, trying to control her temper. She might be an Omega, but she wasn't a servant to be treated like this. She angrily left the room, determined to find Carolina and give her a piece of her mind.

Her soaked clothes wet the tiles, creating a nasty line as she walked. Katherine glanced around, seeing pack mates giving her nasty glares. She ignored them, heading upstairs to the Alpha's side of the lodge, hoping to find Carolina there.

But instead, she ran into Nathaniel, who growled in anger, "Why the fuck are you wet and creating a mess in this house?" Katherine ignored his questions, glaring at him. She had no idea the Alpha would be cruel enough to instruct his mother to humiliate her like this.

"Jeez, you stink," Nathaniel said, wrinkling his nose. Werewolves had very sensitive noses, and Katherine knew she definitely smelled, especially since she hadn't had a shower yet. The Alpha sighed and hurried downstairs to go on patrol, leaving Katherine frustrated and alone.

She couldn't find Carolina, and she desperately wanted to go home. But she was scared of her parents' reaction, especially Emilia's. Katherine decided to take a chance, hoping her parents wouldn't be too harsh. She turned around and headed for the gate, thankful her house was within walking distance. She walked heavily, panting, as people stared at her weirdly.

Well, it wasn't every day you saw a soaked person walking on the road, so she definitely understood their stares and confusion. But she didn't care. She had more pressing concerns, like getting out of those wet clothes and finding some solace in her family's home.

Katherine reached her family's house, a cozy little place that wasn't anything too fancy like the Alpha's mansion, but it was hers. She lifted the flower pot close to the door, where her family always kept the house key. She found it and unlocked the door, relieved to find nobody home. It was quite usual, but she was thankful for the solitude.

She quickly ran back to her room, and it was still like she had left it yesterday morning - her bed unmade, her clothes scattered about, and her favorite book lying open on her nightstand. It was a comforting sight, a reminder of her old life before everything changed.

Katherine sighed, feeling a mix of emotions: sadness, anger, and a hint of hope. She knew she couldn't stay here forever, but for now, it was home. And she was determined to make the best of it.

Katherine dropped her wet clothes on the floor and headed straight for the bathroom, eager to wash away the chill and the memories of the past few hours. She turned the faucet, and warm water began to flow, filling the tub. She sank in, letting out a deep sigh as the warmth enveloped her. The water was like a gentle embrace, soothing her muscles and calming her mind. She closed her eyes, feeling the tension melt away with each passing moment.

As she stood under the showerhead, the water cascaded down her hair, washing away the dirt and the tears. She let her head fall back, allowing the water to massage her scalp, and a sense of relief washed over her. The warmth seeped into her bones, chasing away the chill that had settled deep within her. She felt her breathing slow, her heart rate calm, and her thoughts clear.

After what felt like an eternity, she emerged from the bathroom, wrapped in a towel, feeling like a new person. But as she stepped into the hallway, she could hear someone crying upstairs. The sobs were muffled, but unmistakable. Katherine's heart skipped a beat as she recognized the sound. It was her sister, Emily.

With a sense of trepidation, Katherine climbed the stairs, her mind racing with questions. What was Emily crying about? Katherine's heart went out to her sister, and she quickened her pace, eager to offer comfort and support in whatever way she could.

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