

Lilliana’s POV

Walking towards Nikolai has never made me so nervous like I was right now. We soon got to the dining room and Nikolai was at the far end of the table, his usual seat.

My steps became heavier and our eyes met for a brief moment as soon as I showed up in the room.

My heart pounded so hard that I thought I was going to pass out and it raced so fast that it felt as though it was going to race out of my chest.

“It’s just Nikolai,” I reminded myself as I tried to calm my raging heart, “I hate him, I hate him, I want him.” My mantra doesn’t seem to be working as I approach the table.

My throat felt dry and Nikolai too has never looked so good. His face was ruggedly handsome and the way his firm mouth curled as if on the edge of laughter threatened to push me over the edge.

Something is going on! I’ve never been this affected by him after what happened between him and Jenna.

His lips looked firm and sensual and I wanted nothing more than to put mine on it, I wanted to kiss him
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