
Chapter Ten

Nikolai and his fake source of responsibility couldn't even last a day. He has always been good with words. His effort to travel miles away and even show up with a believable sad expression, and in the end, he still disappoints. What a waste of emotions. It has been like this before, and years after, nothing has changed.

"On the bright side, that's time saved for me." Belle couldn't help but murmur to herself. Nikolai is the kind of surprise that was fast to appear, quick to disappear. 

Instead of going straight home, she dropped by the grocery store and shopped for a few pantry stocks. There are still a few hours left for their dinner after a photoshoot tradition with the team.

Her mind was still reminded of the sight of Stella's name on his phone. The call was audible even if it was not on loudspeak. Hospital? Most probably, it's true. She had been sick, and Belle assumed she had gotten better. Maybe she has not recovered, and Nikolai is still tied to her in one way or another. A sad event, but not unfortunate enough to earn her sympathy.

She has nothing to do with them, and Stella probably shares the same sentiments. At the end of the day, Stella's involvement is a favor on her part.

Her quick relief was quick to vanish when she arrived at the front door of her apartment building.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

Belle couldn't even bring herself to take a step closer.

She thought Nikolai was gone for good a while back, choosing Stella again. Now, he's here?

"I told you. I'm not going away."

"Your lover is sick somewhere, and you're here? No. You should leave. I don't want you blaming me or my son because you didn't get to stay by her side."

He is someone who is an expert at hiding his vulnerabilities. Seeing him so sad and hurt after hearing what Belle said was unexpected.

"Do you really think of me that way?" He said, his voice quivering. For a quick second, Belle was tempted to move closer but didn't do it in the end.

"Maybe you have forgotten, Nikolai. Do you know why I think that way? Because I have already seen you do it with my own two eyes. You didn't need to say it out loud. I know you were suffocated with me, that you badly want to escape, and that you see our marriage as a prison. You can't deny that; even if you do, it is my truth. I can still remember it all too well."

This was enough drama for a day. In fact, it was enough drama for a lifetime. The only way to face the future is to stop clinging to the past. She ignored Nikolai and walked past him, determined not to give a care.

"What good news have you received, Aubrey, that you have been smiling a lot?"

You can lie with words. However, she couldn't hide that hint of redness on her cheek. Liam's nanny was blushing so hard, like a young teenager. The woman in her late 20s moved closer and whispered, "The man who just moved right next door? Oh, Belle. You have got to see. I call dibs on him, okay?"

"What?" Belle raised her eyebrow suspiciously. So, there's a new guy on their floor. "Wait, did you say next door? There's no vacancy right now, right?"

"Yeah. Not sure about that either. Okay, it was borderline stalker-ish for me to stay outside and fake-tying my shoelace or something. I wouldn't harm him, of course! I just want to know where he lives. A girl can dream. How lucky are we to brush shoulders with a man that good-looking? He-he." 

Weird. It was suspicious. She didn't like where this conversation was heading.

"Can you describe him?"

"Tall, dark hair, those eyes! Those can melt you. Perfect posture. Slightly looking stressed but nonetheless attractive. Definitely five stars. If I can give 10, I'd give it all to him. Totally deserving. Rating someone based on looks is wrong, but he's an exception, Belle. Face card is perfect ten." Aubrey was rating that guy like a product she just ordered online.

That man could be anyone, literally anyone. But then, she only had one person in mind of who it could be. She hurriedly ran towards the apartment door in front of her and made sure that the door behind her unit was closed. Nikolai has not done a thing to deserve to see Liam.

She took one deep breath before pressing the doorbell.

The door opened immediately, and she was right. The great Nikolai Laurent is in front of her. Looking unnecessarily handsome, as Aubrey described.

"You have got to be kidding me."

He was looking back at her with those calculative eyes. Is he thinking about what his next move should be? 

"You shouldn't be here."

"I am renting my own place. I am not trespassing."

"Don't play your lawyer act on me, Nikolai. What are you doing in the same building, on the same fucking floor where I live!" She tried not to raise her voice and failed. At this rate, she might end up getting evicted instead of Nikolai.

"You know why I am here. I respect your boundaries. You don't want to listen to me? Okay. You don't want me to see the kid? Fine. At least for now. You drew a line that I wouldn't cross. That doesn't mean I can't go near that line."

"And what are you hoping to achieve here, huh? Ruin my life? Again?"

"Go and have your tantrums, Belle. I may have hurt you, but have you ever thought that I was hurt too? When you had a miscarriage, you weren't the only one who lost a child. Now, you chose to hide our child's existence. I had some time to think, and I think I understand why you did that. But you have to understand, I have to do this too. We have a child, and as far as the law is concerned, we are still married to each other. So, no. You can't drive me away that easily."

The door from behind her opened, and Belle saw up close how Nikolai's eyes softened, almost teary even at the mere sight of their child.

Now, things just got a million times more complicated.

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