
Chapter Five

"Did you buy this company to get back at me?" I seethed, every fiber of my being trembling with suppressed rage.

"Uhm, excuse me." Hannah excused herself. 

"Don't create a scene here Sonya, I don't know what you're talking about." Adrian frowned. 

How could he lie to my face? He must have known I applied for a job here and deliberately chose to buy it. It could not be a coincidence.  

The dark haired man did it on purpose.

"Create a scene? You wanted to create a scene the moment you walked in through that door." I retorted. 

"How was I supposed to know that you were working here?" I knew who I married, and every one of his actions was always calculated. 

"I don't know, maybe you hired someone to monitor me."

"Sonya, let's resolve this like adults, let's just—"

"You know what, Adrian? I'm not ready for this or whatever you want to say." I grabbed my bag and moved past him. 

"Sonya!" He called, but I ignored him. He hated it when anyone ignored him, and lately, I enjoyed doing it. 

"Sir, the meeting is this way." I heard his assistant inform him. 

But just as I was about to leave the company, I heard my husband's name mentioned in a room and I decided to eavesdrop a little.

"I think the new employee is one of his ex-girlfriends or even his new fling." I could recognize that voice, it was Hannah's.

"Why would you be saying that? We all know that Mr. Graham has a lot of girls but I don't think he'd want to hire any of them." I heard a different voice, that must be the person, Hannah was talking with. 

"I don't know, but no one would be able to talk to Mr. Graham the way the new employee did and go Scott free." Hannah continued. 

"Maybe she has something on him or—"

I had heard enough and I was furious. So Adrian Graham was cheating on me way before Melissa? So the rumors were true? 

I refused to let him get away with treating me like this so I searched for him. 

With determination fueling my steps, I located the office where the meeting was being held, my mind racing with a whirlwind of emotions. 

I pushed the door open almost throwing it to the ground as I found him handling a presentation, he sounded very confident. I had forgotten how smart he was. 

"Adrian, we need to talk," I said, my voice cutting through the air like a knife.

He glanced up, his eyes narrowing in irritation. "Can't you see I'm in the middle of something, Sonya?" 

"I don't care," I replied, my tone sharp with anger. "You can't just treat me anyhow you wish, I am more than that and I deserve better."

 Adrian's demeanor did not change, but I could see a flicker of annoyance in his eyes. "What are you talking about?"

"Don't play dumb," I snapped, as my annoyance flared up. "You know exactly what I'm talking about. You being with countless women other than—."

"Can we talk about this in private, Sonya I'm currently busy."

I turned around to see Mr. Banks giving me the 'What's wrong with you?' Eyes but I didn't care, I was tired of being the dutiful wife. 

"Please who is this?" One of the board members asked, referring to me. 

"Uhm–I–uh she's my partner." Adrian started.

"Can you find out what she wants?" The board member added, "Just settle your disputes somewhere else."

"I'm so sorry." Adrian apologised and dragged me by my wrist and brought me outside, "And what was the meaning of what you played in there?"

"Played? You call me confronting you for what you've been doing to me a play, like a damn act? Act for what and don't you dare say I'm high." I snapped.

"I'm trying to understand you here, Sonya."

"How many girls have you slept with since we got married?"

"Oh my God." Adrian chuckled, taking a step backward, "Are you seriously going to make me answer that?"

"You are going nowhere till you answer it. You can't make me feel stupid every single day."

"Sonya, I'd love to continue this, I have a presentation to complete."

"The faster you answer my questions, the faster you go back in. Or else we both stand here, I'm going nowhere."

"I can't remember okay? I can't!"

For a second I couldn't breathe, I didn't know why I expected him to say none. I couldn't explain. Maybe because I thought maybe he had even if it was the slightest feeling for me. 


"Don't even dare touch me." I slapped his hands off my face. I was so glad I wasn't crying. 

"I'm done Adrian, and this time around for good." 

I met his gaze head-on, my eyes burning with righteous indignation. "I've never been more serious in my life, I've never wanted something this badly for myself." I declared, my voice steady despite the sadness growing within me. “I refuse to be treated like this any longer."

My dark-haired husband's expression hardened, and his tone turned cold and dismissive. "If that's what you want, Sonya, then so be it. But let me make one thing clear. You can either be my wife or my secretary. You can't have it both ways."

Was that supposed to be a threat? Did he say this expecting me to accept him as my husband, after all this? 

"I'd rather be anything, than be your wife."

"I'm sorry?" His voice faltered as he stumbled backward. 

He wasn't expecting that answer, probably because no woman had ever resisted the Almighty Adrian Graham. 

"I choose to keep my job, Adrian, and I choose to walk away from this sham of a marriage." I turned and left him still shocked, as all he could do was stare at me. 

"Sonya!" He called. 

"What is it?"

"Are you sure this is what you want?"

"I'll have the divorce papers drawn up by the end of the day," I tried to keep my voice steady, keeping myself from not breaking down in tears. 

"Yes, It's what I want Mr. Graham.”

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