
Chapter Three

"Where am I?" My head was spinning. I tried to sit up a bit and that was when I realized I was in a hospital and not the afterlife. 

I tried standing but I fell that same moment, and then something piqued my interest. 

I was hearing voices outside the wardroom and I looked through the transparent door it was two nurses, but I had a feeling that they were talking about me, so I chose to listen. 

"What's wrong with this patient?" One of the nurses, who was red-haired asked the other nurses who wore these oversized goggles. 

"She just lost her baby." The goggle nurse answered. 

Were they talking to me, my hands flew to my belly, was that why I felt drained? No, it couldn't be me. 

"Oh, that's so bad." The red-haired nurse sighed. 

"Stop sighing I did not lose my baby," I muttered to myself as my heart began to race. 

"And the worst part, I don't think she'd be able to get pregnant again." The red-haired nurse added, and they headed off. 

"I wonder why she will try swimming." The goggle nurse followed the other nurse and left.

A sob escaped my lips as tears rolled down my cheeks, leaving trails of pain. 

How could they tell the doctors that I went to swim? Was that how they planned to cover up my death? 

Melissa would be over the moon now and Adrian was to blame. He stood there and watched Melissa push me into the pool, I was his wife and he let that happen to me. 

Wasn't it better that I drowned, than to wake up and discover that I wouldn't be able to have children of my own? 

"I'm done with this marriage!" I pulled the IV out of my wrist.

All I wanted was to unleash my fury upon Adrain. I felt like I was about to explode from the sheer frustration of it all.

"Adrain!" I yelled his name as I stepped into the hospital hallway. 

"Ma'am please calm down. You're in a hospital." A white-haired woman announced.

"Provide my husband, and I will keep quiet." I snapped back, heading to the waiting room.

I noticed that all of his friends were there, including Melissa but he was nowhere to be found. 

"And where on earth is Adrian freaking Graham?" I fumed. 

"And why, do you want to see my husband?" Melissa approached me. I didn’t know if she was trying to intimidate because Adrian accepted her return with open arms, but she was failing. 

"Your husband, are you that —"

"Remember I sent you to this hospital and it would be easier for me to send you on a trip to hell." Melissa spat, but I wasn't ready for her. 

"I don't need to banter words with you, Melissa." I pushed her off, "Where the heck is Adrian?" I turned to the so-called family friends who sat patiently, waiting for my demise. 

I had only seen them at I and Adrian's wedding, the party, and now here, Hypocrites.

"And who is looking for me?" Adrian stepped into the room. 

"You!" I rushed and pushed him to the wall and began hitting me but he grabbed both of my hands, making me powerless. 

"What is it, Sonya, I saved your life and you should be—"

"You killed my baby." I seethed. 

"You're not making sense, Sonya." Adrian snorted, "You have no baby, I think it's the anesthetics, you need to rest."

And what was the meaning of that, I had taken enough of his insults, he always had a way of making me feel less of myself. 

"I am not high, Adrian. You killed, Adrian Junior." My stomach churned, the moment I received the test results of my pregnancy, and I had started thinking of baby names. 

And now that research was useless. 

"It's a lie, Adrian, do not believe a word she says." Melissa took a few steps closer to us. 

I dipped my hands in my pocket, brought out my test results, and handed it over to him. 

"This is what I get for loving you, Adrian? This?" I gritted, my hands rolling into a fist. 

"I-uh, I didn't know you—"

"You know nothing about me, Adrian. You don't care if I live or die. I'm sure you'd be happy if you heard I was dead." I felt like I had hit rock bottom, with no hope of ever climbing back up.

"Sonya please!" He shook me fiercely with his eyes closed as he tried to contain his emotions, was that care or empathy? Well, it was too late for him to express whatever feeling aside from anger. 

"We can fix this, I'm sure—"

"I'm barren!" I shrieked, "I will not be able to give birth to kids because of you..."

"I'm sorry, Sonya." Adrian's voice was hoarse and cracked, and that scared me, but no, he wanted me dead. 

"No, you're not. It's the best parting gift you'd ever receive." I was so angry I could barely see straight.

"Parting gift? What are you saying, Sonya." His voice trembled as he shook me again. 

Tears streamed down my cheeks as I struggled to hold back the words I was about to say next... 

"I-I want a divorce." The words were stuck in my throat. 

I should be confident, but I wasn't... My body failed me, I fought back tears but it seemed like they had the power of their own. 

"Great, seems like you've finally come to your senses, sis." Melissa chuckled.

"I'll advise you to shut up, or you wouldn't like my reaction." I threatened her marching towards her as she retreated almost falling to the waste bin at her back. 

"I do not wish to divorce you." Adrian declared, drawing my attention. 

He must be out of his mind, he didn't want to divorce me, but he was sleeping with my sister. 

"You can't deny me that, Adrian." I took a few steps towards him, "I want a divorce." 

The dark-haired man leaned closer to me, our noses touching each other, "I don't want a divorce.”

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