
Chapter Four

"What is your problem, Adrian?" I shrieked, hitting him on his chest as tears welled up in my eyes. "I want a divorce! Why aren’t you listening?”

My dark-haired husband steadied his eyes on me before a tiny grin played on the corners of his lips. "Melissa,” He groaned, his eyes still on me, "Please call the doctor, I think she's high on anaesthetics."

Wait. What did he just say? 

How could he think I'm high? 

I was so furious. I felt like dragging my hair out of my scalp

"I am not crazy Adrian, I just need a—"

"Divorce, yes you've made that clear, and I think you're either high or seeking attention." He winked at me before facing Melissa, "Hurry please."

"If you take one more step, Melissa, I'm going to cut myself." I grabbed a pair of scissors and placed it on my wrist. 

"You must be kidding right?" My step-sister snorted.

"Try me." I was dead serious. 

The moment Melissa took a step past me, I slit my wrist and winced a bit as the blood began dripping on the floor. 

"She moves further, I cut deeper." I threatened, my eyes locked on Adrian. I saw fear in his eyes, and I was certain he knew I wasn't playing around. 

"Fine! Sonya! Drop the damn scissors!" My husband bellowed, but I paid deaf ears. "Melissa stop!" He added, calling my step-sister back. 

But I didn't care, that wasn't what I wanted to hear so I continued going deeper. 

"For Christ's sake Sonya, stop cutting yourself." Adrian quickly snatched the scissors of my hands and threw them into the waste bin. "Can someone get me a napkin or something?"

Since when did he give two shits about me? 

Well, it was already too late. I had been pushed too far. 

"I want a divorce." I clenched my jaw. No one was going to rest until I got what I wanted. 

"Tessa listen to—"

"I. want. a. divorce." I punctuated the words one after the other. 

"Fine, Tessa, but..."

"But, what?" If Adrian knew how furious I was, he wouldn't be making demands, "Talk!" My patience grew thin.

"Let's just take a break, like split up. You can move out, and you'd get your divorce once I'm sure it's you speaking and not the drugs."

"This is not—"

"Deal or no deal?” His brows furrowed. 

Well, one step at a time, "Deal. I'm leaving this night." I agreed. 

"I'm sorry, you would have, but you've already cut yourself and you need medical attention. Tomorrow morning."

So it was my fault now? "Fine, tomorrow it is."

I barely slept that night as the horrors of the previous one tormented me. All I could see was Adrian's face as Melissa pushed me into the water. 

I hated myself at that moment thinking he was going to come to my rescue. 

Once it was six in the morning, I started packing my bags to leave the house until I caught sight of Melissa from the Mirror. 

"What do you want?" I narrowed my eyes on her. I wanted her to get on with whatever she came for. 

"So, I can't come to greet my sweet older sister?" She feigned a pitiful expression. 

"You've gotten what you wanted, just leave me be." I carried on with packing, avoiding eye contact.

"I'm sorry you lost your baby, it would have been an honor to see the ugly child you'd give birth to." Melissa chuckled.

"Keep my child out of your mouth, you cheap slut" I finally turned to face her.

"Sorry love, did I step on your toe? I just wanted to have a conversation, no harsh feelings." She bowed pretending to be hurt. 

"Get out of my room and let me pack and leave this house for you. Isn't that what you want?" I questioned. 

"Honestly, I would love to let you pack, but you have something of mine and I kinda need it." She started walking towards me. 

"And what would that be?" I stared straight into her eyes.

"The necklace on your neck, it's mine, and I need it back." It was the audacity for me, it's obvious she was shameless. 

"Excuse me?" I felt like I was trying to follow a conversation in a room full of shouting voices.

"You heard me right. I need my necklace back." I tried to notice if she was joking or something but it seemed like she was pretty serious.

"This necklace." I held it, "was given to me on my wedding night by my—"

"I gave it to Adrian myself." Melissa reached her hands into her pocket, "Here's the twin necklace." She held the other half of the love-shaped necklace in her hands. 

"Are you this petty Meli—"

"I don't want to cause any trouble, just hand over my—"

"I won't give it to you. It's the only thing I have of my husband after you killed our baby."

"Oh, spare me that." She rolled her eyes, "You pushed for this divorce, separation, or whatever you call it, not me. I just want what is mine. You can't eat your cake and have it." Melissa snapped. 

"I'm not giving you this—"

"For memory sake, you fell into the pool yesterday accidentally if not for Adrian."

"And what does this mean?"

"I'm just saying, you may jump into the pool accidentally again, and he may not be there to save you."

"Melissa this—"

"Hand it over to me."

I didn't need anyone to tell me I had lost the battle, so I pulled the necklace off my neck and handed it over to her. 

"Now, excuse me," I mumbled, walking past her with my bags as tears rolled down my eyes. 

Heading down the stairs, I saw Adrian standing close to the door, he couldn't even wait to see me leave his life. 

The only question I had was why he wasn't agreeing to the divorce. 

"Should I get you a driver or something?" My dark-haired husband spoke but I ignored him, not like he cared about me. 

A few hours after I settled in my hotel, I received an email from Mr. Banks. I applied at his company a few weeks ago and they had called me to work. 

But I had been contemplating the matter as I had a family to take care of. But well, the family was no longer a problem and I needed a distraction, so I dressed up and headed straight to the company. 

"I was so happy when you replied my email. We've been waiting for you. No one has as many skills and knowledge as you do." Mr. Banks smiled at me, shaking my hands. 

My cheeks flushed as I heard this man praise me, something my husband had never done. 

"Thank you so much, Mr. Banks."

"It's fine, Mrs. Graham." God, why did that sting? "Here's Hannah, she's an IT, she'd bring you up to speed before the CEO comes." Mr. Banks showed me to my office. 

As Hannah was still briefing me, I perceived a Cologne. A particular Cologne I knew only one person always wore. 

"Good day, sir." Hannah stood up to the CEO, while my face was drained of all color the moment my eyes met the CEO. 

"Sonya, meet the CEO Mr. Graham." Hannah introduced me to my husband. 

Like, what the hell?

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