
The billionaire Wife Returns
The billionaire Wife Returns
Author: Favour Solomon

Chapter One

Maybe it's cancer," I thought to myself, "That would be the only reason why I've been dizzy lately." So this was how I was going to die, without love. 

"Mrs. Graham?" A blonde female doctor called my attention and I followed her without a word till we entered her office.

"Doctor, how long do I have left?" I placed my hands on my chest waiting for her to hit me with the news. 

"9 months." The doctor smiled. 

How could she be telling me that I was going to die soon and she was smiling? 

"9 months? So I just have 9 months to live?" Tears glistened in my eyes. 

"Oh my goodness, Mrs. Graham! You're 2 weeks pregnant, you're not dying." The blonde doctor's smile widened. 

"What?" I stood to my feet, unable to contain the joy that bubbled up inside me, "I don't have cancer and I'm pregnant?" I couldn't believe my ears, and the doctor nodded, handing me the test results, "Thank you so much, doctor." I threw my hands around her like a child clinging to a favorite teddy bear. 

"It's okay, you can let go now." The doctor pushed me off slightly.

"Oh, I'm sorry." My cheeks flushed, "Thank you so much, doctor." I held my tummy and exited the office walking slowly like my baby would break if I dared walk faster. 

Just like fate was on my side, I was pregnant on my marriage anniversary, and I couldn't wait to tell my husband, Adrian Graham. 

It was every woman's dream to marry my husband and I was so privileged that I got to marry him too as he had been my childhood crush. 

But who would tell that the drop-dead gorgeous Adrian Graham, who was the star at every social event barely spoke to his wife? 

Adrain didn't give a shit about how I was living. He didn't even know my birthday, and he never asked. 

Every second in that house was tormenting as I kept on thinking about ways I would make him see me, at least then I'd know there was hope of him loving me. 

"I'd never love you, Sonya Adams, I detest you, stop trying." My dark-haired husband told me months ago. But right now, I was pregnant, and he would definitely love me. 

With that, nothing was powerful enough to spoil my mood. 

"What on earth?" I was taken aback by the number of people trooping in and out of my apartment the moment I stepped out of the taxi.

My husband had never invited anyone over, he never wore his rings, and even the media thought he was single. 

If people were currently in our house, then something was up, or maybe... "He remembered that today was our anniversary!" God, I was so excited, but I needed to be sure. 

"Uhmm... Hello, what's going on here?" I tapped a red-haired lady who was sipping vodka and standing on my porch.

"Uhhh, Mr. Graham is throwing a party." She paused for a while and glanced at me from head to toe.

"Do you have an idea of why he is throwing it?" I couldn't believe I was asking a stranger about my husband.

"I don't know, but I doubt he invited you." I hated her eyes. 

"And what does that even mean?" I seethed. How could this crazy-looking lady talk to me like that? She's standing on my porch, drinking my vodka, from my cup. 

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to insult you, princess, just that I don't think Mr. Graham would know anyone like—"

"I'm his damn wife." I pushed her slightly with my shoulder and stormed into the house. 

"If you are his wife why don't you know about the party?" The lady snapped back at me, and I hated to admit that she was somehow right.

The red-haired lady wouldn't be the one to kill my mood. I didn't want to dwell on the fact that my husband, whom I'd been married to for three years, hadn't told his friends about our marriage.

"Hello, lady, you must be the maid, could you please tell me where the bathroom is?" And I thought I had seen it all until a nose-pierced lady who looked like a Barbie version of Billie Eilish walked up to me. 

I raised my middle finger and walked past her, using my eyes to scan the entire room, looking for my husband. 

"Hey," I felt a warm hand on my shoulders. 

"What is..." I turned to see the Barbie version of Billie Eilish standing with a pot-bellied man, and I froze. He was scary. 

"This pretty young lady said you wouldn't show her the bathroom oi, is that true?" He began to walk closer to me and I swallowed.

"Uhm... I..."

"You know what, princess..." He grabbed my shaking hands and drew me closer to him, too close that I could smell his alcohol-reeking breath. "I don't care about the restroom."

" you want?" I stuttered, my legs turned to jelly, threatening to buckle beneath me.

"Oh princess, you are too good-looking for a maid. Why don't you follow me and I will make you feel like a queen, aiii?" The potbellied man revealed his stained teeth.

"I'll show her the restroom, just let me go, please." I was whispering, as my heart hammered against my chest as if trying to break free.

No one seemed to care about what was happening, they were busy dancing. 

I also noticed that the restroom lady had also left me. 

I was all alone with this man, and I was afraid of what he would do to me. 

"Oh sweetheart, I care about no fucking restroom. I want you, and I want you now." His eyes darkened and his brows furrowed.

"Fine," I took in a deep breath, "Why don't I take you to the restroom? It would be fun." I rubbed my finger on his face. 

"Lovely, Princess. Lead the way." The potbellied man laughed mischievously. 

 I took deep breaths as I took him to the restroom. 

"We are here." I faked a smile turning on the shower and asking him to come closer.

"That's more like it, princess. I know you couldn't resist me." He began to take off his shirt. 

God I had suffered, I just prayed my plan would work. 

"Come here." I brought out my hands for him to hold, and the moment our hands met, I drew him with all the strength I could muster and moved away while he hit his head on the wall. 

"Where do you think you're running to?" The pot-bellied man rumbled, grabbing my waist, I was not expecting that, and quickly he pulled me toward himself.

 "Please let me go?!" I shrieked, kicking him off me and scrambling away from him. 

"You've just made me angry, Princess, how would I leave..." He grabbed me again and pressed me on the cold wall.

"Get away from me!" I reached for something in the sink but it was just a soap and then he held my hands, as a sly grin played on his cigarette-burned lips.  

"Now that's romantic isn't it?" He quickly turned me to face the wall and then held my two hands like he was going to cuff them and began kissing my neck. 

A sob escaped my lips as I forced my head backward, breaking his nose. He quickly let me go, and in that brief moment while he attended to his nose, I ran out of the restroom and locked it behind me before he could escape.

With that being settled, I cracked my neck and strolled to meet my husband.

"Adrian? Adrian?" I mimicked a sexy voice as I climbed the stairs, limping a little. 

But then I started hearing giggles and annoying female noises coming from the guest room. 

I didn't want to think that some of these party people had decided to hook up in my house. 

"You guys would have to—" My words were shortened. My jaw dropped open, speechless at what I was witnessing.

I began blinking rapidly, trying to process what I was seeing. 

"Adrain!" Tears fell from my eyes like raindrops in a storm, as I screamed his name, and worse, he didn't even move a muscle. 

I had passed through actual shit just to come and meet him, only to find him with another woman. 

Wait, who was that beside him, "Melissa!" 

And then they finally stopped kissing, and turned to glance at me before the lady finally spoke, "What's up sis?”

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