
Chapter Two

"Why Adrian? How could you?" I stumbled back, tears building at the corner of my eyes. 

"It's our anniversary, Adrian, do you hate me this—”

"I have never loved you, Sonya. I made that clear." Adrian's words came out as a strained whisper, his eyes avoiding mine.

"And of all days to sleep with someone, it's our anniversary." I choked out, my eyes stinging with tears. 

"Like that even matters, Sonya, I made it clear that I do not love—" 

"Then why didn't you send me home?" I took a step forward, "Why didn't you send me home?" I repeated slowly this time, "You could have just set me free and I'll just get on with my life. Why?"

"I didn't force you to stay with me." Adrian's words hit me like a stack of brick, "Plus, I have the right to do whatever I want, I don't need your permission." His eyes blazed with anger. 

"Can you even hear yourself, Adrian?" I questioned, my voice trembling with disbelief. "You have the rights? Right, to sleep with my fucking sis—"

"No, no, Sonya," Melissa snapped, her voice sharp and mean. "You ain't dragging me into this mess, or whatever. Plus, we're step sisters, and that's already worse," Melissa declared, tossing her hair backward with a dismissive flick of her hand. 

I didn't have the energy to respond to Melissa; What the heck was she doing here in the first place?

"Why did you throw this party, Adrian?" I turned to my husband who didn't seem to care that I was hurt. He wasn't even looking at me. 

"Uhm... Isn't it obvious?" Melissa gestured arrogantly, "Me," she gloated, pointing to herself.

My vision clouded with tears, "Adrian, you've never taken me out. I've been eating dinner alone for three years and she's just back within two min—"

"I can do whatever—" Adrian interrupted me, but I couldn't just let him this time. 

"She dumped you at the altar, Adrian. Chasing after a politician, she didn't love you enough, but I stood there for—"

"I never asked you to stand for me, woman." Adrian's voice rose sharply, his eyes squinted into icy slits and his lips pursed into a straight line. 

I froze, a lump growing in my throat as my heart twisted in my chest. 

Was that all I was? Just another woman? Another one of Adrian’s playthings?

I had done everything in my power to win his heart. Little did I know that his heart was tied to a woman who left him for another man on his wedding day. 

I saved this man from shame by stepping up for him, and this was how he'd pay me back. 

"You," I pointed to my step-sister, "You're such an—"

"Point those bony fingers at me again, and you're fucking dead," Melissa warned. 

I knew I wouldn't win this fight, but there was one thing I knew I could do. "I think it's time everyone went home, the party is over." I marched out of the room with my bruised ankle, ready to create a scene and send everyone home. 

"Where the fuck are you going to?" Melissa retorted, following me down the stairs. 

"You can't just show up in my house and take my husband from me." I gritted, increasing my pace when I noticed she was close.

"And who said he's yours, you married my hu—"

"Oh spare me that, Melissa" I fumed, "Face it, you've always been jealous of me."

"Jealous of you?" She snorted, "I took your husband in a minute, why should I be jealous of you?!" 

The silence in the room hit me in waves and I was vaguely aware of the various pairs of eyes that dug into my skin.

"The party is over, everyone out!" I declared, but no one moved an inch.

Why weren't they going? "I said the party is—"

“This is my party, Sonya.” Melissa narrowed her eyes at me, “It started when I wanted it to and it will need when I say so,”

“Well, this is my house and I decide who stays and leave—“

"Oh wake up, Sonya, stop being delusional. You, Adrian Graham's wife? That's so low. You look like shit."

"She looks like a maid!" A voice echoed from the crowd, and everyone started laughing.

I swallowed the lump in my throat. A maid? Me? Maybe I was.

Maybe I was a maid after all. I spent the past three years serving and loving a man who never gave two shuts about me. 

So, yes, I was Adrian Graham’s maid.

"Now listen attentively," Melissa closed the distance between us,, "You are the maid, I am the wife, is that clear?"

"You—" Before I could finish my statement, a sharp slap landed on my face, the force almost knocking me to the ground. 

I tasted blood in my mouth, the metallic taste adding to the shock and pain of the moment.

In that fleeting moment, I used my eyes to search for Adrian, my husband. I found him, he was just standing on the stairs while Melissa hit his wife or preferably, his maid. That was all I was to him. 

"You must be very stupid." She raised her hand to slap again but this time around she missed. 

"You're crazy, Melissa." I spat out blood from my mouth, moving backward.

"Crazy? You haven't even seen what crazy looks like," she bellowed, her nails clawing at my blouse and tearing the fabric. 

Then, with a sudden force, she grabbed me by the neck and began pushing me towards the pool.

"A–Adrian—" I struggled to breathe as her grip around my neck tightened.

"You need to understand something, Sonya," My cold-hearted step-sister hissed, "I'm better than you in every way." With a final shove, she sent me falling into the pool.

"I can't swim!" I yelled as the water began reaching my chest. "I can't swim!" I continued screaming but no one made an effort to save me. 

Well, who would care about a maid? 

"Let's party!" I heard Melissa squeal, and The music started. Everyone cheered with excitement as water filled my lungs, burning it’s way through me.

At that moment, I stopped struggling and accepted my fate, closing my eyes and waiting for life to flash before me.

However, before the cliche could play out, familiar baritone voice shook through my riverie and strong arms tugged at me. 

I pulled away from it.

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