
Chapter 26

Alice was quite impressed with Jackson. He had managed to arrange all their men, start their business, and equipped the whole base in a manner of two weeks.

It was Friday night. The night their first heist would take place. The day the LLC Corporations delivery was scheduled for. Alice felt confident as she stared at the motorcycles in front of her. Everyone was suited in black leather attire and was awaiting her orders. She wanted to be physically present when they take over the trucks. The plan was straightforward. They would take over the trucks and burn all the products inside.

Alana secured the headset at the side of her mouth and put her helmet on.

“Is everyone ready?” She called out over the headset.

She was answered by the revs of the motorcycles. Jackson was watching everything from a drone in the air.

“Let’s go.”

Alice stayed at the back and kept an eye on everything from behind. They had gone through the plan numerous times. Everyone knew exactly what to do. She also went through scenarios if things did not turn out as planned, and how they should proceed if things turned south.

As they neared the three trucks two bikers approached each truck on both sides. On cue, they jumped from the bikes onto the truck. Alana watched as the truck drivers got pulled out and thrown onto the ground. As they landed, they were immediately shot. Everything went as planned until Alice heard a shotgun going off, not once but twice. She watched as two of her men fell from the truck onto the ground. Alice cursed under her breath. She knew time was of the essence. The truck driver was probably already calling for backup.

“Plan B. She called out over the headphones,”

Two bikers increase their speed going to the truck's left and the other two to its right. Alice increased her speed. She sped past the truck driver and then immediately pulled the brakes. Alice jumped against the door of the truck. Her motorcycle slid across the road. The truck driver was focused on the bikes on his left. A shot echoed through the air as one shot the side mirror of the truck. Alice used that opportunity and took out her pistol from her back. She aimed it at the driver. As the driver notice her, she instantly pulled the trigger. He fell lifeless onto the steering wheel. Alice did not waste any time and smashed the window and unlocked the door. She shoved him to the side and took control of the trucks.

“Mattia - Mattia. “A person called out over the radio. ‘Probably the driver's name’. Alice thought to herself. Alice switched it off. She instructed her men to pull the trucks over. As the trucks stopped the men opened the back of the trucks.

“Boss” “They were revering to Alice as boss’.

“Yes?” She questioned as she jumped off the last step of the truck.

“You need to come and see this.”

“Show me,” Alice instructed,

He walked toward the back of the truck that stood in the middle.

“Open it.” The guy called out.

Alice looked impatiently at the back doors as they opened. She felt the fury burning inside of her as she saw the truck not full of construction material but full of women and children.

She clenched her fist against her sides. Most of the women were awake but she could still see some of them unconscious.

“Are you seeing this?” She asked Jackson.

“Yeah. I am. What do you want to do?”

Jackson knew how Alice felt about human trafficking and he also shared the same emotion toward it.

“Inform the police. Tell them the place the trucks are located.”

“Done,” Jackson notified back.

Alice had gone over all the possibilities that could happen but never expected something like this. All her men were awaiting further instruction.

“Continue as planned. Burn everything. We are working against time, so hurry.”

They nodded and did as she instructed.

“Alice, The police are on their way. Get the men out of there.”

“On it.”

Alice looked at the truck in front blown up and the one at the back was already in flames.

“Let go. Let go!” She called out. A biker stopped next to her. She climbed on the back, and they sped off.

They switched the bikes to cars and then went back to the base.

Jackson was waiting outside as they arrived.

“Good job guys.” The guys nodded and walked past him into the factory.

“Nice job partner. I think we need to celebrate our first mission.”

Alice looked at the smirk that played out on Jackson’s face. She could see why he was so liked among the women. He was quite the charmer. She thought to herself.

“Agreed. Where do you have in mind.” Alice asked as she returned his smirk with a half-smile of her own.

“I will show you. Let's take my car.”

"Okay,” Alice walked behind him. He opened the passenger door for her, and she climb in.

'She looked out of the window and stared at a bikers club.’

“Ha, Is this some kind of joke?” She then turned to Jackson who was grinning back at her.


Alice lifted her eyebrow at him in question.

“Just shut up and follow me. You will like it.”

“Okay, Your funeral.” She commented as she watched him climb out.

To her astonishment, the bouncer at the door greeted Jackson by his name. The bouncer looked at her and nodded his head. His eyes shown full of respect,

As Alice caught up to Jackson and walked next to him, she asked,

“You're a member?”

“Nah, just friends.”

Alice glanced over her shoulder at the bouncer who was still looking at them,

“Why do I feel like the bouncer knows me?”

“You are quite popular around here Alice,”

Alice looked at him baffled.

He ignored her stare and walked inside. The bar was quite packed, but everyone stood to the side as they walked past.

Jackson took a seat in a corner booth. Alice took the seat opposite him.

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