
Unwanted Yet Desired
Unwanted Yet Desired
Author: Babz

Chapter 1- Stranger

Alpha Len POV

I cannot believe I was so reckless; I am an alpha so I should have known better and not rushed in without back up or some form of a plan. But I could not help myself, no matter how silly I was being I knew that I would have regretted not stepping in and helping the child.

I was heading home from visiting a neighbouring pack to get a treaty signed. I had decided to run back rather than go with the guards in the car because I wanted to stretch my legs and have a bit of time to myself. I know I am the leader of a pack so I should always have a warrior with me, but sometimes I just need to be alone. And the pack I visited is only two hours run away from mine so I thought I would be safe. I enjoy the feeling of grass and mud beneath my paws.

I was running through some woodland when I heard growls and screams. At first, I thought nothing of it but then the screams got louder and higher pitched. It was then that I realised that the screams were those of a child and I was drawn to them. It was then that I deviated from my path and made my way to the sounds.

It may be because I am a father myself that I felt drawn to help the child screaming, ever since having my three sons I have been more aware of children around me, and I have become softer towards other children.

I run as fast and hard as my paws would carry me, pushing my wolf on to get to the sound as quickly as possible.

What I came across made my blood run cold, in the middle of the woodlands stood a young girl crying. She couldn’t have been any older than ten years old. Surrounding her were four rogue wolves, they were stalking her and licking their lips as they studied their prey.

I knew I should have left then and there but I could not, something about this girl drew me to her. Besides I may be mean, but I am not heartless. I could not leave a young girl on her own, defenceless against four rogues. She stood no chance.

The next thing I knew I was standing in front of the young girl, I had knocked her down on the ground and stood over her. This way I would be able to protect her while also fighting, as long as she stayed there.

The girl looked at me, but I saw no fear or anything in her eyes now. All I saw was gratitude.

I looked back at the rogues and saw surprise in their face, they did not expect to come across another wolf, let alone an alpha. That much is clear by how they hesitated to come at me, but after a few moments their desire to have the girl overruled their fear of me, and they attacked me.

One at a time at first but after I took out the first two, the last two decided to gang up and attack me at the same time. This made attacking them and defending the girl all the harder.

After an intense fight, I was badly wounded, but I had managed to kill the rogues. I grabbed the girl by the collar of her shirt and dragged her and myself closer to the edge of the woodlands.

As soon as we saw the road, I had let her go and she ran off without even looking back. As soon as she was out of sight I collapsed, I know that I am going to die from my injuries as I have lost way too much blood. But that said I would not change what I did, I managed to save a young girl.

I let out a sigh of relief, at least the girl is safe and alive. I would not have been able to live with myself had I of just left her there.

My life in trade of hers seems like a good deal to me, I am just sad that I may never be taken home or see my three sons again.

A lone tear falls from my eyes.

“Mr. Wolf. Please don’t die!” comes a small voice close to me.

The words cause me to open my eyes fast and I am surprised to come face to face with the young girl again. But this time she is carrying a first aid box with her. I wonder what she is going to do with the first aid box, or why she has even come back here to me. I had made sure she was safe, and now here she is again.

“I have this!” She says triumphantly, thrusting the first aid box into the air while holding it with two hands.

I smile internally at myself; the little thing went off to get help for me. Bless her, even though I am a different species to her right now, and that others of my kind had harmed her, her first thought was to get some medical help for me.

This makes me feel so happy, not even my sons would have bothered with this. They are spoilt by their mother, so they are very selfish and only think of themselves, I have tried to straighten them out but to no avail.

“Although I am not sure how I will heal you, I have never helped a wolf before.” She mutters, her eyes showing concern but then they light up again. “But I will try my best.” She says smiling.

I watch as she lays the first aid box down on the ground and opens it, but when she pulls out the bandages, I can tell that they will not be enough to cover me. I have a decision to make, either stay the way I am and die or transform back to my human form.

I sigh, I just hope that I do not scare the poor girl when I change back.

I close my eyes and think of my human form, surprised at how quick and painless the transformation is. With the wounds I was expecting pain and even more blood loss, but instead the transformation was smooth.

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