
Chapter 3- 10 Years Later

Alpha Len POV

It has been ten years since the event with the little girl and I have since been keeping an eye on her. For some reason I was drawn to her ten years ago, not in a weird way. More like in a protective older brother or father way. If I had a daughter, I probably would have felt like this towards her.

The girl has been doing amazingly the last ten years, she has gone from strength to strength, but she has no one to lean on other than one rogue. It turned out that she was an orphan who was living on the edge of the woodlands boarding the town of Morinaga.

The town knew that she was there, and they would give her essentials and treats, but she would refuse any offers to be taken in or to go to the local orphanage. When I dug into her background, I found out why- her father had given her the cabin for her eighth birthday, and it was her safe haven. She would go there and wait for him to return when he went away on business trips. That was why she would not leave, she thought he would always come home to her.

But he never did because he died in a plane crash twelve years ago, he was collateral damage by some rogues who wanted the plane to crash to kill the alpha inside. Sadly, the alpha changed his plans at the last minute and her father, excited to see his daughter earlier than planned, traded tickets with the alpha to go home earlier.

When she turned eighteen, I approached her for the first time in years and I was surprised to find that she remembered who I was. When I sked if she would come with me to my pack, she refused me. She told me that she remembered the last men she met from my pack and how she wanted nothing to do with it.

However, now that she is twenty and my sons are in their mid-twenties, I want to bring them together. I want her to be safe as another alpha has been sniffing around her, he has been sending rogues to investigate her on the sly.

The alpha in question is ruthless and he will take her for everything she has and use her before spitting her out. He has done it before, but this time he will not do it to Khanna.

 I am hoping that today she agrees to come and live with me and maybe she may even marry one of my sons. I will not tell her or them but whichever one she chooses I will make him the alpha of my pack, as I wish to repay her for her kindness and the best way, I can think of is to make her the Luna to this pack.

Even if she does not choose one of my sons, I will still be passing this pack down to her. As far as I see it, she is the best candidate for the job.

Khanna POV

It has been ten years since I learnt the existence of werewolves and since then I have come to know a few. It turns out that many in the town of Morinaga are either wolves themselves or related to them. The town is a haven of sorts, there is no alpha or leader, but we are kept safe here because of our knowledge and skills.

I have recently built up quite an empire for myself, I am the CEO of a few different companies. All of which were handed to me on my eighteenth birthday. It turns out that my father was a big shot and was worth a lot of money, which I gained access to when I came of age but they were unable to find me.

So, I moved back into the family home, hired some help to help me maintain it and took over my fathers businesses. I soon turned them from profitable businesses into one huge empire, running them all under one name behind the scenes. This means that I am able to monitor everything that is going on in all of the business at any one time but have a hands-off approach until needed.

I have the help of my second in command, his name is Kane, and he is a wolf. He is one of the very few that I trust. He does not have a pack, instead being a rogue but he ahs been there for me since I was twelve.

We met one night when I was running in the woods, much like the injured man I met when I was ten, Kane was laying on the ground injured but he was half transformed. Since the injured man I always made sure to carry a first aid kit, so I was able to help Kane quickly.

I dragged him back to my cabin and let him sleep outside the back door, when morning came he had managed to transform back. It took a while but I started to trust him, he ended up deciding to stay in the town and we slowly became friends.

After Kane entered my life I found that other men stayed away from me, they no longer hit on me or tried to touch me when I worked in the local pub.

So when I found out the truth of my father, there was no one else that I wanted as my right hand man. Kane happily agreed and for the last two years we have worked really well together, but I must admit I have grown to like him in a different way.

However, I know that Kane ha a mate out there so I will not get involved with him in that way. I do not want my heart broken, but mainly I do not want to take him away from another that is truly destined to have him.

I am currently sitting in my office when my office phone goes.

“Madam, we have a visitor who is requesting to see you.” Sharon on reception says to me.

I sigh, it is impressive they have the audacity to come and see me here.

“Who is it?” I ask.

“He says his name is Leonard Lucart.” Sharon says.

“Who?” I ask, not knowing who that is.

“He says you may know him as Alpha Len.”

I sigh again.

“Send him up.” I say.

I hang up and finish the email that I was sending before the phone call. No sooner have I pressed send that the door to my office opens and in walks Len.

“Khanna, it is lovely to see you again.” Len says, smiling at me.

I smile back at him, motioning for him to sit. “It is nice to see you too. To what do I owe this pleasure?” I ask.

“I have a proposition for you.” Len says.

The last time he said this to me was two years ago when he tried to get me to move to his pack, thankfully back then I was able to decline, and I thought that would be the end of the matter. But something tells me that it has only just begun.

I look at him and narrow my eyes.

“This better be good.”

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