
Chapter 2- Help

Khanna POV

I was out for a walk in the woods when all of a sudden I was surrounded by four wolves growling at me, they took it in turns to nibble me and hurt me a bit but then another wolf came. This wolf pushed me to the ground and stood protectively over me, he took on the other four wolves and saved me. But he was wounded in the process.

Once he dragged me to the edge and I saw the rogue, I knew exactly what I needed to do. I ran, not looking back. I just hope that the wolf is still there when I return.

I run to the nearest convenience store, thankfully one of those that I like is working today.

“Mr. Ward, please may I have a first aid kit?” I ask nervously.

“Why?” Mr. Ward asks me, looking me up and down with worry in his eyes. He notices the scratches on my arms and legs and the torn dress I am wearing.

“Someone is hurt sir and I want to help them.” I reply.


“A wolf sir.”

“A wolf?”

“Yes sir, he saved me, but he is bleeding badly and I want to help him. Please Mr. Ward, I will work off the value of the first aid kit.” I say, more than willing to stack shelves for a few hours.

Mr. Ward steps around the counter and walks towards me, I start to feel a bit nervous as he does not normally do this.

Mr. Ward walks straight past me and down aisle four.

“Take this, no payment needed. Help this… wolf.” Mr. Ward says, smiling knowingly at me.

I wonder what he means by that pause, but I do not dwell on it. Instead I thank him for the first aid kit and I run back to where I left the wolf, hoping that he is still there.

I smile widely when I see the wolf still laying there, I just hope that I can help him. I run over the road and close to the wolf, as I get closer I see a lone tear fall down his eye.

“Mr. Wolf. Please don’t die!” I say, getting close to the wolf.

His eyes open in surprise at my voice, and I smile at him.

“I have this!” I say triumphantly, thrusting the first aid box into the air while holding it with both hands.

“Although I am not sure how I will heal you, I have never helped a wolf before.” I mutters, “But I will try my best.”

I smile at the wolf to try to show that I mean him no harm. I am surprised that eh has not growled at me yet, I would have thought he would have been worried I was going to harm him or something. But then again, he is huge so I do not know how I would harm him.

I watch in surprise as the wolf in front of me closes his eyes and starts to shake. At first, I worry that he is spasming or something but then something amazing happens. The wolf before me starts to faze in and out, the fur retracting into the skin as the claws and jaw recedes.

Within seconds the wolf is gone but a man is laying in its place.

I stand there shocked; I cannot believe what I have just seen but at the same time I know that I am safe in this man’s presence. I have always been frightened of men; they have always been the ones to harm me rather than women.

But I feel safe with this man.

I put the bandages back into the first aid box and I get out some sterile water and some pads to help clean and dress the wounds. This is when I am grateful for living on my own, I have had to learn to look after myself.

I move closer to the man.

“I am so sorry sir, but this will hurt.” I say sadly.

I hate this part when I clean my own wounds, so I know this man is going to be in pain and I hate it.

“It is ok little one, I am sure I can handle it.” He says weakly, he smiles kindly at me.

I nod my head and move from head to toe cleaning every would by drenching it with the sterile water, after a few moments I have cleaned all the ones that I can reach.

I then go back to the first aid kit and grab the wound cream, bandages and the pads. I then set to work putting the cream on the wounds, then applying the pads and finally using a bandage to hold the pads in place. I do this one wound at a time, hoping that I am not being to rough and causing more discomfort.

Once I am done, I look up and I see that the man has fallen asleep.

I gather up all of the left-over medical supplies and packaging, I put them into the first aid kit and move it a few feet away from the man.

I sit down on the ground and look at the man again, I notice that he is in a deep sleep so I know that I cannot leave him where he is now.

After a few hours the sun has gone down, and it must now be dusk. It is not dark, but the darkness is starting to creep into the sky, I look up and smile. This is my favourite time of the day. It is when everything starts to either go to sleep or come alive. The birds start to head home and new wildlife comes out to greet their night.

The peace of the dusk is broken by the squeal of tires. A car comes to a stop on the side of the road, the headlights outlining me and the injured man. I shrink into the ground, slowly edging myself away from the man and the car.

I hear the doors open and three men step out of the car, they look and around and then they…sniff?

Why are they sniffing the air? I think to myself, but then I look over at the injured man. Maybe they are like him?

The men quickly move their sights towards the injured man, and they make their way to him, the man does not stir but his nose scrunches up a bit.

“Alpha! Finally, we have found you.” One of the men say, leaning down and checking on him.

“And look what we have found.” Another man says, I look up and realise that they have spotted me.

I get up on my feet but before I can move two of the men step forward and each grab one of my arms. their grip is tight, and they are hurting me.

“LET ME GO!” I scream, trying to wiggle free.

“How dare you hurt our alpha?!” One of the men shouts at me, the one who had checked on the injured man steps forward and slaps me hard across the face. I taste blood in my mouth and realise I must have bitten my tongue.

“I didn’t!” I cry, tears falling down my face.

“It must have been you, there is no one else here!” The same man growls at me.

Growling? I wonder if he is the same as the injured man.

“It wasn’t me.” I cry again.

“STOP” the injured man shouts, having woken up finally.

But the three men pay the man no heed. “We will make you suffer for what you have done here today.” The first man growls at me, his face a few inches from mine.

This is why I shouldn’t have helped the other man, this is why I hate men.


“But alpha.” The first man says.

“That young girl there tended to my wounds; had it have not been for her then I would be dead right now. And instead of trying to make sure she is ok or get to the truth you instead harm her. I am ashamed to have you men in my pack.” The injured man growls.

The two men holding my arms quickly release me and I fall to the ground in a heap, all three of them look at me with regret in their eyes. They open their mouths to say something, but I do not wait to hear what it is. Instead, I make a run for it. I run to the road a few feet away and I continue to run down the road.

I hear footsteps and the men shouting behind me to come back to them, but instead I move across the road and into the town of Morinaga to lose them.

I run through the town, running in between buildings and ally ways to lose the men. quickly I lose them, after all they are not locals so I knew it would be easy to lose them.

I find myself hiding behind some big bins behind a local pub under a streetlight, I use this spot sometimes to hide and eat when I can if I am trying to avoid others.

I take a deep breath.

I will stay here until the morning, just hoping that they will not find me.

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