
Chapter 4- The Proposition

Khanna POV

“This had better be good.” I say before giving Len the floor.

I have a rough idea of what he wants to talk to me about, last time he asked for a meeting like this it was to try to get me to move to his pack. While I respect him and I understand that the idea came from a place of caring, I did not and do not wish to reside there.

I enjoy my life of freedom; the town has always been kind to me and allowed me to live there with no complaints. They even helped and supported me growing up and I was able to go to school and be free, the woodlands and the cabin were my home for many years and the town has always protected me. So, there was never an option of me leaving.

But something about Lens’ body language has got me worried today, so I will hear him out. I just hope that it is nothing too serious.

“I know how much you resisted last time but please reconsider my offer. I would like you to come and live in my pack, but this time the offer is only temporary as there is a reason for this request.” He starts.

“What is the reason?” I ask.

“There is someone poking around you, they are ruthless and use others to get what they want. And right now what they want is you, or rather what you have.”

“I see, so how would moving to your pack help me?” I ask.

“I would be able to protect you.” Len replies.

“I have Kane to protect me. And bodyguards.” I counter.

“But they would be useless against another alpha wolf, while Kane may be strong, he is no match for this alpha.”

“And you are?”

“No, but me and my warriors together may just be.”

“But what if you are not?” I ask.

“Then we would be able to give you enough time to run away.”

“Why would you and your warriors do that for me? I am not a pack member nor would I be.” I ask confused. Packs only fight for either their members, leaders or allies. As it stands, right now I am neither.

“I would make you an honorary pack member, I should have don’t it years ago but I never really crossed my mind.”

“I see, but still, it wouldn’t make any sense for your pack to help me.”

“I would be involved so that means that they would fight.”

“But I don’t want that. I don’t want someone to fight for me just because they are told to.” I reply.

I feel that way about everything, but making others fight for me while I run away just does not sit right with me. I would much rather face this alpha head on.

“I know, but this time it is different. This is someone you cannot fight alone.” Len says pleadingly.

“How much of a risk is this alpha?” I ask. To get Len to act this way tells me that this alpha who is after me must be a big deal.

I am hiding my nerves well but if what Len says is true then I may be in more danger than before.

“The only one stronger than this wolf is the king himself.” Len replies.

There is a wolf king? Why does this not surprise me, but I wouldn’t mind meeting this king. After all, he must be really powerful and interesting to talk too. I would love to pick his brains about he manages the werewolves and the systems he has in place. That would be an interesting conversation, I smile just thinking about it.

“So why does the king not step in?” I ask, surely if an alpha us being unruly then that is the kings job?

“Without proof he cannot, and there is no proof of the alphas deeds.”

We sit there in silence for a few moments, Lens’ words sinking into my brain. I pull out my phone and send a text to Kane, asking him to look into the alpha who may be following me. I tell him that I do not know his name but that he is powerful.

Kane quickly replies that he will have a look, but he may already know who it is.

“Plus, there is another reason, I have three sons who are all not ready for the job of taking over the pack. I would like you to be there to show them how to really run a pack.” Len says, gaining my attention once again.

“How would I be able to do that?” I ask confused. I am not a teacher, and I don’t really want to teach teenagers how to act and behave, especially when I know very little about their world.

“You run this empire, just let them see that.”

“And if they don’t want to know?” I ask. More likely that they are not going to want to be told what to do by someone younger than them, especially if that person is a girl.

“Then you can tell me, and we will leave them to their own devices. But I am hoping that you will give them the shove they need to finally step up and become the men they should be rather than the children they are.”

“How old are they?”

“Max is twenty-eight, Ciel is twenty six and Josh is twenty three.”

I sit there slightly shocked, from the sound of it I thought that Lens’ sons were younger than me not older.

“What if it doesn’t work?” I ask.

“Then you can stay for free still, that’s ok.”

“That is not what I mean. What would be the future of your pack?”

I may not want to go and live in a pack, much less the one where three men attacked me after helping their alpha. But that does not mean that if I am their only resort that I would turn my back on them. If I did that then I would be no better than those three pack members all those years ago.

“Then we would be in for a rough future. We would either have an incompetent alpha or I would have to source a new alpha from somewhere.”

“And where would that be?”

“From the kings court.”

“Wouldn’t that be bad though?”

“Very, but it would be better than having an incompetent alpha.”

I nod my head and take a few moments to think.

“I am not sure where I stand yet, but first I want to know more about this alpha.” I say.

“That is ok, I am willing to give you a few hours to think it over, but I cannot tell you more about this alpha.”

“That’s ok, Kane is due here soon and he should be able to tell me.” I reply.

“I see, would it be ok if some of my men come in? Just they might be getting anxious out there.” Len asks.

“I see no problem with that. Let me just get Sharon to clear the board room.” I say, wondering why Len just gave me a very pitiful excuse to make sure he out numbers me.

“Sharon, can you clear the boardroom please? And when Kane gets here in ten please send him straight up to the room.” I instruct Sharon.

“Of course, madam. It will be ready for you in five minutes.” Sharon says.

I stand up and head to the door, Len following my every move.

“Please follow me to the boardroom. We can speak more privatively there and be more comfortable.” I say, opening the door for Len to follow me.

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