
Veil Of Destiny
Veil Of Destiny
Penulis: Zara

1: Sold Into Shadows


Leaning against the wall of the factory where I worked, I tried to catch my breath but I knew I couldn't stop even for a second. If I got caught, my wage would be deducted and I couldn't afford that. I needed every single penny I could get my hands on. The deafening roar of machines filled the air as I assembled iron parts at lightning speed. The monotonous routine left my hands calloused and my back aching, the constant fear of accidents or losing a limb haunting me every moment. I glanced at my old, wristwatch that had so many cracks, I could barely see what was written on it anymore. And it was time to head over to my other job.

I wrapped up everything quickly and walked towards my boss who was sitting on a chair and counting money. He looked up at me, took out a couple of dollar bills, and tossed them on the table without a word. He was always all about his money and business. I took it and darted out of the factory. The cold air immediately hit my skin and I sighed in relief contrary to the hot and loud environment of the factory. The moon was high up in the sky tonight and under its gentle glow, the streets transformed into different colors of mesmerizing lights illuminating the bustling streets.

It was a beautiful night but as usual, the rush of my job didn't allow me to enjoy the breathtaking view. I hurried over to the diner where I worked as a waitress. The door dinged when I pulled it open.

"You are two minutes late. Get dressed and get to work immediately," my boss ordered as soon as I stepped in.

"I'm sorry," I apologized hurriedly moving over to the back of the diner where all the employees changed to their work clothes. Rushing out, I walked from table to table, taking orders and serving hot greasy food to customers. The tips I got were often meager, at times, there were no tips at all. My stomach grumbled repeatedly due to hunger, my feet throbbed from hours of standing but I ignored all the pain. This has been my life for the past two years since I finished high school.

These jobs were my way of survival and I thought it was also going to help me through college after two years of working but I was met with the biggest disappointment of my life when I found out all the money I saved was all gone, taken by my mum. Normal kids wouldn't worry about their parents taking their money or things but mine was a completely different scenario. The pain of having a mother who was consumed by alcohol and drug addiction was a heavy burden to bear. My mum, who should have been a source of guidance and support, had become a relentless storm in my life. All she ever thought about was the desperation of how and where to get her next drink.

Her priorities were painfully clear: drugs and alcohol came first, and my well-being was an afterthought. But I had gotten used to it all, I had found a way to survive all on my own at a very young age and it didn't bother me anymore that she didn't care about me, I had given up on the longing that always remained unfulfilled. But my dreams of going to college, of pursuing a better life, were shattered as I realized my mum's actions. The money I had diligently saved, toiling during night and day was taken by her to fuel her addiction. Each dollar meant for my education vanished into the bottom of a liquor bottle or a syringe, leaving my dreams in ruins.

However, I didn't give up. No, I couldn't give up. Giving up would mean saying goodbye to the better life I want for myself. It would mean saying goodbye to my dreams and aspirations. It would mean never getting out of this hellhole after everything I had been through and I couldn't accept that. I was going to keep working hard and I was sure that one day, all my dreams would finally come through and this part of my life would be like a terrible nightmare. I was finally done with my shift and my job for the day. I changed back into my clothes and dragged my tired, aching feet out of the diner.

Buses were a luxury I couldn't afford to take daily. So, I quickened my pace towards the direction of my home. Could I call it my home? It was just a shelter I lived in with a stranger that I couldn't recognize. On my way home, I caught sight of two girls giggling and sharing opinions on what they should eat. My lips twitched as I stared at them. They looked like college students and I envied them greatly. I didn't have any friends due to my busy schedule. The ones I had when I was in high school got tired of my daily schedule because I never had time to spend with them. As time went by, we slowly drifted apart. I'm sure they don't remember they ever met someone like me.

The girls caught me staring at them and they weirdly looked at me. I averted my gaze and continued walking. I got to the house soon enough and the lights outside were on for the first time ever. I saw a sleek luxurious car parked at the entrance of the house. I frowned wondering if I was in the wrong place but the countless empty bottles of alcohol on the waste bin told me otherwise. I opened the door and stepped in. Surprisingly, the living room was completely clean. There was no sign of alcohol or smoke in the air. I wondered what was going on.

"You are back," I heard her usual unfeeling and detached voice. She was impeccably dressed in clean clothes and didn't look as pale or frail as she used to but that wasn't what caught my attention. My attention was drawn to the tall man who seemed to be towering over me with well-defined muscles. His steel-like grey eyes took me in slowly piercing every spot it stopped. His jawline was chiselled framing a face that radiated seriousness and authority. He was a man of daunting presence, his physical features exuding an intimidating and domineering aura that demanded immediate attention and respect. I knew he wasn't any ordinary man but who was he and what was he doing here?

"You are going with him. You belong to him now," she said. I turned towards her in surprise because her words didn't make any sense. What was she talking about all of a sudden?

"Pack your things and let's leave. I have other important things to do," he said to me in a cold, husky, and deep voice that made me flinch. His words carried a commanding presence that left an indelible mark on me making it unequivocally clear that he was a force to be respected and feared.

"Mate!" my wolf suddenly growled catching me off guard. I stumbled backward in shock.

"What are you still doing here? I already packed your stuff. Leave with him because you have no other choice," she declared picking up an envelope filled with cash with a wide smile. "I sold you to him. He owns you now," she deadpanned.

"W..what?" I stuttered, I was tongue-tied and unable to speak. My eyes widened and my body felt like it was frozen momentarily as the gravity of the situation sank in. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I was sold to a total stranger who also happened to be my mate. Was this perhaps another one of my nightmares?

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