
4: Escape Of The Unknown


I didn't know how I got to my room but I closed the door and slowly lowered myself to the edge of my bed, lost in a sea of sadness and confusion. My hands found their way to my stomach cradling the small, life yet to be born within me, a silent witness to the harsh words I had heard from him. The echoes of his cruel words reverberated in my mind, each word a constant torment like daggers piercing through me. He had told me, with a cruel, ruthless, and hardened heart that he intended to give our unborn child to another woman, someone he planned to make his Luna.

He only considered me as a breeder, he made mention of it so many times that the word had become imprinted in my mind. He never had any intention of treating me as his equal half which meant making me his Luna. But I was his mate. The moon goddess mated us together and he was supposed to make me his Luna not another woman. Didn't he realize that? He only treated me as an object for producing heirs. But what I was currently feeling was worse than being deprived of the chance to be with my mate.

The pain and fear of losing my child to another woman surpassed everything. I wanted to believe he wasn't that heartless to separate a mother from her child to fulfill his selfish desires but he had been nothing but cruel. That was who he was and it couldn't be changed. I feared he would do as he had said he would. This was worse than the life I had previously been living. Working multiple jobs and dealing with a shitty mum was way better than the life of torment I was currently living. The more I thought about it, the more confused and frustrated I became.

The room felt suffocating, the walls seeming to close in around me as if they, too, were bearing witness to my heartache. The door suddenly opened and the cause of my heartache walked in. I didn't want to know why he was in my room or what he wanted, I had questions that needed answers and without those answers, I doubted I would be able to bear another second.

With a tremor in my voice, I asked, "I need to know what happens after I give birth. What plans do you have for our child?"

He stared at me for a while. "You don't have to worry about my child. Everything will be taken care of by me," he responded turning around to leave. I stepped in front of him, I was scared but I met his gaze defiantly.

"Our child. We made the child together. He's not yours alone," I replied. He glared at me furiously, a glare enough to make someone tremble. I felt goosebumps lining my skin but I didn't give in.

"What do you mean by you will take care of everything? I'm the mother, I need to know. You said you were going to give my child to another woman..."

"Sophia isn't another woman. She's my woman, the future Luna of this pack, and the mother of my unborn child," he replied looking disinterested.

"If you give my child to her, then what about me? What happens to me?" I asked in confusion. I didn't understand if he planned on keeping me in this pack to be a breeder for him and his Luna. I knew I was from a messy and poor background but I wouldn't be reduced to that level. I couldn't possibly remain here and watch him frolicking around with another woman who had my child in her arms.

"Sophia will take very good care of my child. I'm sure she will do a better job," he replied.

My patience waned due to his vague answers, and my voice tightened with frustration. "That's not an answer. You need to give me a clear answer. You owe me the truth."

"You seem to be forgetting your place. I don't owe you anything," he retorted. Tears wells welled up in my eyes, and the strong persona I was putting on came crashing down. How could a person be so heartless?

"It's our child's future and mine too. I have a right to know. You can't just keep me in the dark and expect me to accept anything you say. Doesn't my life matter? Or do you think since you own me, you own my life too?" I asked my frustration turning into anger. He ignored me and walked past me towards the door. He opened it and stepped out, slamming the door behind him. I fell on the floor helplessly. I felt abandoned, hurt, angry, and frustrated. I couldn't fathom how a person could be so cold and indifferent towards his own child's future that he would want to separate him from his mother.

I couldn't bear the thought of my child being raised by a man who had shown me nothing but disdain. The Alpha King had been nothing but cruel to me ever since we met and his harsh words and actions have wounded me deeply. I was sure his Luna was the same way. Only someone like him would be able to live with him and his intimidating aura comfortably. The rest would always be in a state of anxiety and fear around him just like I was. Although he gave me vague answers and wouldn't answer my questions truthfully,

I knew what his intention was. Aside from what I could hear from his conversation with the mystery woman, his intentions were very clear. He wanted to cast me aside and sever all ties with my child. He would then give my child to his Luna. I couldn't let such people raise my child. No, I won't. I can't my child have the same fate as I did by living in a hostile and loveless environment. I didn't pass through all that hell just to go through that process again. I was going to give my child all the love and care I was deprived of but I would never be able to do that here. I needed to do something as fast as I could. The day had gone by faster than I thought. The soft glow cast by the moon from the window informed me about the time.

"I can't stay here," I muttered getting up on my feet. My child was of the utmost importance to me. I knew what I was supposed to do might get me killed or get me into trouble if I got caught. I needed to leave this pack for good. This was the best time to get away from them. I waited patiently for the night to get darker so I could slip out without anyone witnessing. I was restless, I paced around my room nervously.

Immediately it was midnight, I grabbed a veil and covered my head and face. Aside from what I was putting on, I didn't pack anything else. Silently, I slipped out of my room and walked down the large hallway. I safely made it out of the castle without raising any alarm as I stepped outside. The moonlight guided my steps, I silently hoped there were no bodyguards at the gate, or worse, I came across the Alpha King at the gate. That would be the worst thing that could happen to me. But to my surprise, the gate wasn't locked. I ran out of the palace and started running in the dense woods. I stepped on a twig which sent shivers down my spine and almost fell, my veil fell to the floor.

"Did you hear that?" I heard someone ask. I quickly grabbed my veil and hid behind a tree. A flashlight was flashed towards my direction but they couldn't see me because of the huge tree. My heart pounded in my chest when I heard the rustling of leaves coming towards me. I couldn't afford to get caught after so much effort I put into this plan. If it fell through, I might never be able to get my child out of their clutches again.

"It was probably the wind. Let's go, the gate is unguarded," another replied and I heard their retreating back to the castle. I sighed and got out from where I was. I neared the edge of the castle's territory and I couldn't help but feel a sense of triumph. I had evaded most of the guards. I finally reached the very end and I sighed in relief, I placed my hand on my stomach and glanced around thinking about which direction was the best. I couldn't make the mistake of going to my house else my mum would inform him.

With a final glance at the castle I was leaving behind, I stepped forward towards the direction of the unknown, my child's safety the driving force that kept me going.

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