
3: Mysterious Woman


In the dimly lit chamber, I sat on my bed, my eyes filled with sorrow as I gazed out the window. That seemed to be the only thing I did these days, gaze out of my window all day. My heart was heavy with the weight of loneliness, and I was lost in my thoughts, unaware of the world outside my room. Suddenly, I heard the door creak open snapping me out of my trance. Zoe walked in with a tray of food in her hands. Zoe was my handmaiden. She told me she was assigned to me the first day I was brought here. However, I never spoke to her because I had way too much on my mind but she was the only one in this castle who ever took her time to speak with me.

And it wasn't just because it was her job. I never had any friends but I knew a kind person when I saw one, her warm brown eyes oozed with kindness and her long black hair shone brightly. But I didn't trust her completely yet. Looks can be deceiving. She placed the tray on the table and approached me smiling warmly.

"My lady, I brought you some food," she informed me. My lady? I could never get used to that title. I glanced at the table without responding. It's been one week since I found out I was pregnant. Although a child at this age wasn't what I wanted, the deed was already done and there was nothing I could do. I moved towards the table and took a seat. Zoe sighed in relief and hurriedly rushed to serve me.

I looked out of the window again with the right senses and not was lost in thought this time around. I caught sight of something that piqued my interest. After a while of my stay here, I realized that there were lots of omegas who served as maids in the castle and right now, I could some from my window in groups. They all seemed to be discussing something while constantly glancing at my room.

"Is something interesting happening in the castle?" I asked because it was a bit unusual.

"My lady?" she inquired probably surprised that I was speaking of my own free will. I pointed towards the window.

"They are just being themselves. You have nothing to worry about," she assured me but that wasn't what I was worried about. I wanted to know why for the first time I had maids outside my room. Did the discussion perhaps have something to do with me?

"You know something, don't you?" I probed turning towards her. She glanced around before setting her gaze on me.

"It's just a rumor but we heard there's a woman in the Alpha king's room. People are saying she's the king woman. They are all whispering because they are wondering why another woman is here when you are..," she paused not completing her statement. I stared at her in shock. The Alpha was with another woman?

"I'm sorry my lady..."

"I understand. You can leave. I will eat on my own," I dismissed her. She nodded and walked out of the room, closing the door softly. My face fell immediately I was alone. The strong facade I was trying to put up crumbled. He had another woman in his chambers after I told him I was pregnant and he coldly ignored me. I knew she told me it was a rumor but I wanted to find out on my own. I got up from the chair and headed towards his room.

It was easy to find. His room was the largest and fanciest in the castle. When I arrived, I met them outside which made me quickly hide behind a pillar hoping no one would see me. I couldn't see them clearly from where I hid but I could hear their voices loud and clear.

"I heard you brought a new woman to the castle," the woman said. Although I was upset about this whole scenario, I was more concerned about what was going to happen to her. Speaking to the Alpha King in such a manner was surely inviting trouble.

"I did. It's been weeks. Are you just hearing about it?" he asked. My eyes almost popped out of their socket at how he sounded. I was expecting a loud growl or an action that showed he was angry but to my astonishment, the tone of his voice was gentle, and his words were kind, completely at odds with the cruel demeanor he displayed to me.

"I knew about it for a while," she replied. I wondered who this mysterious woman was and why he was speaking to her in such a gentle tone. Was she perhaps someone very close to him?

"I only brought her because my woman isn't ready to give me an heir yet. She's here as a breeder," he replied. He had another woman with whom he wanted to carry his child. Was that why he has been treating me this way?

"What about the girl you brought? What's going to happen to her?" she asked.

"What else? Her work which she got paid for is completed. She's with an heir now. I'm going to send her out after she delivers. Sophia is going to be the rightful Luna," he responded firmly. The pain that surged through me at that moment was excruciating. He had another woman he liked in his life but he bought me and put me in this miserable condition? My dreams were shattered because of a man who didn't even have any plans for me. His only concern was how to get an heir and now that he had it, he was going to toss me away.

I stood there absentmindedly after what I heard him say about me, till I heard the footsteps of someone leaving. I looked towards them and the woman was no longer there. Only the Alpha King was standing alone. I knew I couldn't let him keep treating me in this way. Although I was scared, I was going to confront him. This was about my life. I summoned my courage and walked up to him.

"I need to talk to you," I said to him. My heart was racing as I looked up at him but the need to know what was going on overcame that.

"If it doesn't involve the child you are carrying, I don't want to hear it," he replied coldly. How easily he switched amazed me.

"Only the child matters? Don't I matter too?" I asked in disbelief.

"Why would I care about a breeder?" he inquired. I wanted to ask him about what I heard without him finding out that I eavesdropped on them. If he did, I wouldn't have a chance to speak with him again.

"What happens to me? After I give birth to this child, what will happen to me?" I asked ignoring his words about me being a breeder. I desperately hoped he said a completely different thing from what he said earlier.

"After my heir is born, we have no other business with you. I'm throwing you out of my pack," he replied with a sneer of disdain.

"By we, you mean..."

"That's right," he replied. I panicked, what did he mean by that? This child wasn't what I wanted at first but it was part of me. I can't be separated from him.

"The mother of the heir of this pack has to be the Luna," he growled. He planned to separate me from my child and give him to another woman. I couldn't bear to see his face anymore after this. As I slowly walked out of the room, the weight of the impending separation and the shock of his decision hung over me like a dark cloud. I couldn't fathom the reality of what was to come, and a sense of dread settled in my heart, leaving me utterly shocked and devastated.

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