
2: A Cruel Fate


It wasn't a nightmare. I hoped and wished desperately that it was but it wasn't. I had been sold to an Alpha king in exchange for a couple of dollar bills which were undoubtedly going to get wasted on alcohol and drugs again. It was heart-wrenching that my mum would do that to me. Not only was I born into a life of hardship, deprived of love and care, but I also got sold by the person I called my mum. This was the lowest thing she could possibly do to me, downgraded to a mere object. I couldn't comprehend why she would do something like this. But it wasn't all that disappointing. I never expected much from her.

It's been three months since I got dragged along to the Alpha King's castle. At first, I thought he fancied me that was why he bought me, I wondered why someone of his status, with so much power who had so many packs under him, would fancy someone like me. But after I found out he was my mate, I thought he did what he did because he wanted to be together with his mate but I thought wrong. He never acknowledged me as his mate, he barely spoke to me unless it was absolutely necessary. I didn't know what his name was so I referred to him as the Alpha King because that was his title and true self. He never made me think otherwise.

The Alpha King was dominating and rude. He had little regard for the feelings and desires of others. From the moment I was forced into his life, my world changed drastically. I was confined within the boundaries of his castle forbidden to leave its territory. My life became a never-ending cycle of servitude and submission. He saw me as nothing more than a breeder whose only duty was to bear him an heir. I was expected to fulfill my duties as a breeder, which included staying locked up and satisfying his carnal desires.

He never acknowledged me as his mate which left me confused. I couldn't understand if he didn't know we were mates or if he just didn't want to accept it due to my status. But that wasn't the most pressing issue on my mind. Each day, I moved through the ornate halls of the palace, a lifeless and hollow figure, my spirit weighed down by the realization that my college dreams were slipping farther away than ever. My heart ached as I found myself ensnared in a life of luxury that was utterly unfulfilling. All I wanted was to go to college and get a better life for myself. But that dream was slowly being crushed under the weight of his expectations, and I didn't dare question him.

Midnight was approaching and the constant anxiety I always felt pushed harder. It was time to fulfill his desires again. Whenever he drew near, a shiver would run down my spine, and my heart would quicken its pace. My breath would hitch in my throat, and my body would tense with anxiety. I felt like a prey animal in the presence of a fearsome predator. The sudden sound of the doorknob rattling made me tremble and look away from the window. He stepped in and the air grew heavy, every step he took seemed to echo in my ears. My gaze dropped to the ground, avoiding eye contact with the imposing figure that had dominated my life. His eyes held an intensity that seemed to pierce through my very soul, leaving me feeling vulnerable and exposed.

There was something else weighing down on my mind that I desperately wanted to let out. I noticed a change within myself. My body underwent a transformation that was strange to me but the words died in my mouth when I heard his next words.

"Lift your gown and bend," he ordered, his voice low and demanding which sent a shiver of dread through me. I gulped mentally preparing myself for what was to come. I raised my shaky hands and lifted my gown as he ordered. Slowly, he strode towards me, causing me to stiffen. He was so close to me that I could feel his breath fanning my face, his looming figure towering over me. I couldn't look up at him.

"Have you lost the ability to hear or do I need to repeat myself?" he inquired. Every word he spoke was laced with a weight of authority. I turned around and leaned on the table. This was how it had always been when he had sex with me, I guess he didn't find me appealing enough to lay with me. His pants fell on the floor with a thud. One of his large hands reached up to grab my hair and I resisted the urge to flinch. He didn't waste any time getting to it. He pushed my ankles apart, spreading my legs wide and bending me over. He thrusted into me without warning, I gasped biting my tongue hard to stop myself from screaming out in pain.

I felt full of his hard rock length as he pounded into me mercilessly. My walls stretched painfully to accommodate his size. My core was dry and it was painful. I wanted to scream at him to stop but I couldn't. I held the table as if my life depended on it. Both of his hands were fisted on my hair as he pulled my head back at an uncomfortable angle. I bit on my tongue harder till I tasted blood. A tear fell from my eyes, for the first time in my life, I felt worse than being helpless and worthless. He grunted, his cock pounding into me deep and hard with reckless abandon not caring about the discomfort it was bringing to me. All that could be heard in the once quiet room were his grunts, the sound of the table shaking, and my low whimpers of discomfort.

I felt a sharp pain in my stomach and I raised my head out of instinct but he shoved my head down and held it in place with his hand. My cheeks burned from being pressed so firmly against a hard surface. My hands that were gripping the table fell to my sides as I lay there lifelessly bearing his brutal thrusts. I resigned to my fate, there was nothing else I could do but accept it and pray for it to end soon. He groaned and his thrusts became more fervent, I knew he was close. His grip on my head became tighter making me wince. With a loud growl, he spewed load after load of his cum inside me. He pulled out hurriedly and picked up his pants from the floor turning around to leave. That was our usual routine but I had something to say today.

"Are you leaving?" I muttered in a low and hoarse voice. I rose from the table and I immediately regretted it. The spot between my legs throbbed in pain and my neck hurt. He stopped walking abruptly. I knew that was the best time I had to speak when I couldn't feel his gaze on me.

I took a deep breath. "I think I'm pregnant. My monthly cycles are gone. I..I feel like something is growing within me daily..."

"You think you are pregnant?" he inquired cutting me off and turning around. A sense of apprehension hung heavy in the air. My heart raced as I faced him. I had learned that defiance or hesitation would only invite his wrath. I summoned the courage to speak.

"I am pregnant. I doubted it before but I'm sure of it now. The heightened senses are also a sign. It's your child. Alpha king," I replied in a trembling tone. I glanced up at him but he didn't look the least surprised.

"Is that all?" he inquired nonchalantly. I frowned but I nodded in response. He turned around to leave.

"It's your child. The seed you planted in me. W..won't you say anything else?" I stuttered in disbelief.

"If you feel any discomfort, call the attention of the doctor. I can't be bothered with things like this," he replied coldly. Thing? Did he just refer to our child as a thing?

I felt a lump form in my throat, but I continued, desperate to make him understand. "This child is a part of you, Alpha King. It's your blood, your legacy. I thought you would be happy to find out."

"You are deluded, girl. I have far more important things to do," he responded curtly, and with long strides, he walked out of the room slamming the door behind him. His dismissive words cut deep, and I struggled to hold back tears. I had hoped for some hint of compassion, some acknowledgment of the life growing inside me, since that was the main reason why he bought me but instead, I was met with callous indifference. How could he be so brutal and heartless?

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