
7: Life Of Servitude


I sat by the window, my eyes fixed on the world outside. I was trapped, with no escape from the pack that had taken me in. My life had taken a drastic turn, and I was now at the mercy of Alpha Felix. I couldn't believe how far I had fallen. A minute I was striving to send myself to college and the next I was battling to stay alive, if only the goddess hadn’t let my mother give birth to me, perhaps it might have been better. 

I sniffed, I didn’t want to cry, I had decided to remain strong, and crying wasn’t going to solve anything. So I sat there, lost in thought, allowing myself to wallow in pain, that was all I could do since I had no control over my life.

I suddenly heard a knock at the door. My heart skipped a beat as it opened, and Alpha Felix stepped inside. His eyes were fixed on me, and I felt a shiver run down my spine. So I stood up immediately. 

"Hmm, You're blending in well," he said, his voice low and smooth. "I can see that you're trying to make the best of your situation."

I remained silent, unsure of what to say. Alpha Felix watched me for a moment, his eyes were unreadable but I felt naked before him and then he spoke again.

"I have thought about what I was going to do with you, you are lucky I was in a good mood when I thought about it.” he paused to see if I was listening to everything he was saying. “You will be my personal maid, starting tomorrow morning. I expect you to do your duties diligently."

I felt a surge of anger and resentment, how could he decide to turn me into his slave when he knew well I wasn’t part of the people he had conquered their pack, but I knew better than to speak out of anger? "Why can't you just let me go?" I asked, trying to keep my tone neutral.

Alpha Felix's eyes narrowed, and his voice took on a warning tone. "Don't say something that might ruin my mood, Maria. I won't hesitate to deal with you if you displease me."

I kept my mouth shut, knowing that I was at his mercy. Alpha Felix turned to leave, then spoke again over his shoulder.

"The head maid will come to your room in the morning and show you what you need to do. Be ready."

With that, he was gone, leaving me to my thoughts. I was trapped, with no escape from this life of servitude. I felt a tear roll down my cheek, and I knew that I had to find a way to survive this.

“Help me, moon goddess, this is slowly getting unbearable.”


The next morning, I was up early, waiting for the head maid to arrive. I had no idea what my duties would be, but I was determined to survive so I had to do any task that was given to me. I didn't want to give Alpha Felix any reason to be displeased with me.

As I waited, I heard a knock at the door, and the head maid entered. She was a stern-looking woman, with a kind face.

"Good morning, Maria," she said. "I'm Mrs. Jenkins, the head maid. I'll be showing you what you need to do today."

"Good morning, Mrs. Jenkins," I replied, trying to sound cheerful.

“First of all, you are going to start staying in the maid's quarters so I am going to show you to your room right now.”

I nodded, "Thank you, Mrs. Jenkins. I appreciate your kindness."

“Come with me,” she muttered and walked away, I followed her closely behind and we finally arrived at the maid's quarters. She stepped inside and everywhere became quiet “She is going to sleep on the empty bed in your room, you have a new roommate now” Mrs. Jenkins pointed to one of the girls. 

Our gaze met and she stood up, slightly bowing her head at Mrs. Jenkins. “This is Sophia and Sophia this is Maria, you are going to be roommates and she will show you other things but for now you have to come with me”

“Yes ma’am” I replied and Sophia smiled at me, she had this innocent smile on her face and I knew that living with her was going to be easy. 

Mrs. Jenkins resumed walking and I followed immediately, we walked out of the maid quarters and approached the pack's headquarters, and I saw the other maids and servants going about their duties. I felt a pang of envy, knowing that they had been here longer than me. They had a sense of belonging, of purpose. I, on the other hand, was just a prisoner, a slave to the pack's whims.

“So today, you'll be cleaning Alpha Felix's chambers. It's a big task, but I know you can handle it. You have to be diligent” I nodded.

Mrs. Jenkins handed me a mop and a bucket. "Be careful in there," she said. "Alpha Felix is not a patient man. And don't touch anything that doesn't need to be cleaned. He's very particular about his things. I expect you to do a seamless job and don’t cause me any headache”

I nodded, taking the mop and bucket from her. "I will be careful, Mrs. Jenkins. Thank you for the warning." I knew that I had to be careful even without being told, alpha Felix doesn’t look so friendly and I don’t plan on taking any chances. 

“When you are done you have to report to me before going back to the maid quarters to get acquainted with it, don’t let Alpha Felix report you to me, I can promise you, it won’t go well,” I nodded at her words, her gaze was fixed on me as I began walking. 

This was officially my first day doing anything here, I have worked for people for years, worked my life away to survive, and I should be able to survive this too, I will do all it is needed not to mess anything up. 

I made my way to Alpha Felix's chambers, I couldn't help but feel a sense of nervousness. Hoping that Alpha Felix wasn’t in the room,  what if he was there, watching me like a hawk? I didn’t want to see him, I would love to stay away from him as much as possible but I know how it’s only wishful thinking. 

I finally stopped in front of his door and let out a deep breath, I stared at the door, I wasn’t sure of what to do, I noticed my hands shivering, finding it hard to open the door. “You can do this Maria, you don’t have to be scared,” I breathed out, and then my nerves were a bit calm. 

I opened the door and stepped inside. The room was large and luxurious, with a big bed in the center. The bed was covered in silk sheets, and the walls were adorned with expensive artwork. I slowly moved closer into the room and I let out a deep breath, glad that Alpha Felix wasn’t in the room. 

I had rejoiced too soon because as I took a step closer to the room, I saw a naked woman lying on the couch on the other side of the room, and my eyes widened in shock.

My steps faltered and I gasped, my hand instinctively dropping the mop. It fell to the ground with a loud clatter. I stood there, frozen in shock, my eyes fixed on the woman. It wasn’t just any woman but the same lady Mrs. Jenkins had introduced me to. 

It was Sophia and as soon as she saw me, she looked away shyly, it was an embarrassing moment and I didn’t know what to make out of it, I wondered when she got into the room after seeing her a while ago. I wondered why she was naked in Alpha Felix’s room, is she his woman? 

Even with that, why was she a maid if she was? Does alpha Felix take advantage of his maids, I wasn’t sure what to think and several thoughts were running through my brain at once, just staring at her gave me a headache. 

I opened my mouth to speak to her but my words got stuck in my throat, my fear finally coming to life, I saw him. Alpha Felix was standing in the corner of the room, his eyes fixed on me. He was watching me, his expression unreadable. I felt a shiver run down my spine as our eyes met, and I knew that I was in trouble.

He held a painting brush and he took a step closer to me. “Who gave you permission to step into my room without knocking or getting permission from me first!” he growled and I felt my blood running cold. 

Mrs. Jenkins should have told me, I wasn’t supposed to enter his room without his permission and now I had to face the consequences.

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