

Gentle caresses on the head combined with a soft-toned question about my well-being was enough for me to assume that Noah mightn’t hate me as much as I had thought. Unbothered by my nakedness and my condition, I answered him while looking at him with a hunger that suggested a yearning to be loved.

Without ridiculing me about my desire, he continued to shower me with gentleness. There, however, was another question that came my way. Appearing more disappointed than hurt, he wondered why I gave up on something as beautiful as our relationship, claiming there was no way I would find a love like that again.

“I didn’t,” I responded, appearing just as displeased with our current situation. “I have only ever loved you.”

“What am I supposed to make of the pictures I received and your rendezvous with Seth then?” asked Noah, letting go of me.

While I begged the entire evening to be left alone, I could feel my heart break when he finally freed me from his grasp. After leaving me there, he was going to take my sister on a date, something he had promised a few hours ago. The mere thought of imagining him in my sister’s arms made me a little upset.

“I’m not sure about the photos, but I do not remember ever participating in a shoot with a naked guy,” I responded, burying my head in the pillow. “As far as Seth is concerned, you have no right to be bothered by him. You and I are no longer dating.”

“Oh no, Christie,” refused Noah, taking hold of my wrist harshly to make me look into his wild eyes. “Since you’ll be carrying my children for me, I have every right to be bothered by it.”

“You’re married. You have your wife with you. Who do I have with me? Why do you think I can spend my life alone?” I snapped back, while simultaneously writhing in pain from his hardening grasp.

“Aren’t you afraid of me, Christie? Do you not know what I’m capable of?” asked the man, unhappy with my ability to defy him. “If you will not comply with what has been instructed, I’m afraid I might do something to your best friend, Seth, as well.”

“Why him? He’s the only person left who genuinely cares about me,” I argued, as I let my tears fall on my face, because of the pain that I was being subjected to.

He finally let go of my wrist and grabbed my throat before declaring, “You do not deserve to be loved by anybody. You are nothing more than livestock - born to deliver young ones, and then butchered in the end.”

As my face began to turn blue out of breathlessness, he finally let go of my throat. With fear embedded in my eyes, I coughed up and then told him, “Someday you’ll come to regret this, but you won’t receive my forgiveness, Noah.”

“I do not dwell on such possibilities,” responded the cruel one, wearing his blazer and leaving.

“I despise you,” I cried out, frustrated with his unwillingness to see the truth. “Maybe you never loved me. That’s why it’s easier for you to believe bogus evidence. If I wanted to cheat, why would I allow it to be captured in a photograph?”

There was nobody to listen to my complaints. Those who did hear it didn’t care. I knew I was going to die sooner or later if I were to stay stuck in that room anymore. That’s why I got dressed and tip-toed towards the door.

The guard dogs were still outside my bedroom, unleashed and prepared to bite me, something that obviously deterred me from going outside. I returned to my desk and rested my head on my hands, wondering what I could do to change my circumstances.

After much deliberation, I thought of a brilliant idea. I had a hunch that dogs would warm up to me once I presented them with food. That’s why I called for the butler and asked him to prepare me a steak. I hadn’t eaten anything since the previous day, so he agreed to it without suspecting a thing.

After precisely an hour, I had steak and rice on my table, good enough to appeal to the taste buds of many. I, therefore, grew confident that I would be able to tempt the dogs with it. As soon as the butler left, I cut the steak into two equal halves and threw it to the dogs.

As the beasts got engaged with munching on the food, I rushed towards the door effortlessly without facing any resistance. Since Noah was convinced that I wouldn’t be able to dodge the dogs, he didn’t think it necessary to employ any guards at the exit gate.

I, consequently, escaped. Since I had no phone, money, or vehicle, I was forced to walk all the way to Seth’s place. I couldn’t afford to show my face in my own family. I was convinced that my parents would’ve accused me of eloping while making sure to give me a hard time.

Therefore, Seth’s place seemed like a safe haven. I didn’t care about Noah’s threats. He was also on a date with his wife. Why can’t I spend time with my best friend? Besides him, I didn’t trust anybody else, not after what I had been experiencing for a few days.

As soon as I reached the overly concerned friend of mine, he panicked to see me looking so tired and weak and hurried me inside his home and offered me food and drink. While pitying me, he continued to ask me, “Where have you been for the last two days?”

“I will tell you everything once I am better,” I answered, unwilling to talk about it at that moment. “Also, can I stay with you for a few weeks?”

I couldn’t go home, as Noah would be waiting there for me.

Neha M

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