

As the sun’s rays kissed the horizon, casting a golden warm hue over the translucent curtains, I stirred a little, still very much asleep. Slowly, my eyes fluttered open, greeted by the vastness of the luxurious room I found myself in.

The bed, an opulent piece of furniture, provided me with immense comfort with its bouncy mattress and soft covers. With confusion being the only feeling prevalent in my head, I sat up, allowing the sheets to fall to reveal my bare body, which helped uncover the reason for the soreness in my body. There was blood between my thighs and visible bruises and love bites all over my body.

Oblivious to what had happened to me the previous night, I looked around me to observe not a single soul, but an empty room adorned with elegant furniture and exquisite paintings. Scanning the breathtaking walls, I mumbled, “Where am I? Who brought me here?”

I swung my legs to the left periphery of the bed and then put them down on the floor with the softest rug. When I finally stood up, it felt as if I was resting my feet on a cloud. The soreness, however, from what I had gone through the previous night made it cumbersome to walk forward.

Other than that, I experienced a severe headache, something that made it extremely tricky to stay erect. Nonetheless, I didn’t succumb to the pain. Instead, I kept walking to the end of the room, where I found a bathrobe, hanging at the back of the bedroom door.

Upon donning the bathrobe, I quit the room, being led to a broad and wide corridor with several rooms. It, however, didn’t seem that a lot of people were living here, for I couldn’t hear any sounds.

“What is this place?” I spoke, continuing to move forward.

When I descended the stairs, I got to the dining area. There was a wide window adjacent to it, which provided a view of the outside. My breath hitched to the breathtaking view that stretched before me, wondering if it had something to do with Noah. Who else could afford all that luxury? But, he was married to my sister, Anna, right?

Shortly, I heard someone clearing their throat. That’s when I looked behind me to find a lady approaching me from behind. Dressed in all black, she came towards the table with a tray carrying tea and sandwiches.

“Good morning, Miss Jennings,” wished the lady with a warm smile, setting the tray on the table. “Master asked me to deliver your breakfast to you.”

Not as keen about heeding my hunger pangs as prepared to find out about her “master”. I demanded to know the name of the man who had brought me to that mansion, something that the lady didn’t have to answer. The man responsible for the bites on my neck and sore legs appeared on his own.

The man with the tall stature walked towards me, as his hazel eyes scanned me from the bottom to the top, appearing anything but guilty of what he had done to me. At that same time, the elder lady exited the setting, leaving me alone with her master.

“How dare you, Noah? How could you do this to me?” I roared.

Unaffected by my vociferous confrontation, he kept reducing the distance between us until we were close enough for him to grab my face before asking me, “What is it that you’re trying to accuse me of, seductress?”

“Seductress? How can you even call me that? Are you sure you're not the one who’s at fault here?” I demanded to know, frustrated with his unwillingness to recognize his own mistake. “Don’t you think that the one who assaults the other person should be considered guilty here?”

“I never assaulted you, baby girl,” responded the man, as his hand slid from my face to my shoulder. “You wanted me to fuck you, and I simply relented to it.”

“Are you out of your mind? Why would I want to have a sexual relationship with my sister’s husband?” I asked with tears pouring down my cheeks. “I could never do that to her.”

“If that’s how it is, then why did I receive so many texts from you last night begging me to make love to you?” questioned Noah with a smile, appreciating the marks he’d left on my neck while revealing the texts he’d received from me. “If anything, I am not at fault here, as I have only done justice to your desires by impregnating you.”

“You ruined my life,” I argued, wiping my eyes with my fingers. “But, I will not let this ruin my sister’s life. I would abort the child if I actually conceived it.”

The tender look in his eyes suddenly transformed into a volatile one, as he firmed his hold over my throat before threatening me to reveal his infidelity to my sister, something that I knew would break her heart. I, hence, begged him to never reveal to her what had happened between us.

“In that case, you mustn’t abort my child,” warned the man, appearing furious. “If something were to happen to my child, I would not think twice before revealing our little affair to your innocent older sister.”

“You’re a heartless bastard, Noah,” I lashed out upon being stuck with very limited and unpleasant choices.

Unfastening the belt that had held the bathrobe together to reveal my body, the man asked me with a devious grin, “Who do you think should be blamed for this?”

Covering my breasts with my hands, I lamented my ill fate, “I don’t know what I did to deserve this, but I will ensure that you pay dearly when the time comes.”

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