

As much as I wanted to avoid it, I was instructed by my parents to join them for dinner. Nonetheless, I had made up my mind that I wouldn’t go until a number of threats were issued against me, which included throwing me out of the house if I failed to show up.

Compelled by my ugly circumstances, I thus got ready. Though a meeting with Noah was unavoidable, I feared coming face-to-face with the man. Having been exposed to his capriciousness, I was afraid that he might reveal our previous night’s adventure to my family, something that was guaranteed to get me more than just disownment.

“I need to make sure that he doesn’t talk about it. It was an innocent mistake that I am willing to put behind me,” I said, convinced that we could move past it. “If he lets it go, it’ll be like the last night never happened.”

Giving myself the necessary assurance about things turning out fine, I zipped the back of my dress and prepared myself to face my family. As soon as I reached the staircase, I heard the voice of the man I had been trying to escape since the morning. Even when my heart protested against it, I descended the stairs to join my family.

Struggling not to appear bothered, I deliberately tried looking elsewhere when greeting Noah. Despite hating me, the guy didn’t say anything to me that might get me in trouble. Instead, he asked me, “Where did you go on the day of our wedding? I tried looking for you, but I couldn’t find you,”

Feigning a smile, I answered as I pulled a chair for myself to sit, “I was at my friend’s place.”

Anna, who was sitting adjacent to her husband, offered me a warm smile before asking me, “Are you feeling better now?”

Not motivated to become a part of the conversation, I just nodded and settled in my chair. Though I have had anything but misfortune plaguing me, I managed to avoid becoming the subject of their discussion. Instead, they focused on talking about the taste of the food, appreciating my sister’s culinary skills and how fortunate Noah was to marry her.

I wanted to disappear whenever Noah vouched for his affection for my sister, something that shouldn’t happened. I thought I was over him. Why then I felt my heart sink in my chest when he swore he couldn’t have found anybody better than Anne? Wasn’t I supposed to be over him?

The hurt that I felt made it evident that there was still a significant amount of attachment that I had for him. The fact that he was my sister’s husband inspired me not to allow the sadness to reflect on my face. So, I kept swallowing it until I couldn’t do it anymore.

Getting up from my chair, I excused myself. Before I could leave, my mother pointed out, “But, you’ve barely eaten anything. At least, finish your soup.”

“I’m full,” I said, intentionally avoiding looking at my mother’s face.

Displayed with my eagerness to leave, my mother urged, “Stay with us until your sister and brother-in-law are here.”

Even when he could’ve known how much it bothered me to see him expending his affection on my sister, he didn’t hold back from kissing her on her left cheek in front of everyone. Since they were married, I knew I was in the wrong to be upset from seeing them together.

It was around that time that my phone began buzzing with so many messages. They were from Seth, who seemed to be upset by my unannounced leave. As I knew I would’ve never been able to come back to my house if it hadn’t been for him, I apologised to him instantly, something that caught Noah’s eyes.

He had a big frown on his face, as his disapproving eyes rested on me. Although I didn’t have anything going on with Seth, I was satisfied to see Noah getting frustrated. Following that, he quickly stood up and informed us how he and my sister had rented an apartment near our place, so that they could stay in closer to us.

Obviously thrilled with the news, my mother asked him, “Would you be then expecting us to visit you more often?”

“Definitely,” answered the man, looking at me. “I am looking forward to our future associations.”

Having made up my mind about not seeing Noah ever again, I didn’t respond. My parents, on the other hand, very enthusiastically promised him that we would be visiting them the coming weekend, which I hoped wouldn’t include me.

Satisfied with our unpleasant second encounter, Noah left with a palpable grin on his face. My sister, who had been observing my unwillingness to speak, hugged me and expressed her desire to see me again before following her husband to the outside.

Once they’d left the house, I turned towards the staircase, prepared to leave for my room until my mother grabbed me by my wrist. Unsure about her reasons for stopping me, I asked her, “What do you want now?”

“Do you take us for fools, Christie?” confronted my mother, unhappy with my conduct.

“What did I do now?” I exclaimed, snatching my wrist from her. “Could you perhaps clarify, Mother?”

“Your reluctance to join your sister in her very first dinner as a newlywed was easily visible,” carped my mother, crossing her arms and resting them on her chest.

Having had learnt how my words held no value in front of my sister’s needs and sorrows, I chose not to respond and left for my bedroom. My parents were unhappy with my behaviour. I, nonetheless, didn’t stop for anybody, as I couldn’t discuss the reasons behind my prominent frown during our dinner with my brother-in-law, who had been my boyfriend a few days ago.

Before I could heave a sigh of relief, I found a note resting on my desk. It had the name of the writer. It was from Noah. He instructed me to meet him in his mansion by the evening, something that went against my resolve of not wanting to see him again.

Neha M

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