

There was no answer. How can there be one? His unwillingness to speak assured me that he knew that he was in the wrong for expecting me to carry his child. Nonetheless, he didn’t let go. He was still holding on to my shoulders.

“Why did you marry my older sister if you had no intentions of planning a family with her?” I asked, trying to guilt-trip him into considering my sister.

“I didn’t propose it. It was your parents who had been pursuing me to consider your sister as a potential partner since the day I got acquainted with your family. I merely relented,” answered the man, pinpointing the blame on my family for his marriage to my sister.

Although I knew I wouldn’t be able to get my point across to him, I couldn’t stop myself from crying out, “If that was the case, why did you agree to it? Did you think about the fact that you were dating me before accepting the proposal from my family to marry my sister?”

“I did consider us for years until you cheated on me,” declared Noah, shifting the blame on me for his marriage. “If you hadn't cuckolded me, I wouldn’t have been married to your sister.”

My face turned red with uncontrollable rage as I reiterated for the hundredth time, “I didn’t cheat on you. I don’t even know the man lying beside me in the photograph.”

“Since you never drank alcohol before my wedding to your sister, you cannot say that the picture with that man is a consequence of your inebriety,” declared Noah, finally letting go.

Displeased with the bitter confrontation, I demanded to be dropped back at my home. The man shook his head and asked me to make myself comfortable, for he wasn’t going to let me out.

Taken aback by the mere audacity of the unsympathetic man, I asked him, “Why would I?”

“What other choice do you have? If you can manage to escape this place on your own, then be my guest,” stated the man, lying down on the bed.

The room was locked. I couldn’t even escape the bedroom, let alone the mansion. Consequently, I had to ask, “Where is the key to this room’s lock?”

“Beats me,” answered the unfazed one, grinning while relaxing and staring at the ceiling.

“Don’t you know this abduction could get you in trouble, Noah?” I asked, trying to put some sense into him.

Unbothered as usual, he invitingly patted the bed and instructed me to join him, “Come here, Christie!”

“Are you being serious? How can you demand something of that sort from me when you’re married to my sister?” I asked, disappointed by his inability to feel any compassion for Anne. “What is her fault in all of this? Why must she suffer because of me?”

“There can neither be any discussions nor any agreements until you join me in bed, honey,” stated the aloof one, loosening his tie.

“Have you no conscience? Don’t you feel sickened with yourself for cheating on your wife?” I asked, as my loathing for the man transformed into the tears in my eyes.

“You will not receive any answers until you join me in bed, Christie,” said the adamant one, unable to budge.

Pensively, I walked towards the bed, weighing all the limited options that were available to me. I couldn’t think of anything that might ensure my escape. It was probably because of my anxious mind.

“You’re not leaving until I want you to,” declared Noah, grabbing my hand and pulling me closer to him.

Losing my balance because of the sudden pull, I dropped onto the bed and landed in his arms. The fall made me even more uncomfortable. Other than that, the heat that emanated from his body left me with flushed cheeks and that same ugly desire to be loved, something that I was truly ashamed of.

“Even though you keep arguing with me about how unfair I’ve been to your sister, can’t you see you’ve been doing the same?” asked the shameless man, sniffing my neck and leaving me excited.

“Don’t do this anymore,” I begged, while simultaneously acknowledging my mistake. “I know I’ve gone weaker in my resolve to get rid of our relationship in the past and broke my sister's trust in the process.”

Sliding his fingers from my face to my neck, he demanded, “Why don’t you just confess already that you still cannot control yourself around me?”

“That’s true indeed,” I concurred with tears in my eyes. “I still do have feelings for you, but I genuinely want to end our relationship. I cannot afford to hurt my sister.”

“What about your desires?” asked Noah, sliding his hands inside my blouse, unclasping the hooks of my bra and removing it. “Do you have the necessary resolve to deny yourself the pleasure of my touch?

“Don’t go any further,” I urged in a weak voice, as I felt him grab my breast with his left hand.

“Are you sure you don’t want my touch?” asked the man, sliding his other hand inside my skirt and then reaching for my panties. “Are you sure you don’t want me to pleasure you?”

My lips trembled as soon as his hand dove inside my panties and made its way towards my very excited and moist lady part. While pinching my breast, he started rubbing me enough to cultivate a desire within me to have him inside me. My resolve was shaken again.

“Don’t go any further than this,” I said, giving him a hard push. “I don’t want to drown in my guilt anymore. I cannot do this to my sister.”

Neha M

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