

Looking at my empty inbox, my mind couldn’t help but race back to last Valentine's Day. It still seemed like it was just yesterday when Noah and I held each other’s hand, dreamed of spending a lifetime together and promised to take on the world.

The last Valentine's was different. I was neither blue nor hopeless. I didn’t hate Noah. He also loved me. Our hearts used to beat at the same rhythm. While his lips adorned my face with kisses, my joys were a consequence of his words.

It surely was the happiest time of my life. Life didn’t seem as heavy. The daily challenges weren’t as threatening. It wasn’t hard to wake up the next day, because I knew he would be there to hold me if I were to fall.

Now, there was a huge cavity in my chest. It continued to grow bigger with every passing day, reminding me of what I had lost. I kept thinking about how I would never be able to relive those moments again in which I had somebody to tend to my every need.

“What’s up with me? Why am I thinking about the past?” I questioned myself, recognizing how it wasn’t the most fruitful thing to do.

Even though I knew the answer to what I had asked, I didn’t want to say it out loud. I didn’t want to admit that I was still very much in love with Noah, and how it still hurt to see him with my older sister. The acceptance of such a feeling was assured to wreak havoc in my mind. Having grown devastated, I decided not to think about it anymore.

Consequently, I advanced towards the bathroom to take my bath. Before I could get rid of my clothes, my phone began buzzing loudly. Alerted, I rushed towards it to find out that it was Noah who was calling me.

“What could he want so early in the morning?” I muttered, looking worriedly at the phone’s glowing screen.

Since there was no other way to find out the purpose behind the video call, I had to answer it. It was then that I saw him sitting in his bed, dressed in his formals. One could easily tell that he was prepared to leave for the office.

“You should be in the office by now, shouldn't you?” I asked, trying to get him to communicate his purpose behind the call.

It was as if my words were a breeze. They didn’t affect him. Instead of responding, he commanded, “Get rid of your clothes and touch yourself!”

“W-What?” I asked with visible panic on my face. “Are you being serious right now?”

“I do not have time to waste on you,” spoke the man again, loosening his tie.

“Why do you think I would do that?” I asked, dumbfounded.

“Haven’t we already decided that you’ll follow my every instruction? Why must you protest against it?” questioned Noah, displeased with the refusal.

“I can’t do that,” I said, conscious of the fact that he belonged to someone else. “You are married.”

“Should I then call your mother and send her a screenshot of our private chats from the day of my wedding?” questioned the manipulative man.

Without putting on much of a fight, I placed my phone on the dressing table, lifted my t-shirt and then removed it. Lusting over my body, he demanded me to get rid of my shorts as well. Not having much of a choice, I removed my bottom as well and stood before him in my lingerie alone.

“You have such a beautiful body,” blurted out the man unintentionally, overtaken by his desires. “Now, get rid of the rest of your clothes.”

Hesitatingly, I unclasped my bra, pulled down my panties and stood completely bare before him. Satisfied to see me with no clothes, he further demanded that I touch myself. Even though I wasn’t comfortable with it, I complied for the sake of keeping my secrets buried in his chest.

I took my phone, placed it vertically on my bed and lay down before it to perform what had been asked of me. Slowly but passionately, I touched and pinched the centre of my left breast while simultaneously sliding my right hand from my waist to the middle of my thighs.

“Little lady, insert those fingers into your wet haven and make a mess in front of the camera!” instructed the man, unzipping his pants and taking hold of his manhood.

By continuing to pinch and rub my breasts, I inserted my fingers in my honeypot, letting out deep moans in the process. Turned on by my performance, he began stroking his manhood as well. Since I imagined being kissed and loved by him, it didn’t take me long to finish.

He, too, made a mess and let out powerful groans before ending the video call, something that ensured me that I had solely been used for satisfying his lust. Regretting everything, I burst out in tears, wishing to get swallowed by the earth or struck by the lightning.

“Why do I always end up in more trouble every time I get entangled with him?” I questioned myself, brimming with sorrow.

Before I could put my thoughts to rest, I received a text from my sister in which she requested to see me. Since I knew I was a bitch for sleeping with my sister’s husband, I couldn’t muster the courage to respond to her. I simply sobbed before dragging myself into the bathroom, regretting every single thing that I had done since my sister's wedding.

Not only had I fucked my brother-in-law, but I also had been cultivating feelings for him, something that wasn't my right. I, therefore, felt it was now impossible for me to talk to my sister ever again.

Neha M

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goodnovel comment avatar
Reverence Myname
Steamy ... Loving every chapter. It’s getting so hot.

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