

“Where did Noah get these pictures of me hugging Seth?” I wondered, speculating if Noah had paid somebody to spy on me. “Is it possible that I am still being followed behind by that person?”

Cautious of being caught in another strange exchange with Seth, I shook his hand before bidding him goodbye. Since I felt that I could’ve been getting trailed by somebody, I didn’t want to give them more opportunities to tarnish my relationship with my best friend in front of Noah.

“Is everything alright? Why do you seem to be in a hurry to get rid of me?” asked a confused Seth, unwilling to let go of my hand.

Forcing a smile on my face, I lied, “It’s nothing. Since it’s really warm outside, I want to hurry inside the campus.”

“Your first class is about to start in five minutes, so that would be the most ideal thing to do,” responded Seth with a smile, being gentle as usual.

After that, we went in opposite directions. I exerted a breath of relief, hoping the person who had been spying on me wouldn’t have entered the campus. I was now prepared to attend the very first class of the day until two men in black suit approached me.

“W-What do you want from me?” I asked, terrified of their monstrous stature and build.

Not fond of chit-chatting, they grabbed me by the arms and began dragging me away towards a luxurious Mercedes Benz. Since I recognised from their fierce expression that they might twist and break my bones if I were to put on a struggle, I didn’t try to do anything that might upset them.

Once I was pushed inside the back passenger seat of the car, I got to face the very man responsible for this abduction, Noah. Completely poised, he threatened me about the consequences of defying him before asking me to calm down.

“Why did you send people to escort me here?” I asked, while simultaneously trying to take control of my uneasy breathing.

Instead of providing me with a response, he placed his hand over my mouth and allowed me to rest my head in his lap. After demanding that I keep my mouth shut, he wrapped a silk cloth around my eyes.

I had no clue where I was going to be taken. If anything, I believed I mightn’t make out of it alive. Consequently, my body seemed to tremble uncontrollably even when I took heavy breaths to calm myself down.

After almost an hour, we reached the desired destination. I was then pushed out of the car and directed to the inside of a property. Once the footsteps that had surrounded us disappeared, Seth helped me in getting rid of my blindfold.

Upon taking a notice of the room with red walls, a single bed and no other furniture, I obviously panicked and began running away from the man responsible for all of my troubles only to collide with a locked door.

Amused to see me struggle, Noah declared, “You cannot leave until I wish for it to happen.”

Unsure about the reason behind the abduction, I asked him, “Why are you doing this to me?”

“I would like to ask you the same thing,” responded the man, mitigating the distance between us until he was next to me.

Once he was close enough, he placed his hands on each of my shoulders, restricting my movements. He then maintained the most uncomfortable stare, allowing his serpentine gaze to penetrate mine.

Bringing his mouth closer to my ear, he asked me, “Why did you go out on a date with that loser, Seth?”

Before I could answer, he seductively began kissing and sucking my neck. His wet tongue casted magic on my skin, leaving me aroused. Since I couldn’t allow him to have his way with me, I placed my palms over his chest and tried to push him off while answering, “Seth and I are just good friends.”

“Is this how you want to play with me, Christie?” asked Noah, giving me a harsh push before taking hold of my collar. “Do you think I’m an idiot that I’ll trust a shameless woman like you again?”

“But, he’s just my frie-“

Before I could complete my sentence, Noah placed his palm over my mouth, demanded me to stay mum, and then asked me, “Pictures speak a thousand words, don’t they? Did you look at the pictures that I had shared with you? The ones in which you were cosying up to your friend in a café?”

Although I wanted to give him an answer, the guy didn’t move his hand from my mouth, leaving me helpless in the situation. He then continued to tarnish my relationship with Seth, claiming it to be a consequence of unquenchable lust.

“Does he know who you’ve been fucking for the last few weeks?” questioned a ballistic Noah, probably envious of Seth.

There was so much that I wanted to say to clear my name, but his bloodshot red eyes and flared nostrils made it impossible to open my mouth. The calmness that he projected in the car before had disappeared.

Frustrated by the unfair treatment, I removed his hand from my mouth to gain back the power to protect my name. I, then, spoke, “I never knew you could be this insecure that you had to go out of your way to abduct me upon seeing me having coffee with another man.”

“What did you say? Insecure? Me?” scoffed the proud man, unwilling to accept his flaw. “Since you’ll be carrying my child for me, I don’t want you to fuck other men for the time being.”

“Why do you want me to carry your child? Aren’t you married?” I asked, disgusted by the fact that I was viewed as a mere means to achieve an end.

Neha M

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