

Disregarding the instructions given to me by the unruly man, I decided to spend the night at home, something that didn’t go as smoothly as I had planned. I kept receiving calls from Noah, which all went unanswered. I had no intention of getting entangled with him anymore.

He, however, wasn’t fine with it. He issued innumerable threats because of my indifference. He promised to not only reveal the truth of my previous night’s sin but also present before my sister the texts that he had received from me in which I was allegedly begging him to sleep with me. I clearly didn't remember texting him. It was perhaps a consequence of my drunkenness.

Although I recognized the dangers of resisting him, I stayed firm in my decision to never get involved with Noah again. Burying, thus, my head in my pillow, I hoped my phone would stop buzzing soon. It was indeed my naivety that made me think I could escape the stubborn one like this.

No matter how irritated I seemed, the whole day’s affairs had exhausted me enough to make me tired and insensitive to my surroundings. That’s why I didn’t open my eyes when I felt two strong arms grabbing me by the waist. Soon enough, the intruder rested his head on my shoulder and stated, "Good girls do not sleep with windows open, Christie."

The intruder’s hands tightened around my waist, and I was pulled closer to the person lying behind me. When a familiar minty scent hit my nostrils, I opened my eyes in astonishment. Disturbed, I turned to come face-to-face with the very man I had been trying to avoid.

More panicked than furious, I demanded from the bold one the purpose behind the intrusion, something that I should’ve known wasn’t going to be easy. From the moment he had seen the false and edited images of me lying naked beside a man, he had seemed to make it the sole objective of his life to torment and humiliate me at every possible opportunity.

“Did you think you could escape me?” asked the unfazed one. “What were you thinking when you kept ignoring my calls?”

“Just what I’ve been telling you for the past two days. I do not wish to get involved with you anymore,” I responded, a little louder than usual.

By exhibiting clear disregard for my wishes, he grabbed my hands and pulled me closer to him. Consequently, my head crashed into his hard chest. Though I knew he was married to my sister, my body showed signs of excitement. It became shamelessly warm in expectation of receiving his affection, and my heart beat faster. Why was it that my body still wanted that monster?

“Even when you try to push me away, your face tells me how much you desire me,” claimed the audacious man, forgetful of the fact that he was my brother-in-law.

My mind and body were at war. Though I knew about the parameters of our relationship, my aroused body yearned for his touch. That realization resulted in feeling shame and pain, something that managed to leave me teary-eyed. At that moment, I wanted nothing but somebody to put me in chains, because it was physically painful to lie beside him and not touch him.

“What do you think I did to deserve this?” I worked up the courage to mouth the words, hoping to be released from his grasp.

Despite feeling remorse for the harassment, he developed a smirk on his face while declaring, “It’s penance for what you’ve put me through.”

“Haven’t I already told you that I didn’t cheat on you? That picture is edited,” I blurted out, angrily. “I don’t even know the man who is lying beside me in the picture.”

Noah let go of my hands only to grab my jaw before asking me, “Should I show you a video clip of your private moment with that man then? Would that be sufficient to make you confess your sins?”

“How can there be a video of it when I clearly don’t remember spending time with that man?” I asked, perplexed by the sudden claim.

“Do you want me to show you the proof to you?” reiterated the man, gazing at me with his emerald eyes which reflected the hatred that stirred within his heart for me.

It was then that he showed me the video as well. I seemed to be sleeping next to a blonde-haired, beautiful man whom I had never seen before in my life. I couldn’t believe my eyes and muttered in confusion, “How can this be?”

“Would you still vouch for your innocence?” demanded Noah, exhibiting disgust on his face before finally pushing me away from him.

“But I don’t remember this,” I said in my defence. “I don’t remember seeing that man.”

“Revenge is not my only motive in coming to you,” declared Noah, ignoring my words and maintaining that despicable grin. “I am here to remind you that you are powerless in front of me. If you were to think of retaliating against me, it would cost you dearly.”

“What more will you do? You’ve already ruined me,” I said, convinced that there wasn’t anything that he could’ve done to me, for I knew the truth about my relationship with him would soon make its way to my older sister and my parents.

Conscious of the fact that my life would be ruined if anybody were to find out our secret, the man asked me in a challenging tone, “Oh, you’re no longer afraid of having your sins revealed to your family?”

“Since you’re going to do it sooner or later, it's not sensible for me to be afraid of it,” I answered, releasing my jaw from his grasp, unwilling to be let on like a puppet.

Since the revelation of my errors would ensure the end of his engagement with me, he knew exactly what to do to change my mind. He, therefore, asked me, “Will you be fine with watching the sister you love in tears because of you?”

“I don’t want to hurt her, but there’s no other way,” I spoke, recognizing how I had run out of options. “I can’t do more damage than what I’ve unconsciously done till now.”

“Do you think your parents will be able to forgive you after finding out that you could be carrying the child of their older daughter’s husband?” questioned Noah, aware of the appropriate methods to manipulate me into changing my decision.

“But I wasn’t sober,” I said, frustrated with the grim truth that was staring me right in the eyes.

“Would it make it better that you stopped entangling with me after having spent a night at my place? Do you think you’ll be excused?” asked Noah with a smile, as he was becoming confident that he was winning.

Having lost everything, I hopelessly settled down on the bed again. While considering my very limited options, I asked him, “Why do you know my fears so well that you manipulate me into changing my mind so easily?”

The look inside his eyes changed significantly, and then he spoke, “If you loved me, you wouldn’t have to ask me that.”

“If I hadn’t loved you, why did I cry my eyes out when I learned about your intention to marry my older sister? Why do you think I was drowning myself in booze on the day of your wedding?” I demanded, trembling from discussing my feelings with him.

Cruelly, the man stated, “Do not think that I will confuse remorse with affection. You appeared sad because you’ve been defeated in your own game. You can’t fool me.”

“You might’ve loved me in the past, but you have clearly never understood me,” I argued, displeased with the turn of circumstances. “Just let me go now.”

“Let you go? How come? You’re going to bring my child into this world,” announced the man, unsympathetic in his tone.

“Why do you think I will do that when you’re already married to someone else?” I lashed out, disgusted by the perverted man’s senseless demand.

“I never said I came here to entertain your questions,” spoke the man, grabbing me by the waist and pulling me closer to him. “You will bring my children into this world. If you fail to comply, I will not waste a single second in rushing towards your family to show them the evidence of your crookedness.”

“I never knew you could be this devious, Noah,” I complained with tears in my eyes. “Have you no compassion for the woman you once loved?”

“Besides being the woman I loved, you’re also the woman who not only cheated on me but shamelessly climbed my bed to win me back even after I was married to your sister,” declared the ruthless one. “How can you expect compassion after what you’ve done to Anne and me?”

Before I could provide any further explanation, he put his right hand over my mouth and the other one between my thighs before declaring, “By the time I’m done with you, you’ll realize that you messed with the wrong man.”

His right hand then found its way towards my underwear and dived into it. With his hands exploring my sensitivity, I couldn’t help but let out muffled moans, pleading with him to stop.

Disregarding my pleas, he continued to rub and tease my lady part until I shamelessly succumbed to the pleasure that erupted from my body and ended up being taken from behind.

As soon as he began fucking me, I completely forgot about everything and everyone that should matter. I felt all the weight on my body leaving me. I only stayed loyal to the pleasures that my body was capable of producing.

Neha M

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