
Don’t keep me waiting, Blue.

Blue's POV

"What?? It didn't work!" Sarah exclaimed staring at me worriedly.

I nodded slowly, "yes. And he was really mad about it."

I could still remember the look he had on his face... he looked disappointment, but at the same time he had murderous eyes.

"Oh my goodness, what are we going to do?" Sarah voiced fearfully.

I stared at her, confused by her sudden worry. "We don't have to do anything. It is none of our business."

"Can't you see what's going on??" She asked, her eyes wide open.

"See what?" I answered, still unable to understand what she had in mind.

"The king, he got you out of your prison because he needed your flames. And now that you are of no help to him, don't you think he would want to return you back to the prison he got you from or send you out of his pack?"

I stayed quiet, her words repeating in my head. "But.. he gave Hershel until dawn to come up with a solution."

"What if he doesn't?"

I bit my lower lip, standing up from the bed. I walked around, as I tried to arrange my thoughts. He wouldn't really abandon me if he has no use for me... right?

I turned to Sarah, "he wouldn't... no.. right?"

Sarah exhaled, stood up and walked over to me. "I know you want to believe that he won't send you away. But you have to face it Blue, you are a nobody to him and I know you want to say that my next words are nothing but rumors, but King Wilder is known to not even care for his own people. The people of Night Shade Pack."

She paused, allowing me to assimilate her words. Then she continued, "And if he decides to keep you here, you might become his slave. He would use your power to his benefit, and worse... you would be trapped in this tiny underground room."

' would be trapped in this tiny underground room....'

That cannot happen to me. I want to be out there. I need to be out there. I want to see out there.

Sighing, I walked to the couch and sat down. "What would you have me do, then?"

"We run." She voiced sitting beside me on the couch, she took my hands in hers and while staring directly into my eyes, she said.. "let's run away, Blue."

I went mute for a few seconds, thinking about it a bit. I hate making hasty decision, but I'm afraid I need to be hasty in this situation.

I sighed, keeping a straight face. "Fine, let's run." I stood up, "we leave at midnight."

Sarah clapped her hands excitedly, smiling from ear to ear. Why is she so happy that we are leaving?

A knock comes on the room door, and I stared at Sarah in fright. Could it be Wilder? Is he here to chase us out, but if that's the case I don't think he would be knocking.

I sat down on the couch, composed myself then yelled, "Come in."

An elderly lady, who should probably be in her fifties walked in. She had her hair in a tight bun, and wore a maid uniform... although her uniform wasn't like the other maids I have seen in the palace. Her's demanded respect.

"Good Morning, my lady. I am the head of servant, you can call me Rosemary, my lady." She introduced herself, standing before me with an air of dignity. I guess working for the royals, somehow made her one.

"What can I do for you Rosemary?" I asked, trying not to be intimidated by her peering stares.

"You have to come with me, My lady."

"To where? And why?" I asked, crossing my legs.

"It is not my place to tell you. But for the why— it is the king's order."

I wrapped my hands around my chest in defiance. So what if is the king's order, I won't jump into a lake all because he ordered me to??

"I will not move an inch from here, Rosemary. Tell that to you king." I replied in a lazily tone.

She turned around, clapped her hands twice and four female servants rushed into the room. "Take her." Rosemary ordered.

The girls proceeded to grab me, but the moment they got closer my head lit up in blue fire and they jumped back in fright.

I stood up, and glared at them my eyes sparkling in my fire. "I can see your king didn't tell you, that I am a dangerous woman."

I smirked at them, my flames intensified. "I will burn everyone one of you to ashes, if you get closer again."

The head servant immediately went on her knees, bowing her head. "Please forgive my rudeness, and that of my subordinates, my lady." She apologized, and the rest of her crew followed in her footsteps.

I sat down back, crossed my legs with my hands folded on my chest. "Whatever. Now leave."

I can't believe that walking man of hotness wants to throw me out of his palace. If I am to leave, I would be the one doing so and in my own terms.

"I... I can't leave this room without you, my lady. The king would have me beheaded, if that happens. Please my lady, save my life."

Oh my goodness, what the hell is going on? Why would he have her beheaded, just because she couldn't get me out of this room?

I stared at Sarah and she shrugged, also having no idea of what's going on.

I mean— Is Wilder really that wicked?

"Fine. Lead the way." I sighed in resignation, standing up. Sarah stood up too.

Following Rosemary, she led me out of the underground room and to a much more bigger room in the main palace building.

I have to say that from this very moment I failed to understand the event that was happening around me.

I was stripped off my clothes, bathed, then I was made to wear the most beautiful apparel I had ever set my eyes on.

My hands, ears and neck was adorned with beautiful gold jewelries. A little bit of makeup was done on my face, I had a hairdo and finally I was ready, after putting on my shoes.

But the question is... what was I getting ready for?

"Do you have any idea, where they are taking us to?" Sarah whispered to me, as we walked out of the big room and down the really long hallway.

I shook my head sideways, in reply.

We followed the head of servant silently, and soon she stopped in front of two gigantic doors. She turned around, smiling at me. "Congratulations in advance, My lady."

Okay... why is she congratulating me??

The guards standing before the giants doors opened both doors, and I walked into the room with Sarah behind me.

I gasped in shock on seeing that the room which is actually so big is occupied by a lot of people. And right at the other end of the room, was Wilder Reagan standing before an altar, gazing at me softly.

He took a step towards me and the closer he got the more familiar his clothe looked. Wilder Regan is dressed in a traditional wedding clothe.


I stared down at my dress, and then it clicked— my extremely beautiful dress, is actually a traditional wedding gown.

I am getting married, and Wilder Reagan is my husband?

"Don't tell me that I am your maid of honor." Sarah whispered in my ear, and I nodded slowly, "I think you are." I answered, feeling dazed.

Halting before me, Wilder Reagan stretched forth his hand with an impatient smile on his face. "Don't keep me waiting, Blue." He voiced.

Still in a dazed, I claimed his hands. I... I am getting married to Wilder Reagan.

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